Bibi’s lies: ‘Israel will always preserve equal rights, personal and civil, of all citizens, Jews & non-Jews as 1.” http://buff.ly/1jny8jw
Netanyahu pushing Basic Law defining Israel as Jewish state(Haaretz) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday during a visit to Independence Hall in Tel Aviv that he planned to push forward a new Basic Law to “legally anchor” Israel’s status as “the nation-state of the Jewish people.”
Netanyahu said he believed that the most “basic ingredient in our national lives will win legal status just as other central ingredients that constitute our fundamental core that have already been ruled into the Basic Law of Knesset.”
“Unfortunately, as we have seen recently, there are those who do not recognize this natural right and who seek to appeal the historical, legal and moral justification for the existence of the state of Israel as the nation-state of our people,” he added. “I see it as one of my basic missions as prime minister to fortify the state of Israel as the nation-state of our people.”
BTW In the cabinet of ministers, Netanyahu gets the support of MK Feiglin, deputy speaker, who makes it more clear by defining Judaism as the state religion of Israel, commandments of the Torah, written law given by G-d to Moses. Israel has no constitution.Minister Bennett makes no bones about building more settlements and his veto on any talks of a Palestinian state and sharing Jerusalem as capital.
Moshe Feiglin is banned from Britain but is coming to Canada. Why?
At last I managed to find the fascist description of Arabs by Moshe Feiglin. He has long been a controversial figure and his views are often described as fascist.
In the New Yorker in 2004 he was quoted as saying:
Among the Settlers by Jeffrey Goldberg
Indeed, some of the leading ideologues of the settlements, far from supporting the idea of a Jewish democracy, hope to establish a Jewish theocracy in Israel, ruled by a Sanhedrin and governed by Jewish law. Moshe Feiglin, a Likud activist who lives in a West Bank settlement and heads the Jewish Leadership bloc within the Party–he controls nearly a hundred and fifty of the Likud central committee’s three thousand members–believes that the Bible, interpreted literally, should form the basis of Israel’s legal system.
“Why should non-Jews have a say in the policy of a Jewish state?” Feiglin said to me. “For two thousand years, Jews dreamed of a Jewish state, not a democratic state. Democracy should serve the values of the state, not destroy them.” In any case, Feiglin said, “You can’t teach a monkey to speak and you can’t teach an Arab to be democratic. You’re dealing with a culture of thieves and robbers. Muhammad, their prophet, was a robber and a killer and a liar. The Arab destroys everything he touches.”
○ John Kerry was right to say ‘apartheid’ — more voices chime in
Big article breaking now. First seen reported at dailykos by David Harris Gershon……White House: Israel Killed the Peace Talks on a report by Larry Derfner at +927.com…..U.S. post-mortem on peace talks: Israel killed them
My bold above.
So far the full interview is not online. And it’s the Friday news dump time. Telling the Israeli public but keeping it quiet from the American public? We’ll see.
This is very big, imo. The ground is changing very swiftly under the Zionists’ feet. Before they realize it, they might have fewer friends at the UN than they think they have.
○ Arutz Sheva: Dutch Memorial Day to Feature Muslim ‘Shadow Holocaust’ Event
The city mayor of Hilversum will permit a closed session conference, not open for the public. IMO, the muslims have pushed this event as a provocation, not on a reconciliatoty note. In private, this group can commemorate any topic they choose. The official Nakba Memorial Day is May 15.
PS I don’t believe Martin Indyk was the unnamed US official who leaked information. Due to secrecy of talks, Indyk would lose all credibility to work as a professional on security issues. What is the background of this accusation from Israeli sources?
