Progress Pond

Washington Post, Now More Brain-Dead

The rightward drift of the Washington Post continues unabated, as they bring the right-wing blog Volokh Conspiracy under their umbrella, even as Ezra Klein and Dylan Matthews leave out the side door. The Post‘s announcement trumpets the credentials of Eugene Volokh and his Conspiracists, but they don’t seem to be aware that they’re a gang of misfits and cranks who are prone to complaining about the absence of flag-pins and people who have qualms about torture.

The Post seems to think that these clowns will substitute for Klein and Matthews’ ability to explain stuff.

Their expertise covers free speech, religious freedom, guns, criminal procedure, environmental law, business law, national security law, and much more. Some of the contributors also have extensive records in government service, and in high-profile Supreme Court litigation: they include a former federal judge; one of the chief architects of the challenge to the Affordable Care Act individual mandate; a former general counsel for the NSA and former Assistant Secretary for Policy at DHS; and a member of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues…

This must-read source will be a great addition to The Post’s coverage of law, politics and policy.

Yes, now we will be able to gain important insights, like how Sarah Palin’s ignorance proves that she has a first-rate intelligence.

The central nervous system of the Republican Party shut down the day it became necessary to make that argument. And the Volokh Conspiracists led the way.

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