There are many reasons of course, but in part it’s because media platforms such as Fox News incite hatred against many Americans merely because they do not march to the Fox drumbeat. They deliberately include “guest speakers” to make outrageous and absurd claims to engender hatred and anger, such as Hannity’s recent guest, David Horowitz, who alleged Obama will trigger another Holocaust and is responsible for the white supremacist who killed innocent people in Kansas, because he loves Muslims and hates the Jews:
On his Tuesday radio show, Hannity pointed to the president’s “support” of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and asked if it meant that “anti-Semitism is on the rise with the potential of resulting in a modern-day Holocaust.”
“I think that’s exactly accurate,” Horowitz replied, asserting that the recent white supremacist shooter in Kansas had been “obviously encouraged by the American left.”
“The alliance between the American left and the Islamo – I don’t call them Islamo-Fascists anymore, they’re Nazis,” Horowitz continued. “They preach the same doctrine that the Nazis did, they were allied with the Nazis during the second World War. The destruction of Israel, which is welcomed by you know, like I say normal anti-Semites.”
He later added: “Obama could care less if the Jews are killed in the Middle-East. Obama – to answer your question, Sean – Obama is an anti-American president.”
This is typical, unfortunately, of how the President has been portrayed by right wing conservative “news” outlets and talk radio since before he won the nomination. That it is irresponsible, divisive and encourages the worst beliefs and emotions among those Americans who listen to these “provocateurs” (for that is what they do – provoke animosity, hatred and fear) does not bother the right wing media in the least. They encourage rage among their listeners, and invariably they implicitly endorse violence as a response to the government, all because a black man sits in the White House.
You have to posit that secretly Fox could not have been happier that Obama won re-election. Outrage and bombast and false accusations and stirring the pot are what they do best. And that is bad for our families, many of whom are torn apart over the divisive nature of our politics, and even worse for our country. As Billionaires finance these ever more costly and nasty political campaigns, as more and more people self-segregate and do not talk politics outside their own inner circle, the lies that are told become real to many people, become their reality.
And so, we fight over issues that distract us, we fight over issues such as climate change and the value of science that should not be political issues at all, and by doing so we give the billionaires and the mega-corporations their victories, as state after state falls into the hands, not of reactionaries, but political radicals of the worst kind. In debt to their wealthy benefactors, they push an agenda that has crippled our economy, particularly the economic prospects of hundreds of millions of people. They write laws to make it harder to stave off the disaster that climate change is already wreaking on our planet and the human race.
Sean Hannity is a symbol of the longest running campaign to divide Americans, one against the other for the benefit of our corporate masters. Fox News, on which Hannity appears, is the largest, most sophisticated disinformation campaign ever constructed and operated in the world. One that bears great responsibility for the downfall of our democracy, and for the violence and abuse, both rhetorical and real, that too many experience in our lives.
Fox’s policy is to turn brother against brother, parents against their children, the young against the old, and every race, religion or ethnicity against the others, all in the service of remaking our country into a modern day version of Corporate Feudalism. They cloak their misinformation in the flag, in the most extreme form of Christianity and in a perverse version of patriotism, where domestic terrorists parade as heroes, where teachers are seen as villains, and where scientists are liars. We are told that only the rich work hard, only the rich are intelligent enough to have the answers (i.e., what’s good for the Koch Brothers is good for America), where up is down and where a moderate to conservative President is viewed as the greatest danger to our Republic.
We have seen where this path leads before. Small well organized extremists can take over a country, despite the demographic tide. The Nazis captured power after their electoral peak had already passed. The Bolsheviks hijacked the Russian Revolution away from far more sane, more compassionate, more numerous political factions because they were better propagandists and they were more ruthless than their opponents.
This pattern has been seen in our own hemisphere, in Latin America where dictators and military juntas took control on behalf of the wealthy. The results have never ended well. We sometimes like to believe that the arc of history bends toward justice, but that is true only if enough of us are vigilant, if enough people see the lies and expose the liars and stand against the “money power” as FDR so adroitly called it.
Today, thousands if not millions of our fellow citizens are emailing Horowitz’s lies, and the lies of so many others who appear on Fox. Do not assume that because they are fewer in number every year that they are weak, that their day has passed, that it can’t happen here. Bill Moyers sounded the alarm – indeed for the past decade he’s been running around with his hair on fire, and what has been the response of the Democratic Party? Too often indifference, or deliberate ignorance, because far too many of them are also caught up in this bizarre system that prevents them from speaking out against what we all know and what they themselves see.
Yes, we have a few brave people, such as Bernie Sanders and Elisabeth Warren, but not enough. Not nearly enough. We watched as Occupy was beaten down and gassed in the streets. We recently watched as our government gave in to right wing terrorists with guns. Our leaders are afraid, and it isn’t their supporters who they fear.
And that is our ongoing American tragedy. That a kook like Horowitz can get on national television and claim the President wants another Holocaust is absurd on its face. In a sane world, a better world this would not happen and Horowitz would be a poor idiot on a street corner claiming the end is nigh. Instead, however, he is heard and his message is believed, by millions. If you fail to see the danger in that, or the danger in a nut case lying Nevada Rancher becoming a folk hero to millions, I pity you. The longer we continue down this path, the more likely things will not end well. The next downturn in the economy, the next crisis overseas, the next plague, the next time a state becomes burned Kansas red because of Koch money, the next climate disaster – all these add up over time. Count on it.
