Ynet Op-Ed: Israel occupied by the settlement lobby
(Ynet News) Apr. 29, 2014 – The right-wing parties ruled the state throughout most of this period. The right could have annexed the territories to Israel – Hebron and Bethlehem, which are holy to us, and Gaza and Ramallah, which are less holy – but preferred to hold on to the territories in the capacity of an occupier, under military rule. The sovereign authority in the West Bank is not the Knesset, but the GOC Central Command, by virtue of military authority. He and his officers, he and his soldiers. From now on we must say that the occupation was the choice of the rightwing.
I am not worried about the Palestinians. They have a president and a government whose job it is to care for them, an organization that speaks on their behalf, and a slew of patrons in Europe, in America and even in one daily newspaper in Israel. I would like to speak on behalf of another population groaning under an occupation – the Israelis.
The nine months of the failed negotiations will prove it. In the past few days, we have been living under the impression that Mahmoud Abbas is to blame for everything. This is the narrative dictated by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and conveniently adopted by Ministers Tzipi Livni and Yair Lapid.
In the service of the occupation army
Abbas did make a considerable contribution to the failure, there’s no doubt. But only the most absentminded politicians could ignore the huge contribution of the settler lobby to that failure, beginning with the veto imposed by the Bayit Yehudi party on a settlement construction freeze during negotiations.
It continued with the repeated announcements made by Housing Minister Uri Ariel on their behalf, about new construction plans beyond the Green Line, every time the negotiations showed signs of life. Ariel sabotaged, undermined and detonated, and Netanyahu didn’t dare touch him. It was Ariel who promised as many as 14,000 housing units to be built by the Netanyahu government in the territories during negotiations.
At a certain stage, Netanyahu explained to the world that Abbas was prepared to accept the settlement construction plans. The man was presented as a traitor in the eyes of his political world and in the eyes of the Palestinian street. His trust in Netanyahu was lost for good. And then came another declaration from Ariel, about a major construction plan in the Gilo neighborhood, and Abbas ended his partnership with the Americans too.
The pro-settlement political lobby represents a small minority. It is radical and reckless, not just in the eyes of most Israelis, but in the eyes of a large proportion of the Israelis living beyond the Green Line as well. Nonetheless, it controls the government, which it extorts financially and neutralizes politically. It has the right to veto every move and every initiative.
When Netanyahu is threatened by Bennett, he takes shelter not in the center of the political map but on its radical margins, alongside Uri Ariel. There is not a single element in the world, including Swaziland, which accepts the dictats of the settlement lobby.
This lobby will shape the face of Israel in two stages. In the first stage it will become an apartheid state, boycotted by business groups in the world, besieged politically, legally and culturally. Israeli businesspeople are already feeling this cold wind. In the second stage, the world will force Israel to become a binational state, a state of all its citizens.
When this scenario is presented to the settler lobbyists, they say it won’t happen, G*d will intervene. One bright day the Palestinians will disappear. Unfortunately for them, that’s highly unlikely.
Israel Lands: Privatization or National Ownership – Jews Only
- ○ Kerry Says the “A-word” and Abbas says the “H-Word”
○ Jewish National Fund’s Iconic Blue Box Sends One-State Message
○ Kahanists don’t need to be terrorists anymore, since the State [of Israel] has become them
My recent diaries:
○ Obama’s Middle-East Policy In A Holding Pattern
○ Peace In Palestine Between Hamas and PA of Fatah
○ U.S. Congress and the Zionist Dream; Chas. Freeman and the WH Cabal
No. Israel will find new friends, for instance Ukraine. The Israeli strategy is so simple you won’t beleive how self-evident it is: tighten the noose around the Palestinians by forcing them into smaller and smaller parcels of land until their are two solid areas of them boxed in like the Gazans. They have no where to go, they can’t leave, they’ll work for Israel, eat and ‘get on with their lives’. That’s it folks, get used to it, because it’s a bit like climate change:everyone is still looking for the tipping point that has already passed. And like climate change, the US will protest while carrying on as usual. Did you catch the bit by foxy Foxman (I think it was him) who suggested that Hillary Clinton as the next Democratic presidential candidate—better yet his anointed successor to Obama—would go a long a way to making amends for Kerry’s apartheid remark by stating she would not say any such thing as president (or as ex-Secretary of State, by the way). Can you imagine the gall? Well, I can imagine that she justs sits on the sidelines smiling the smile of the Cheshire cat. All the chatter is a distraction: facts on the ground aren’t.
Yep, I caught it here in a statement by the Emergency Committee for Israel:
“It is time for John Kerry to step down as Secretary of State, or for President Obama to fire him. And it would go a long way toward repairing the damage Kerry has done if his predecessor as Secretary of State, who is the likely Democratic Party nominee for president, explained why this kind of rhetoric had no place in her State Department and why it will have no place in her presidential campaign.”
About Ukraine, Russian or former Soviet Jews make up 20% of the Israel population. They are not part of the moderate or Labor party in the Knesset or government institutions.
A new article @Tikun Olam worth reading: Gerald Steinberg, Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Israeli Government.
That’s right, I read it here in your posting. The arrogant jerks. And they’re Americans, dumping on their Secretary of State and calling the 2016 presidential election for their favorite Israel-bot. What could the Israel emergency be all about anyway? The Palestinians?
○ Russian and Ukrainian Jews at Each Other’s Throats
○ Kerry in Geneva Uses Anti-Semitic Leaflet in Provocation
My new diary @ET – German Documentary About Deadly Sniper Attacks in Kiev.
A young British journalist Winston Churchill in the Second Anglo-Boer War witnessed civilian internment in “concentration camps” a cause of great suffering … in South Africa! A report after the war concluded that 42,000 had died of starvation (rations were halved), disease and exposure in the camps.
Highlighted by Ali Abunimah in John Kerry and Apartheid is this stomach churning bit from Peter Beinart:
Wonder how “willing to compromise my liberalism” he would be if Germany and France refused to allow Jews that were forced out (or fled) to return their homes and were denied full and equal citizenship. Beinart and those that think aren’t even humanitarians much less liberals.
Wow, thanks Oui. In ynet, no less.
And thanks for all you do to extract the tremendous assortment of interesting facets to the unfolding of events for our bestest friend and us. You present us with an amazing tableau for our understanding to feast upon!
Excellent article by Richard Silverstein …
○ Israel-Palestine: Kerry’s Peace Talks Hit the Separation Wall
With the recent announcement of a Hamas-Fatah reconciliation and the prospect of a unity government between the rival Palestinian factions, the US-brokered Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have come to a screeching halt.
The agreement, which shocked Mideast analysts as well as the Israeli and US negotiators who’d been working to resume the talks, was a signal of the frustration of Palestinians by the lack of results. It was a vote of no confidence in the process that had been led by US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Given the likely failure of the Kerry initiative, what comes next? Does this mean the end of the two-state solution, a development that has been predicted with increasing vigor for years? If it does, what will replace it?
○ Kerry: Israel On Verge Apartheid State by Juan Cole
○ Peace In Palestine Between Hamas and PA of Fatah
○ Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talk Charade @Tikun Olam on July 31, 2013
My earlier analysis before Obama visit to Israel – Peace Will Be the Nail In Netanyahu’s Coffin on Feb. 20, 2013
It’s the always been the same basic math: you have two states, or you have one. And if there’s one, the Jewish population is going to be a minority. The so-called Existential Threat has always been from within, from the failure to aggressively embrace the idea of a Palestinian state next door (even one with a neutered military, and some non-Israeli occupying troops would probably have been acceptable, as long as it was truly independent of Israel).