Does anyone have a theory for why we are being deluged with random shootings in malls and schools? Is it a copycat effect, where one shooting begets another? Is it something societal like the lack of opportunity for kids in their early 20’s? Is it just a random cyclical uptick that will subside on its own?
I honestly don’t know what to do about it. I mean, making it more difficult to acquire a firearm might help a little bit, and making sure that background checks are done to keep guns out of the hands of known criminals and the mentally ill is a common sense precaution.
But I suspect that the real answer lies somewhere deeper, and it might not have anything specifically to do with guns.
What’s your theory?
I’m not going to say this right, but I’m beginning to wonder if gun violence isn’t the new symbol of freedom of speech. Certainly there’s virtually no govt repression of this expression. And now it’s simply coming down to I can therefore I will aka the worst reason to do something, always.
I have no solutions. I think the country is filled with people who are frustrated about any number of things, like unemployment or underemployment. They’re frustrated because they perceive their rights are being infringed upon in any number of ways. Frustration becomes anger, and pretty soon that guy texting in the theater deserves to be shot to death because someone felt his space was being invaded.
Availability of guns does matter. That murderer in the movie theater, in a normal worst case example, would have punched the texter in the nose, they would have been escorted from the theater, everyone would have gone home. But there’s a weapon in the mix, and a young guy died.
Lots of angry people with lots of guns. They feel angry and powerless, so having a gun gives them power and control. Until we can figure out a way to help people cope with life’s problems without resorting to violence, I don’t see the shootings going away.
Yes, because that’s why there are so many random shootings in Australia.
Remove the guns, remove the gun violence.
Humans have been resorting to violence since we started picking up sticks on the savannah, it’s not something we can fix easily.
No one buys a gun who isn’t anticipating using it one way or the other. A gun has one practical purpose: to maim or kill an animal (including homo sapiens). Shooting targets is just sporty practice for the kill. If a gun isn’t for the grabbing, no on gets shot. That’s not so hard to understand, now is it? The gun has bean an obsession of the US throughout its history: the right to bear arms! Yes, the gun is in the constitution. Maybe that’s what makes the US really exceptional. The country is violent, the mentality is violent, sorry, I can’t change that. Does anyone watch television or go to the movies. Dick Cheney is hardly an exception, unfortunately. War…
To tag on to this, I think the reason we’re seeing a lot more random public gun violence is the fetishization of the assault rifle. Other guns do have other uses like hunting or easy accessibility but the only reason for an assault rifle is mass murder. And as you say, people who get guns want to use them, and if you want to use an assault rifle there’s not much to do beside head on down to the mall and blow some kids away.
Same reason that global warming results in more extreme weather, same reason that turning up the heat under a pot of water results in more turbulence.
The RWNJs/Economic devastation have been turning up the heat since 2008, soon we find out whether society is more like an pot on the stove or a pressure cooker.
Right on the money.
Thank you.
First of all, it is media bait. Regardless of how frequently such attacks used to be, now they are the equivalent of the latest 9/11 as far as the media is concerned. That of course magnifies any copycat effect and any incentive to make one’s mark on the world.
Second, we are living through a global, human-caused disaster that is a failure of both public and private policy. While people might not be conscious of the human agency, deep down they know it is not a natural event and are angry. This is not the life that was expected. That anger is generalized through most of the demographics experiencing economic dislocation. Most often it is turned inward in to complacency and despair.
Third, the demographic hardest hit by the collapse of opportunity and unemployment are those aged 18-35. Especially those without any job experience of any kind at all. And these are the people who get stuck at home with parents who often are wanting them to get out on their own and treat the current unemployment as a personal failing.
Fourth, cuts in publicly-funded mental health services over the past 30 years have been slowly created serious social issues.
Fifth, the NRA and gun manufacturers have created a huge gun fetish market of repeat buyers. There is an online market in gun sales. And police corruption and local exceptions allow unregulated guns sales even in jurisdictions that have relatively stringent gun laws.
Sixth, our economy is transitioning from a sales-service economy to a security economy. Growth in jobs in law enforcement, guard services, corporate security. US society has fences and gates unlike anything ever seen in this country before, giving the lie to the US as an open society.
