The Biden lecture before the press after meeting the February 21 coup leaders is a performance in two Acts. In Act-1 he seemed to underline the importance of the Geneva agreement between Ukraine, EU, US and Russia. In Act-2 he declared Ukraine’s Independence, led by the interim government of Western-Ukraine, and the Crimea is and will remain part of a sovereign Ukraine. The United States, as unipolar world power will lead:
- by counting the votes of the very important presidential election of May 25, 2014
- provide energy consultants to develop national resources through fracking shale gas
- provide consultants to circumvent the need for gas import from Gazprom
- stand by the Ukraine for a deal with the IMF and World Bank implementing austerity measures
- provide counsel for good goverance to counteract endemic corruption (global place #133)
- provide military assistance of the non-lethal kind
This package is in addition to the EU Association Agreement already signed by the Western-Ukrainians which the US will make sure is implemented. These measures are needed to Ensure Ukraine remains an independent state, of course.
No opportunity for questions, however in Act-3 the Interim President Oleksandr Turchynov of the Ukraine clarified the people particpating in protests in the East are terrorists and led by Russian gangsters.
Yesterday I enjoyed the pleasant interview conversation between CNN’s Amanpour and lady Victoria Nuland. She was so very reasonable, nothing like the witch during the calm Maidan protests in Independence square in November and in clarity of vocabulary addressing US partner Europe for not following the US in step, stock and barrel.
Ms Nuland is adored by the think-tank crowd of the Atlantic Council, advocating more defence spending, a stronger NATO with their European partners and isolation of Russia to make it a pariah state.
○ Belfer Center: A ‘Belgian Solution’ for Ukraine?
○ Russia to create united naval base system for ships, subs in Arctic – Putin
○ Russia, China and the geopolitics of energy in Central Asia
○ Pentagon Study in 2008 – The New Geopolitics of Energy
So the western backed/supported coup was a good thing? Because there were Russia supporting thugs living among Ukrainians that heretofore had no need to declare an allegiance or display their true thugish nature?
Oh well, Americans probably buy that the Ludlow massacre was perpetrated by union thugs and not anti-union Rockefeller mercenaries.
From the news cycle – Kerry: Cold War diplomacy was ‘easier’ than today.
○ Russia Hits Back at Biden: We Are Ready for ‘Unfriendly Steps’
○ Sanctions will make Russia stronger – Medvedev
How telling that our diplomats are campaign bundlers while the Russians use professional, experienced, dedicated diplomats. And it’s not just the Russians feasting on the Global Arrogance. The Iranian diplomatic core is embracing the world with their Peace Train strategies.
When the wikileaks diplomatic cables first came out, there was a flurry of interest. I started to randomly look at them. What I found was ominously interesting. The format of the cables is pretty straight forward. You have the routing and the acronyms of the departments and people at the top, a synopsis of the cable and then the full detailed report following. What I saw over and again was that after what would be the usual diplomatic business, a final paragraph, like a dark cloud, would start talking in a thug like manner, very unlike the usual diplomatic talk. Like a vanilla cake with a neocon frosting. Very creepy.
I saw that youtube you had linked to before of ‘Tory’ Nuland at the Atlantic Council. Actually, I became a little nauseous and didn’t finish watching the whole thing. When she was described as a special assistant to Dick Cheney during the Iraq war period, enough said I thought.
Yet more evidence that the entire “Obama” thing is just a tablecloth spread over a still-filthy table. As if more evidence might be needed after the spectacle of U.S. economic thieves like Jamie Dimon being appointed to guard the door against further theft.
○ Slavyansk: Defenders killed by Ukrainian troops as civil war looms
Vladimir Putin considers a military operation undertaken by authorities in Kiev against anti-government protesters in eastern Ukraine a crime, according to statement the president made at All-Russia People’s Front media forum.