We’re now at day five with no power. The house is only 34 degrees, so the pipes are now a major concern. PECO called this morning to ask us if our power is on. It’s not. They told us that the power would be on by 11pm on Friday, then 11pm on Saturday. But we talked to the crew working in our neighborhood, and they told us (accurately) that they would be quitting yesterday at 7:30pm for the night. They have not yet shown up for work today.

So, we’re racking up expenses at a local hotel.

Meanwhile, the hard drive on my computer died, so I am using a loaner that won’t allow me to do a lot of things I want to do. Fortunately, the warrantee on my computer is still in effect.

Whenever the power comes back on and we move back home, we have dozens of trees and tree-sized branches littered across our property that we’ll have to figure out how to deal with. One landed on my grill, partially dislodging my side-burner and possibly causing a rupture in the gas line.

I also have to replace an arm on my passenger-side windshield wiper, the pump and reservoir for my power steering, an oil leak, and something with the emissions system.

I’m doing laundry in the coin-operated machine at the hotel because Finn dumped his milkshake upside-down in his winter coat, which was lying on the floor of the car.

I hope your day is going better than mine.