Seventh, for the peers and potential targets of these younger shooters, school, shopping malls, and movie theatres are the social environment. For older shooters, especially those the 50-something age group, it is the workplace and workplace shootings have increased as well and get the same sort of national media hype.
To do: Make the government the civilian employers or last resort and hire everyone who wants to work.
Declare a student debt jubilee and make higher education a free common part of the infrastructure.
Come down like a ton of bricks on any media personality, as a news reader I heard on the Columbia Mall shooting who was questioning whether it was safe for people to go out of their homes anymore.
Take away the power of lobbying groups like the NRA to astro-turf national agendas just through the application of lots of money and propaganda. This is a complicated task to figure out how to do and preserve individual liberties.
Guns will be easier to regulate in a much more prosperous economy with lower crime rates and more trust and trustworthiness.
All of this.
That said, I’d boil it down to people being sick and fucking tired of the status quo, and knowing damn well that they have absolutely no power to change anything.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that any of these people are totally sane and just upset at their employment opportunities, but for a lot of these people, there isn’t anything else they can do to change things for themselves, their families, or their friends.
And it is because our government no longer works on behalf of the citizenry and instead works to keep the rich and powerful rich while holding everyone else back.
Do that long enough and people start doing crazy things because they no longer have any hope.
Of course it’s much to easy to blame video games, but I do think it’s worth looking at the ways in which our technology has gradually eroded the boundary between fantasy and reality. Virtual reality isn’t quite what we think it is. It tends to be imagined as this total immersion thing, where you can smell and taste and touch a virtual world, but often it’s more like you’re operating in the real world and one or more virtual worlds at the same time. Like a virtual world Barack Obama is a gun-grabbing tyrant, for instance.
Or virtual worlds full of danger and excitement.
No simple answers. Take away the guns…an impossible feat considering how many there are in circulation today, barring the most efficient martial law effort ever seen on this planet (And then who’d have all the guns? UH oh!!!)…take away the guns and they’d use swords or knives or baseball bats or rocks or flammable fluids and a match. It is very easy to kill a human being. Bet on it.
Why is it increasing at a geometric rate?
People are being driven mad by fear at a geometric rate. Duh.
Fear of poverty, fear of terrorism, fear of racism, sexism and every other “ism” known to man. Also, almost no one believes the government anymore. Too many lies. There’s nowhere to turn, and eventually the weak lose it. They can at least do “something,’ no matter how horrific that something may be. Plus…I would love to see the tox scans on these killers. How many of them are drugged beyond sanity by Big Pharma from childhood? Lots, I’d bet. Lots more completely fucked up by the execrable U.S. “War On Drugs.” The drugs are winning, folks. Didja see the news from heretofore pristine Vermont?
The drugs ares winning. Just another form of terrorism, really. Poor populations getting over on their conquerers any way they can.
And what is giving the killers the permission to do this?
Video games.
Violent movies.
Violent lyrics.
Totally negative news. Bad news sells. That’s all there is to it. Profit.
The glorification of the criminal, up and down the system. Local criminals taking a life or two or three as well as national criminals on whose hands the blood of millions festers.
And every needless shooting…they are revenge shootings really, revenge for broken American dreams…is amplified by the media feedback machine. It’s included with all the other bad news in the daily violent nightlies and pushed right into the feedback system.
Here’s one example.
A local NYC network subsidiary has a nightly 11pm news program. I sometimes watch it because I need to know where I can go safely in this mess of a city…mass transit breaking down, criminal activity, bad weather made worse by a broken infrastructure, plus I like to know who’s winning and who’s losing on every level from neighborhoods and sports to graft-ridden politics…and they have a brief “Public Service” announcement every night about missing children. They post a picture of some poor kid who’s disappeared over the past number of years with a name. Then the smarmiest sounding voice that I have ever heard voiceovers this classic phrase. “Have you seen… ‘Marnie?’ ” Or Paulo or Mitch or Fanta or whoever. You can hear the quote marks around the name, I swear. Like “Yeah, right. Just what I need. Another missing kid. Oh well…I’m paid to do voiceovers, not find runaway brats.” No last name, no real info, zero apathy. Just business as usual. Like “Have you seen Fido?” “Have you seen this missing shoe?” “Have you seen hat crack in the sidewalk?” Maybe a 10 second spot. One after another, night after night, year after year. Human misery at its worst, treated like just another back page story. Which of course, it is. The front page is reserved for Schumerian announcements of national purpose.
