If allowing the Pearl Harbor attacks to happen hasn’t much tarred Franklin Roosevelt’s reputation, it is unclear to me why Hillary Clinton should be subject to so much abuse about the tragic loss of American lives in Benghazi, Libya. After all, the country was relieved of it’s tyrannical and insane leader at little overall cost to the United States. If you want to claim that Libya isn’t much better off for it, well, I predicted that, but it’s a different argument. When you go to war and partially occupy a country, there will be casualties. Some of those casualties will be the result of poor decisions on your part. They aren’t somehow disqualifying for further service to your country. But J-Rube gives the game away in her second paragraph:

First, of course, every politician (ahem, a Northeastern governor) is held responsible for what goes on by underlings. The head of an organization must be held accountable for the people she hires. And, yes, leaders need to take ownership of the “culture” around them.

That’s a reference to Gov. Chris Christie, and she’s insisting without evidence that Christie isn’t directly responsible for the lane-closures on George Washington Bridge.

It is now clear that she has fallen in love with Gov. Christie and has appointed herself as his water-carrier. In a piece she published on Saturday, she attacked the credibility of MSNBC‘s reporting. But the quality of their reporting isn’t going to be determinative of what happens. Here’s why:

The New Jersey mayor who publicly claimed this weekend that Gov. Chris Christie’s administration tried to withhold hurricane relief funds met Sunday in private with the U.S. attorney for the state of New Jersey.

“This afternoon I met with the U.S. Attorney’s office for several hours at their request and provided them with my journal and other documents,” Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer said in a statement Sunday. “As they pursue this investigation, I will provide any requested information and testify under oath about the facts of what happened when the Lieutenant Governor came to Hoboken and told me that Sandy aid would be contingent on moving forward with a private development project.”

New Jersey Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno is expected to deny the allegations Monday morning and will be the first top official in Christie’s administration to address Zimmer’s charges.

Zimmer said Saturday in an interview with MSNBC that she would be willing to sign a sworn statement and testify under oath that she had been threatened by the governor’s staff to approve a development project or risk hurricane relief funding for her town of Hoboken, which was devastated by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012.

The mayor of Hoboken has already met with the U.S. Attorney and provided them with her journal and other documentation. It doesn’t matter how J-Rube spins things or whether she is convincing or unconvincing. All that matters is what the evidence shows and how the federal prosecutors feel about that evidence.

Either Christie gets prosecuted or he doesn’t. J-Rube doesn’t get to sit on the grand jury.