○ Anglo-American Relationship, Atlanticists and Israel
○ Haaretz: Don’t confuse Obama with a miracle-worker by Richard Silverstein
Haaretz’s Barak Ravid has written about this. Since Ravid is usually a conduit for the Israeli political establishment, I’m guessing he was leaked this story by someone in the PM’s office or the like. [I’m on the fence as Barak Ravid’s investigative work on Danny Seaman‘s propaganda in Netanyahu’s PMO was well done – Oui]
An eye-catcher by Larry Derfner @972+
○ U.S. post-mortem on peace talks: Israel killed them
Yedioth Ahronoth‘s Nahum Barnea, Israel’s No. 1 print journalist, has a long interview on Friday with unnamed U.S. officials involved in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, giving their view of why they failed. The interview (not published online) is quite a bombshell, as well as a historic document.
h/t kafkanade, a reader @BooMan
○ US Ambassador to Israel, Martin Indyk’s Security Clearance Suspended – Sept. 2000
○ U.S. Department of State Press Briefing [Sept. 25, 2000]
The Likude “central committee” has 3,000 members? Seriously?
h/t reader Donald @Tikun Olam
Thank you once again, Oui, for all the work that goes into your comments and posts. Your work is one of the most accessible digests covering these VERY important topics that are readily available to the rather easily conned, ignorant Americans (in which I include myself). So of course I understand why folks like Demian at MoA feel as they do, even if I think certain thinking involves gross over-generalization. 🙂
To the highlighted comment above….
I think this shows a LOT of muddled thinking and the usual subtle liberal Zionist fear mongering. It misunderstands the nature of the “Shift” that we are undergoing in the public mind. These ideas of ‘forcing’ change upon the Israelis are based upon the old paradigms of external power and do not reflect the awareness of the inner power of centered cohesion, which is a basic understanding of The Art of War.
As far as the Republican Party and the Lobby/Zionists/Israelis/AmericanJews (LZIA) are concerned, let’s place today’s positions in a broader historical context.
By Truman’s time and the birth of Israel, the US Government was already being ‘lobbied’ by Israeli influence. The Democratic Party was a natural place for the LZIAers. An open society and acceptance of minorities meant that Jews would be accepted, too. Thus into the sixties this dynamic continued. (I remember back then that one of the issues of the day was that Jews were being blackballed from joining elite country clubs. Back when WASPS had more sting!). Along the way events happened. Ike gave a farewell warning and the civil rights movement transformed the political landscape. The switch of the south from Democratic to Republican was most eventful because the MIC power base was centered on the Southern Democrats continuously chairing the needed military committees. Then it became the same faces but they were now the ranking member. Meanwhile, they was increasing pressure on Democrats from their more peace loving members to reduce the DOD and end the war. So the American MIC had a problem. I think (warning: speculation ahead), that the LZIAers became very important in the handling of many left energies by the world class hasbara propaganda of the LZIA programs. Through control of much of the media and entertainment complex, we have been feeding at the trough of spin our entire lives, it seems.
But the new dynamic is interesting and I am hopeful for the ongoing unfolding. The large breadth of American Jews are being forced to decide who they are. The visage of Adelson is a pretty stark image for many. Thus this split of the more aggressive (and rich) zio-energies going to the Republicans will continue. Bad thing? They have the money. This is where I suggest that a turning point is close at hand. And after that turning point, all that money could become very heavy baggage.
So we will see but I will remain hopeful and generally wary of the wordy fearmongers.
As discussed @Tikun Olam and @MoonOfAlabama
○ Israel apologists attempted to discredit Mandela with false Israel apartheid quote (2001)
○ Mandela at the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Whether it was Libya, Syria, Ukraine or the Middle East … in a long read and excellent article I found at Open Democracy … challenging the Israeli narrative of The New York Times et all.
New media and the changing narrative on Palestine by Victoria Brittain
I want to dedicate this paper to the great journalist and writer on the Middle East, Patrick Seale, who died last week – for decades he set an example of writing counter-narrative, and generously gave help and encouragement to others trying to do so.
Lots of substance, needs to be diaried!!
○ NY Times Public Editor Slams Jodi Rudoren for Allowing Israeli Security Apparatus to Co-Opt Reporting
○ Shin Bet Gags Reporting on Secret Arrest of Israeli-Palestinian Journalist-Activist
○ NY Times Slammed for Honoring Israeli Govt Gag Orders