The kids who haven’t been “lost?” Killed, kidnapped, run away, dead in a salt marsh somewhere…they see this shit and another layer of humanity is summarily stripped from them. Like I said…the weak ones break, eventually. In a country where economically-instigated, brutal foreign warfare has been the norm for over 50 years, in a country where the profits from those wars now go directly to the 1%…you have to ask “Why!!!???”
These fucked up killer people ask “Why not!!!???”
And then they go out and emulate their masters. Same weapons, same intent, different scale is all. The aim’s the same. To kill.
Bet on it.
A new paradigm.
No more Blood For Oil/Blood For Profit wars.
No more lying media.
No more lying Preznit or Congress.
No more lying media.
No more PermaGov fix.
Can it be done?
Not according to you. You support the DemRat side of the killing machine.
So it goes.
When’s it going to dawn on you?
Kiss your baby an extra special goodbye every time he goes to school or accompanies someone to the mall. At this rate pretty soon he’ll soon have the same chance of survival as did our Iraqi or Vietnamese victims.
What goes around comes around.
You don’t like what’s coming around? Then you gotta stop it from going around. One person at a time.
It really is that simple, Booman.
It really is.
We have met the enemy, and it is us.
That’s “zero empathy, of course.
“Zero apathy?” We haven’t seen that since WWII.
Bet on it.
Bullshit, Gilroy. Use a KNIFE to kill a person? You couldn’t do it. Not twice anyway. I taught hand-2-hand in the Marines (knife to knife if you MUST know), and you are so full of it your eyes are brown.
Baseball bat, knife, acid, poison and so forth: personal. Up front and IN YOUR FACE. Nearly everybody (not psychos, but everybody else) will recoil from that except under the most stark circumstances. Just ask any cop whose been on the force for more than 5 years.
Guns are impersonal. It’s easy to use them, hell if you drop the damn thing its possible (not likely, but possible) to kill someone. Unless you’re unlucky, the victim doesn’t even bleed all that much.
People get knifed every day in NYC. Not “hand-to-hand,” most often. By surprise. Everybody ain’t a Marine, DF. Not by a long shot.
You say “Nearly everybody (not psychos, but everybody else) will recoil from…[Up front and IN YOUR FACE.]”
But these people are “psychos,” to use your quaint term. They have been driven batshit nuts by this system. Who else would walk into a grammar school, a crowded mall or a political gathering and indiscriminately shoot total strangers? They know they’re going to die…that’s what they want. Out in a blaze of glory. They most often take themselves out.
They’re not “normal” people, DF. Your point does not hold.
Does anyone else find these lengthy Arthur Gilroy tirades extremely tiresome?
Gilroy, you’re a smart guy with a legitimate point of view — there’s no need for these elaborate formal games. Can’t you dispense with the cheap rhetorical drama and just succinctly make your case like everybody else? This didactic pose you constantly strike is ridiculous.
It is such a big universe, Jordan. Infinite complexity deserves more than “succinct” comments from its subjects. I am not playing formal games; I am simply trying to express what I see within the time and energy allotted to me. You don’t like it? Join the club.
The mouse is always handy.
Use it.
Little dicks.
No fear.
I think there actually is a fairly simple answer in a lot of cases. These are guys who, in times past, would’ve offed themselves in the privacy of their basements. It simply never occurred to them to do it any other way. Rather than merely seeking fame or media attention, I suspect many see going out in a blaze of glory as a much more interesting method and certainly provides the incentive to follow through with the final act rather than remain alive to face what they did. I really don’t think it’s much more complicated than that – for some of them, at least.
Doesn’t anyone remember the “Wild West”???? and how the West was Won??? Bat Masterson, Jesse James, Bill Cody all legends of their time…this nation’s love affair with firearms goes deep into our nation’s identity…It almost makes sense to equate this deep seated love affair, with the sense of “I can say anything I want if I am pointing my gun at you”…
Americans are steeped in violence. And our cultural mythologies and iconographies tell us that guns solve problems. Only 150-180 years ago we were deeply immersed in genocide based westward expansion and murder over the issue of slavery.
