I came down with a bad cold last night. I am treating it aggressively with vitamin c, rest, and tea. I’m already beginning to feel a little better, although I just want to go to sleep.
I hear that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) said something inarticulate? About black people? Lazy inner city people of color who wouldn’t know a day’s work if it came packaged in a cheese hat?
I’m glad I am so tired or I might have to mock that man. Didn’t the government send his ass to college? What a monster.
Sambucol is awesome for colds. So is this traditional recipe.
I started feeling sick two days ago. I’ve been using both, as well as a lot of chicken soup and water, and it’s all but gone.
Paul Ryan is an idiot.
CG just handed me some chicken soup.
get that honey garlic lemon tea in you. works wonders.
Only one thing has ever been shown to shorten a cold. Salt water. Snort it up the old hooter. 1/2 tsp salt in 1 c. boiled and cooled water. Stick your nose in the cup, hoover it up at the first sign of a virus. Don’t waste your money on anything else. Also, too, Paul Ryan was quoting a white supremecist and is lousier than a rhinovirus.
How totally unfair of you! Ryan specifically denied that his references to the “inner city” and its “men” not having a “culture of work” was about race! It never even crossed his mind! This isn’t about race and only a demonic lib’rul could imagine it was! What more do you want? He denied it, so end of story!
No, what poor Ryan was talking about was far deeper and super intellectual! It included “rural poverty” which (amazingly) results from a “lack of jobs” (not a failed work culture like in “inner cities”). Ryan thought it was quite clear when he spoke of “men” in “inner cities” and their lamentable loss of a “work culture” he was also talking about rural poverty and the lack of (rural) jobs! It’s obvious to anyone but a lib’rul!
One has to wonder if there is a conservative white male in this country who isn’t to some extent or another either a racist or quite sympathetic to racist thinking. It certainly seems that their whole “ideology” can be tailor made to fit racism very nicely….
Obviously his words were taken out of context. Or was it because he was less than articulate? Gah, same thing, right?
The trouble with Paul from a friend(??)
Paul baby, forget the inarticulate BS. The trouble
with your statement was that the Dog Whistle was TOOO
Loud! Even those that aren’t racist heard it!
Ah, a Mel Gibson moment: Disgusting Honesty!
I’m willing to believe him, actually. No doubt a lot of conservative voters are driven by racism, but I think Paul Ryan is more open-minded than that. He appears to genuinely despise all poor people, regardless of race, creed, gender, age, or disability.
Yes, he lacks verbal acuity, but his dog whistle…wow!
Sheesh; did he think his obvious dog whistle comments would slip by unnoticed? Of course, today, he’s trying to walk back his comments, but he still stepped on the rake in the yard. The unemployment problem for inner city men (wink, wink) is a culture of laziness; the unemployment problem for rural folks (wink) is a lack of jobs. But you know, white people and black people both live in the cities and the country, so he couldn’t possibly have meant something racist. Which, of course, makes his critics the real racists. QED.
And yes, after Mr. Ryan’s father died when Mr. Ryan was a teen-ager, he was kept afloat by SSI benefits and guaranteed student loan assistance. As Charlie Pierce says about Paul Ryan whenever Ryan gets caught pulling the ladder up after himself, “You’re welcome, dickhead.”
Ryan has found a new way of saying he supports racism. Way to go Paul, to bad your IQ does not equal your Ego size.
It’s true Ryan went to college on SSI handouts, but there’s a big difference: he didn’t need it. We’ve long known conservatives have nothing against welfare, they just don’t like wasting it on poor people.
Everybody knows you’ve got to dress up your racism. But hating the poor? No dog whistle required for that.
Paul baby, forget the inarticulate BS. The trouble
with your statement was that the Dog Whistle was TOOO
Loud! Even those that aren’t racist heard it!
Ah, a Mel Gibson moment: Disgusting Honesty!