And count on Fox to lay the blame and incite violence against you and me because we are not white enough, not straight enough, not conservative enough, not like the fictional America they present to their audience. And those Americans who follow their lead, who believe the lies and bullshit will end up supporting the demolition of what’s left of our democracy. they will support extreme measures against those who do not think or believe what they do. Unless we do something now to change that tide. For election victories are not enough. We saw that in 2008 and 2012. Our Adversaries are more extreme, they are more committed and they are brainwashed to believe we are the enemy.
And we all know what happens when the leaders of mobs like those gain power. The internal enemies are dealt with – harshly.
You want a solution: I don’t have one, but I do have an idea. Get Elisabeth Warren to run for President. Force your Democratic candidates to run to the left, even if that means you have to primary them. Otherwise the drift toward the right, toward a Corporatocracy, will continue. Just ask the Social Democrats of the Weimar Republic how trying to hold the mythical center worked out for them.
Excellent. Hope you post this in orange. Would you mind if I emailed it in full?
go ahead
Agreed. I have been thinking a lot about this for several years. The republican project to wedge Americans apart from one another has been going on for many decades, but hate radio plus Fox supercharged the effort and is tearing the country, our country, to shreds. Much would be possible in this country without corrosive effect of Fox.
But I have no idea how to make it go away.
You might have noticed that TPM has posted quite a series of reader messages on the Fox impact on their parents.
Once an irresponsible liar and preacher of hate, always an irresponsible liar and preacher of hate.
Horowitz got his start in politics as a leader of the New Left.
I forget the details, but someone near and dear got murdered and the Black Panthers were somehow involved.
He flipped from extreme left to extreme right, in a heartbeat.
I’m completely in favor in using primaries to move the party left, but if your more favored candidate doesn’t win we all still need to vote in the general election for the Democrat. Then try again in the next election. That’s the only way to get taken seriously and that is to vote, in every election. You have to be counted on as a voting block that will show up to have influence.
Keep primarying, but don’t stay home if you lose.
Our obligation is to stop the suppression of the vote; to make election days the most economically, racially, culturally diverse day of the year. We need political action to make voting possible for every American. We need to renewed energy for registration campaigns that go to the people. We need private citizen’s to drive urban & rural voters to the polls and care for their children, as during the bus boycotts here and in South Africa during the apartheid resistance. We need dialogue groups in bars, libraries & churches and on street corners everywhere to discuss the issues. We need our progressive politicians to talk loudly, demand a media audience and introduce bills that have to be voted upon.
I’m with you on all those things, did I say anything that would contradict that?
Perfect. Vote for the wrong side because it has the name of the correct side. That’s how we got where we are today. It doesn’t work. Corporate money runs the game. You cannot play at the casino if it is run w/odds in place that guarantee losing. I mean…you can play there…that’s what we have been doing in the U.S. for 50+ years…but you can’t win there. The whole game must be broken in order to even have a chance of winning. Sorry, but there it is. Deal wid it as you must.
I have no idea what you’re actually trying to say here, maybe you can rephrase.
So you are voting for your less preferred candidate. One who is not a “Democrat” in the sense that progressives hopefully use the word…not a true progressive as defined by the example of FDR…but one who is only using the name “Democrat” but is actually a member of the DemocRatpublican Uniparty…someone on the wrong side using the name of the correct side.
In doing so you are forced to vote over and over again for what is essentially a false flag operation. And then you wonder what’s going wrong?
I see well, from what I read around on liberal/progressive blogs is that progressives don’t get taken seriously and why can’t the Democratic party be pushed further to the left.
The reason for that is that progressives/liberals often don’t show up to vote or if they do vote they’ll do a protest vote. Politicians only take 2 things seriously, that is money and votes. If you don’t show up to vote or can’t be counted on to vote then why should any Democrat take your concerns seriously?
In this political climate any vote in the general election that is not made for the Democrat is a vote for the Republican and as we know they all vote as a solid block that means that they all vote as their most conservative member does.
Yes this means you may not vote for your most preferred candidate during the general election but guess what that’s the system we have right now and the best way to get the results you want is to work the system to your advantage as much as possible.
If you manage to pull together 2/3 of Congress and 3/4 of the states to change the system, I’ll re-evaluate my position on the issue.
This started under Nixon, with all of the misinformation and lies he and his henchmen planted.
Reagan’s people upped the propaganda.
And, under Clinton, you started to see the power of misinformation and lying, as propaganda, start to flower.
Misinformation and outright lying worked like a charm in the run-up to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and occupations.
They provided cover for completely un-American things like torture, rendition, GITMO, Abu Ghraib, etc., which were pictured as the patriotic things to do – and people who disagreed and protested, were painted as treasonous traitors.
And now that flower has turned into a metastasizing cancer of evil and Fascism, we are very close to having a Plutocratic Fascist Christian Theocracy.