Americans are afraid of everyone including sharia law, the UN, and their next door neighbors. In a nation so immersed with irrational fears, why wouldn’t we all carry guns ready to use them at a moment’s notice?
I think you hit on a lot of the current reasons these incidents could be popping up. 20 somethings don’t have the extent of opportunity as people that age did in earlier decades. The gulf between rich and poor continues to widen despite help like Obamacare. I think there is more despair. The backdrop of climate change continues to pervade the zeitgeist as well. It takes on an influence that reminds me of the heavy presence of nuclear obliteration of the 60s-70s.
People with mental health issues do in fact pick up on all this.
And yet while gun accessibility is part of it, that doesn’t explain why Americans seem to be so fond of guns. So why do people reach for guns as the “solution”?
State sponsored revenge by murder:
We’re always ready to supply the wars in the world:
Our love for war porn:
Export death to other countries on bogus grounds:
Ambassador Edward Peck and Reverend Jeremiah Wright said it very well. The chickens have come home to roost.
Is there actual evidence of an uptick?
Personally I have that media and lefty blogs in particularly have become more inclined to report even on small incidents as part of efforts to drum up support for gun control.
Is there an increase in random non-gun violence?
Good question
I don’t think there is actually any uptick in such tragedies. Incidents such as what occurred in Maryland are much less frequent today than in the 1980’s and early 1980’s and have been on a declining trend since then.
I think that the outrageousness of the Newtown massacre has made the media more sensitive to interest in such narratives for the time being, so we see more coverage of them. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, either. People getting shot in public places IS pretty sensational and tragic and probably should be given more priority in national reporting than it had been.
I blame the glorifcation of violence in American cinema. films like the Godfather, Goodfella and Scarface all that as their premise that the solution to any problem is to whack someone.
Those are old movies. Older than most of the boys and young men that have been perpetrating this round of seemingly random and senseless shootings.
Shootings by gang members fighting over turf, money, etc. seems to be down. Crime of passion shootings are likely close in rate to where they’ve always been. Burglary/robbery related shootings aren’t on the increase and may also be down. It’s not even clear that these shootings are prior victims seeking revenge. Inchoate anger and/or fear and thrill seeking seems prominent in these “random” shootings.
One of the prize possessions of a first cousin of mine on my Mother’s side is a rifle (or musket) used by our Great Grandfather at first Bull Run shooting at the Yankees coming up that hill. To be sure, our love affair with firearms goes back much farther than that. The country would not have been taken from the native population without it. Factor in modern communications, the effect of movies and TV programs whose heroes save the day using their guns to kill the baddies….again, and our age old love affair is constantly reinforced. Consider too the increasing unequal distribution of wealth, the devaluing of labor, and the popular notion that if you are not rich in this country it’s your fault, and we find ourselves living with lots of angry folks who are gun toters looking for a way to release their frustrations. It may be a lot more complex than this, but I think most of the elements above do factor in to the equation.
I see a marked decline in empathy and a marked increase in despair. That’s a bad combination. I consider myself an optimist, but it’s hard to foresee how either of those conditions will be improved in the near term.
1. Violent crime has dropped precipitously since 1990 or so throughout the US. Yet, crime is still a huge story for the media.
So, it is possible that while overall violent crime has dropped, if incidents of mass shootings have risen, I’d say that the economic stagnation of the past 30+ years plus “going postal” “school shootings”, etc, coverage gives the wrong people the wrong ideas.
Sadly most of you are missing the point.
The real problem is America’s attitude of entitlement!…. “Cos’ we’re the greatest country on earth”, “the most powerful country on earth” ergo Our systems, morals, laws way of life et al “we’re the greatest people on earth, and entitled to do what we want (not what we need to do)!!
“We’re a Christian country” (well sort of… er no, in name only) the one true(?) religion (sic)).Is there one? Anyone who says yes has missed the real purpose of both religion and culture…. justifying anthropomorphic arrogance… we’re more than animal and we I /my group is are more than other homo sapiens
We don’t recognise international law unless we want to read unless it can be spun to benefit us.
When was America not at war over something? Native Americans England, Spain, Mexico, it’s own people, black(slaves), the ‘liberals'( sic) (read what liberalism really is) God knows how many countries, regimes.
