Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is really unpopular:

Quinnipiac University released a poll on Wednesday that shows nothing but terrible news for Tom Corbett, Pennsylvania’s incumbent Republican Governor. He trails against every potential Democratic candidate. However, against the odds-on favorite, businessman Tom Wolf, Corbett trails by a nearly insurmountable margin of 19 points, 52-33. It looks like it is time for Corbett to call the moving van because he’ll be looking for a new home after the November election.

The poll shows that Pennsylvania voters are sick and tired of Corbett and just want him gone. 55% state that he does not deserve to be reelected, with only 34% saying he should be given a second term. Corbett only has a 36% approval rating. 52% of voters disapprove of the way he is doing his job. In fact, Pennsylvania voters disapprove of the way Corbett has handled pretty much every major issue.

Only 31% approve of the way the Governor has dealt with the state’s economy. Worse, only 29% feel he has done a good job handling health care. The same percentage of voters also approve of the way he has handled the state’s spending. A solid majority, 55%, feel that Corbett does not care about their needs or problems. Only 28% have a favorable view of the Governor, with 46% seeing him in a negative light.

Now, I live in Pennsylvania and I fully understand why most people here would rather have pube-lice than reelect Corbett. What I don’t understand is why Corbett is being punished for sins at an appropriate level but some other governors who are cut from the exact same cloth are still getting decent numbers. What has Corbett done that has not also been done by Kasich or Snyder or Walker? As far as I am concerned, a rational electorate would be giving them all Corbett reelect numbers.

Also, the poll shows that York County businessman Tom Wolf is now the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination. I didn’t expect that and am not sure, yet, how I feel about it.