If you’ve read me on any other blogs, I’ve been making the same point Steven D’s making – just nowhere near as eloquently.
We are very close to losing this once-great country to Oligarchy, Fascism, and Christian Theocracy.
And if that happens, I’ll ‘see you in the GULag.’
I’ll try to save you a lower bunk.
Actually, take it back past Nixon, to Joe McCarthy.
The more I see of the behavior chronicled here by Steven D the more I realize just what big cajones FDR and before that the leaders of the Progressive Era had to take on the “money power”.
Steven, this concerns me more every day. We are simply awash in misinformation and propaganda, and there is just no way to mitigate it anymore.
Jim Wright over at Stonekettle Station has a great essay on this subject that he just posted over the weekend. When I read what he has to say, it simply increases my concern about where we are headed. Not sure what it is going to take to open people’s eyes to how they are being duped.
The Social Democrats of the Weimar Republic were not defeated by being centrists in general but because they prioritized inflation fighting over unemployment and allowed the Great Depression to get particularly bad in Germany. Hitler, in turn, got a lot of credibility with the German population by turning on the printing presses and ending the Depression there (and he didn’t get much inflation either).
There are some disturbing parallels between austerity in the Weimar Republic during the Great Depression and in many current countries during our Lesser Depression but it’s not so much centrism as flat-out stupidity.
You have to posit that secretly Fox could not have been happier that Obama won re-election. Outrage and bombast and false accusations and stirring the pot are what they do best.
Actually it isn’t all that secret. After Obama won in 2008 many of the wingnut cheerleaders – including King Rush himself – stated openly that they were relieved to no longer have to defend the actions of a GOP administration.
Yer kiddin’ yourself. If she ran and did not seriously compromise herself she would be media-assassinated just as was Howard Dean. Ditto forcing Dem candidates to the left by way of primaries. The PermaGov centrists will talk a good game, win the primaries w/corporate money and then renege on everything that they said while running. This is called “Obama-style” politics in some circles, and so far it’s worked pretty damned well.
The only practical solution that I can see is to try to survive until the whole house of cards falls. After that? Then the real free-for-all begins, and who knows how that might end.
Not me.
So it goes.
Maybe – Maybe not. I’d like to find out though.
I don’t remember Howard Dean posing much of a challenge to the Democratic status quo, except rhetorically.
I caucused for him, and was a Dean delegate to state convention…. but every candidate running for the Democratic nomination in ’08 was, on balance, to his left.
And we must always remember that even if Warren were to win she would be operating with the same Congress we’ve got now–even if the Dems took control of both houses. Don’t ever think the corporations own only Republicans.
Six months after President Warren took office our far left would be tarring her with the sellout label.
Presidents can do only so much. It’s an inherently weak office. Our government is meant to run with the Congress, which is why the corporations concentrate on them.
Missouri, the “Show Me State” where I spend 10 years of my youth up to 1967 in St. Louis County. With the Marionville mayor Dann Clevinger who spoke out “kinda agreeing” with neo-Nazi Frazier Glenn Miller, accused of the triple Kansas murder. These people are from Missouri “christian heartland,” Republican territory where crazies roam.
I wonder when the monstrous Hanniturd will have his Rushbo moment? Never? Do his advertisers think programs and “guests” that blather Obama is indifferent to another Holocaust are where they should spend their ad dollars? Or programs that argue that the Left of the country is “anti-Semitic” and allied with Islamo-fascists, oops, Nazis, and exhorts the killing of American Jews?
It’s appropriate for this “conservative” hate monger to bring up Nazis, I guess, and you are right to wonder exactly where OUR nationalist, militarist and authoritarian rightist movement is heading. Or rather where they are dragging us. They surely don’t appear to be “moderating”, ha-ha. With every day Sinclair Lewis’ dictum about American fascism becomes more prescient.
For those feeling secure behind the rotted walls of American democracy, we have our own systemic anti-democratic processes, from the absurd electoral college, almost tailor-made for the political power and base of the American fascist movement, the Great Repub Gerrymander of 2010, the nationwide “conservative” campaign to suppress Dem-leaning voters, and Roberts Repubs almost fully completed plan to allow unrestrained plutocrat dissemination of unrebuttable abject lies about candidates they disfavor, spewed 24/7 on nationwide teevee and radio networks. Hitler never had half of this arsenal, ha-ha.
Picture today’s untethered “conservative” movement–with nukes. It’s strange the world seems so unconcerned, since they do follow the crazed goings on in Nutcase Nation. I guess they think the sane folks or the old institutions will somehow take care of this little problem, comforted by Obama’s narrow victory. They might want to start to rethink that, and where our Rightists are really headed. And who is really enraged at entire groups of people based on their race, religion, sex and sexual preference….
What scares the s— out of me is that an entire generation of Mericans has grown up on “Faux Noise”. They actually believe what is passed off as “News”. It’s enough to make a guy glad he’s getting old.
Great article. I agree completely with the diagnosis. I wonder, though, if this America is worth saving. What do we hope to gain by this effort to run leftward? If Americans are susceptible to this propaganda, are they truly worthy of my compassion. I’m not so sure.