Does any Average America give a shit about the NSA spying on /influencing (bullying) via the back door… friendly countries. Like Australia and… New Zealand for Krist sake, How is it a threat? They aren’t even a threat to Australia …. another Western country of apathy.
Almost everything about is bigger, louder, more brash but most importantly more Extreme
everything from it’s consumption, religion, it’s version of capitalism to the partisan nature of it’s politics. It’s even more than that America is so insular as to be a seething mass of internecine selfish animalism on steroids.
In short the Brits believed God was an Englishman, born to rule… and the Americans would argue but England was just a prototype…USA is the real deal. In truth Nationalism etc is a created tool to manage the people.
The Muslim threat? Consider this if you kick a dog often enough it will bite you ( fear self preservation all animalistic instincts). The same analogy can be applied to the black, native Americans, Hispanics, Asians etc.
I mentioned Australia they have fire arms… lots of fire arms but the last random shoot em up involving some Joe Citizen mass murder was 20 years ago. Shock horror 20+ killed! After which tighter firearm control was widely demanded and accepted. The perp is still in jail ‘mad as a ‘hatter’.
AsideWhy mad as a hatter? In the 1800’s hatters (hat makers) used lead suffered the mental retardation consequences.
Did you know. That electric cars in NY were more popular than petrol? Both were inefficient until one bright spark added lead. Even though the petrol companies knew then that it killed because of the hat makers went ahead because they held the patent to petrol not battery technology and electric power?
Oh yes the same inventor came up with CFCs for refrigerators… clever little chap what? Pity about the people. Oh yes read up on NY circa 1830- 1910 talk about an open sewer run by the robber baron land lords … they even refused the people fresh water extremist (corruption)capitalism
Take the latest drug fuelled public siege by police….Number hurt 1, someone tripped over! 4 hrs later the “Gunman” had a weapon … it wasn’t loaded and he went to court last week unharmed not shot. For some it was a spectator sport entertainment highlights at 10.
even their nearest to civil war was over in 4 days see “Eureka stockade”(1856) the key agitator became a member of parliament.
The point of all this is that without the fundamental attitude of entitlement/superiority all the rest falls.
Keep in mind that the precursor to every ‘revolution’ is the extreme nature of the disparity in wealth and opportunity. Look at the disparity (in equity[ fairness etc] not inequality) spurred the (black) civil rights.
The error made in their ongoing battle is that the emphasis is on ‘replacing’ one set of prejudice for another i.e. black rights as opposed to Civil rights as was the call then… everyone can argue for civil rights (but Black or women’s rights… They are perceived as THEIR rights [ownership].
The anti firearm lobby are allowing the other side to set the agenda by appropriating the language and redefining/redefinitioning it.. fear mongering and there lies the other part of America’s problem….. personalising everything to the first person and thus over simplifying everything….choices i.e. Child serving large (grown up) or supasize. Freedom =Rights of speech or communistic control (sic) one extreme or the other et al.
Bhutan is a poor country but emphasises ‘Gross National Happiness’ look it up it’s interesting reading. Obscene wealth is very rare and the proportions ( 80% of the national wealth is in the hands of 98% of the people) NOT like USA where 1% owns 50% of the nations wealth the top 10% own 80%.
or the like.
“Random” is the wrong word. these are in fact rampage killings with suicide by cops of the shooter as part of the deal.
the shooting at the mall in Maryland was a copycat of the one-week earlier shooting at the grocery store in Elkhart, IN, which was in turn a copycat shooting at…
There’s NO mystery here, there is a definite pattern. After the shooting of congresswoman Giffords, I did my own informal study/profile of the shooters.
I can post the entire thing here, but here’s the shorter version:
Most of the shooters are young white males. Most if not ALL of them have mental problems, they are on or off various meds, most have family problems, they have social problems, few if any friends, no real support group, they are dysfunctional in terms of being able to hold down a long term job, and most of them are armed with firearms.
For the naysayers that insist: “well, you just described 10 million people” or whatever the number is.
