One thing about J-Rube falling in love with a Paul Ryan presidential candidacy is that it allows her to get right with the party base she has been alienating as she attacks people like Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
On the other hand…
…who does she think she’s kidding?
That photo is shopped; the original reads “40.”
Rubin’s like a dog which loves her latest owner so much, she can’t stop slobbering, drooling, and licking on him.
As a pundit, she’s got less insight into things than a mushroom.
Wow. When I read things like this observation by Rubin, it really brings home what a truly bizarre and detached-from-reality dimension that the right wing world actually is. There is so little objective evidence for anything that she says.
It seems to be a world much like The Wizard of Oz; where there are fields of bright poppies wafting with sleep inducing pollen, skies full of flying monkeys, and castles in which reside wise and magical soothsayers. And all of this is provided for the benefit of those lucky enough to be born wearing the ruby slippers of right wing privilege. And only they can actually see these things.
Go ahead Jennifer. Close your eyes, click your heels together three times and repeat after me, “There’s no one like Ryan. There’s no one like Ryan. There’s no one like Ryan.”
She probably still misses Mitt. Breakup are hard. 🙁
The Republican Party is built around cognitive dissonance, projection, and outright delusion.
They are lost.