Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news.
This Month’s Theme: Go Outside
There will be times when you will be in the field without a camera.
And, you will see the most glorious sunset or the most beautiful scene that you have ever witnessed.
Don’t be bitter because you can’t record it. Sit down, drink it in, and enjoy it for what it is! ~DeGriff
Link of the Month: O.K…so there is no link this month…what gives? It looks like ImageShack is changing. There will no longer be a “free” service as the buisness model is changing to a more professional stlye advertising free subscription based model.
From the ImageShack Blog
ImageShack is moving from an advertising based business model to a subscription based model. This not only means a more beautiful site but one that is more secure, more cutting edge and has more features.
If you decide that you don’t want to pay for a subscription account, after your free thirty day trial, we will still host your images and you will be able to access them at anytime at no charge.
Our goal is to continue to support our loyal and faithful users.
I’ll give it a go for the next year and see how it works out.
Bob’s Go Outside
Next Theme: (Friday, March, 7th): Texture
Give us something we can feel. Is that even possible? We’ll find out…
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
FFFs 1-36 FFFs 37-72 FFFs 73-114 Trees Winter Scenes Endings Spring-New Beginings April Showers Bring May Flowers
Great set, Bob. My favorite is the third one because I love photos that play with light and dark and lines and edges. I also like how the solid blue sky sets off the structure.
Thanks Andi, I shot this for the same reasons. I shoot a lot of weird building photography just for lines, shadows, and sky. Most of the time they just don’t work well, or maybe they do and I’m just not seeing it. It’s somewhat of a work in progress.
Pine cone pretending to be an image from Google earth
click for larger
Blades pretending to be a Japanese line drawing
click for larger
Moss pretending to be the Mary Tyler Moore group hug
click for larger
The moss holding the drop of water makes me think of the Maxine Kumin poem The Microscope.
Nice set Andi! Love the pinecone (that would work for Bob’s next theme texture!) and the moss — wow, that’s a neat shot with the ice. And lol at the MTM ref. 😀
The moss photo is fantastic! I also really love the one with the blades in the snow. That almost looks more like a painting than a photograph. Great job!
I’ve always loved the way you can use the snow to make things looks like a painting or drawing. Here’s a couple more.
as we haven’t had any snow yet this winter (and it doesn’t appear this will change anytime soon), I must say I’m quite envious 😉 These are really great!
I’d be happy to send you some of our snow (and the cold temps that come with it) to improve your photo ops. 😉
Ok, I like the moss, but this is just cool (no pun intended).
Nice set. The cellist is my favorite. I like the way the cellist both blends into the background because of colors and pops out because of focus. The kite flyer is neat too. When I was commuting to school, I always wished that I could fly over the traffic like that.
I liked that one most too for the reasons you’ve described so well. 😀 I like that her hand is blurred in motion too.
The last one is also a favourite, for the cheery colour and warmth it conveys.
Great set Bob!
Thanks, I lucked out on the motion, the palm was just that magic time when everything is right.
Thanks, there were two flyers on the beach that day but what caught my eye was his legs crossed “enjoying my flight, thank you very much”.
Cloud Fountain
Outside our doors at home a few days ago at sunset
Sunset at Sunrise
Outside our tent door at Sunrise Camp, Yosemite NP, last July.
Inside Manzanar Looking Out
Manzanar National Historic Site
For info on Manzanar follow this LINK.
Beautiful. Especially love the sunset at Sunrise. That colour is lovely.
It was a magical place.
Did that sound too Agents of Shield-ish?
I love that one too. I want to go back to Yosemite some day.
Oops, that was me. Booman is logged in on every piece of electronics we own, it seems. 🙂
The cloud fountain is pretty cool. The photo of the historic site has a really nostalgic feel to it. It seems like that photo was taken decades ago.
In a way it was taken decades ago.
Ansel Adams went to Manzanar in 1942 and documented the internment of the Japanese. If you google “Ansel Adams Manzanar” you can see lots of his photos and read more about the internment.
I think it’s the old truck and slightly yellow light resulting from a forest fire’s smoke in the air that makes my photo look vintage.
The Manzanar shot is something else, how can something so beautiful have such ugly scrawled across it. A good portion of Mrs. X’s family was interned during the war. They never recovered from it. Her grandmother rarely ever talked about it but when it did come up you could see the emotion in her manner and tone. That family was never the same.
It was one of the ugly chapters in US history. There is a very good book (nonfiction, YA, memoir) called Farewell to Manzanar . In grad school I took a class in recent American history, which would now be not so recent Am. hist., and did my research on the internment of the Japanese focusing on the loyalty oath the were required to take to be released to interior parts of the US. Manzanar was one of the camps where the internees resisted taking the oath because they saw it as a mark of second class citizenship.
Click for larger
Go outside … canoeing.
I feel like you took us on a trip – probably because of the ttw shot. I like the way you arranged the 4 shots: upper left and lower right – cool colors, upper right and lower left – warm colors.
So lovely and tranquil. I especially like the bottom left for its softness and the way v shape leads me in.
Wow! I especially like the photos on the left. The upper one makes me want to go on a road trip right now. The lower one is just majestic with the light, the fog and the reflections. Perfect!
Olivia, this set makes me long to be on the St. Johns. Like Jim it reminds me of a day on the river.
Bob, the cellist is great! Love that photo.
Before, I post a few pics, I just wanted to thank everyone here for their feedback in the past. It really helped me grow as a photographer. In recent months I’ve started doing portrait photography, something I haven’t really done much of before. I took a set of portraits of a friend of mine (mostly outside!) and she graciously allowed me to post them on my photography website. If you want you can check them out here. Any feedback is as always welcome!
And here are a few outside pics that I took recently (click to enlarge):
Darmstadt – Trees:
Darmstadt – Light:
Darmstadt – Moss:
Darmstadt – Mirrors:
It’s lovely to think we’ve helped you grow as a photographer because you are such a fine one.
That first photo is just spectactular — I love the contrast between the anarchy of the twisted branches and the orderliness of the lined up trunks.
And hey! The moss in Darmstadt looks just like the moss in Brown County, Indiana. 😀
I like the intersecting geometries of the brick and cobblestones with the shadows from the fence. It has great light too: afternoon, morning or reflected?
Thanks Sven, very nice set. I love the way trees have been planted all over Europe as in the first shot.
Like you, I feel the same about how much it has helped. Just being able to interact with such a great group of people, over what is now years, makes all the difference. Thank you, Friends.