That’s bullcrap. yes, as I have pointed out here and elsewhere in bloggo world, our nation is in fact chock-full-o-nuts. we have ALOT of mentally ill people.
given the gross amount of gun carnage going on, I think it’s fair to demand mentally ill people NOT have access to guns and ammo.
it’s time to demand law enforcement be more proactive concerning STOPPING some the carnage before it happens. the notion this cannot be done; “oh, poor law enforcement, there’s just nothing they can do to stop these rampage killings”. what a load of horseshit.
IF I purchase an ass-wiper online, within 24 hours there are 2-3 pop up ads for various ass-wipers on the websites I am looking at.
??? OBVIOUSLY someone is watching exactly what all of us purchase online. we know this.
The “Joker”, the clearly unhinged Aurora movie theater shooter, spent FOUR months online purchasing/building his huge arsenal of guns, ammo, gas masks, and other gear. He used credit cards for these purchases.
I’m supposed to be dumb enough to believe poor, poor law enforcement are UNABLE to monitor and track these purchases.. and that just maybe a large, red flag should go up regarding the person building this arsenal??
??? Gas masks? riot gear? Oh yeah, it’s “normal” that a college age white male purchase this stuff, it happens ‘all the time’. what a weak load.
the fact is law enforcement is not even trying. for the whiners who insist this can’t be done “because it’s against the law”. really?
then I wonder why a few of these very type of interventions have been made by the police who were made aware of some schmuck who was making specific threats on Facebook, etc.?
Tracking a sick person like the Aurora killer is easy for the security state. But what if they want this kind of “random” violence? In fact…what if they help it along a little now and then? Many, many investigators have come to the conclusion that people like Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan were indeed “helped along” back in the pre-cyberstate stone age. How much easier it is to do that now! No laborious development stages, now they just find a nice ripe one and whisper a few little nothings into his inner ear.
Next thing you know…bada-BING!!!
And another several million people fade into the woodwork in pure terror of the unknown.
“Fear controls.” (A noun and a verb)
Fear controls people.
“Fear Controls.” (A noun modified by an adjective. A tactical weapon used to control people.)
Fear Controls work wonders. They produce a passive, frightened populace.
Like dat.
Bet on it.
There’ll be more.
‘Cuz it works is why.
Bet on that as well.
How many hours a week do you spend practicing on your trombone and french horn?
You should use the same discipline for your arguments, but you don’t. You’re so sloppy.
It’s disappointing.
You want me to be neat, like you?
Here’s the news, Booman.
Talking points are neat and the truth is not so neat. Deal wid it.
You trail along behind the “progressive” talking point leaders, parroting every idea that drips out of the progressive hose.
Here’s the truth I bring:
Karma is real. The United States is suffering from a vast, historical excess of bad action. From the original sin of American slavery right on through to the entirely racist policies of the U.S.PermaGov over the past 50+ years or so, the United States has been racist domestically and racist internationally. So what if we have a token non-white in the White House? It’s still the darker races who bear the brunt of U.S. criminality. Our approval ratings worldwide would make Obama’s rapidly falling approval ratings look like worldbeaters. If we do not fess up to…and face up to…our mistakes the entire society is going to come apart at the seams. These “random gun violence” things? They are not random. Not by any means. They are simply the outward symptoms of a cancer that is eating at the very structure of this society. Your Obama’s words don’t mean shit because he’s part of the scam. A willing part, a narcissistic puppet playing the royalty role for all he can get out of it. Just as he has done throughout his reign, he’ll talk the good talk again tonight and then fade when clutch time comes around. And…you will support the next DemRat contender just as you have supported him.
That’s nice and neat.
Only…the game is getting more than a little threadbare.
The marks are seeing through the scam. Too many holes in the fabric.
So it goes.
Every scam has to have an end.
Will it be this time around?
I don’t know.
But I do know this.
The chickens always come home to roost.
It’s just a matter of time.
Bet on it.
P.S. I don’t play french horn.
How’s this for karma?
You really don’t get it, do you Booman? Those three kids died for our sins. Our sins and the sins of our forebears. One of them went nuts under societal pressure and shot two others, then himself.
Who’d he hate?
We’ll probably find out, once the cops get the all-clear from their PermaGov watchers.
From your link:
“Certain groups.”
Or maybe we won’t.
It ramps up the terror aspect if any or all of us might belong to one of those unnamed “certain groups.”
“Hmmmmm…” indeed.