With so many dangerous folks running around our country these days, the fear level has never been higher. Using the Bush Era’s Terror index, I think we are in the Hotter than Hell Flammable Red Zone. So take a moment and check out my “Poll for the Day,” which asks you who you think Murican’s consider the scariest people from sea to shining sea.
Of course, if you believe that the poll question does not include the scariest person or persons, please feel free to register your vote in the other column and then name him, her or them in the comments.
Unfortunately, the Poll is below the fold because of the darn stupid software that won’t let me post it where everyone can see it, goldurnit! But trust me, it’s worth taking a moment out of your day to vote.
Darn, I should have added Married Gay People with children. Oh well.
Any/All of the cheerful folks at Faux Noise.
Gonna have to stop equating “Americans” with “white Fox News watchers over 60 years of age”.
I don’t find Americans in general, including Republicans, scaring reflexively to the media campaigns anymore. The is some slow-moving disenthrallment going on. People rubbing their eyes and wondering what happened over the past decade or three.
This is a moment in which there is a great opportunity for actual change in domestic politics and in international politics.
The biggest fear for people like myself is that we will miss these opportunities by being locked into past frameworks of thought.
Come on where are the flamboyantly gay black people who want to be married to George Takei, while shopping for “skiddles” and playing their “rap crap” as loud as possible.
A True Real Americans worst fear realised …..
Whoever issued their credit card.
“We’re from Delaware, and we’re here to help you.”
The myth of St. Ronnie that just keeps on giving.
Who do Americans,as a whole, consider scariest? Either Wall Street MOTUs or health insurance industry executives, I’d guess.
Who do Republicans find scariest? That’s easy. Black gay Kenyan communist dictators. Because they give “free stuff” to all those other groups, in a far-ranging campaign to steal all of our precious bodily fluids.