Here’s a thought:

Ms. [Barbara] Buono has gone from media piñata, Democratic pariah and Keystone Candidate to the Cassandra of the [Gov. Chris] Christie scandal, whose October warnings about “the unexplained closure of two lanes starting in Fort Lee” went unheeded by most fellow Democrats.

Now, as Democrats unload daily on Mr. Christie and hound him as he travels around the country, Ms. Buono nonchalantly greets well-wishers in snow boots, cords and leather bomber jacket at a local cafe. Bewildered by the belated timing of the Democratic attacks, which she attributes to “buyer’s remorse,” she wonders if the party might not have more wisely spent money on challenging the governor during the actual race.

Of course, the governor was holding people’s Superstorm Sandy relief hostage. He was not allowing executive officers to meet with mayors who wouldn’t endorse him. He threw his considerable weight around quite effectively. And, so, the Democrats rolled over for him. That was the whole point.