McKay Coppins takes a look at how the Republicans are doing with their minority outreach programs. It appears that they think that they are making inroads by attacking an editor at Ebony and forcing MSNBC to apologize for some of their guests’ insensitive remarks. But attacking black folks, even if those black folks may be in the wrong is some respects, is still attacking black folks.
Speaking of which, guest-blogger Chad Stanton made a very interesting argument at the Washington Monthly this weekend where he compared the 1980’s campaign to get blacks to value education and personal responsibility with the Republican Party’s recent lurch into anti-science climate change-denialism and their turn away from environmental stewardship. In other words, the GOP is neither taking education seriously nor are they taking personal responsibility.
Ironic, no?
Because, of course, Black folks never valued education and personal responsibility before the 1980’s.
uh huh
uh huh
oh, and about Rand Paul:
He stood up for Voter ID and STATES RIGHTS
They’re not interested in minority outreach in any meaningful way – if a few people want to go play Black NeoConfederate in the street, the GOP has no problem with that. Problem is, once you’re there, they let you know real quick where your place is – Powell was vilified for mildly stating an obvious truth, and “Izbecki-becki-stan-stan” Cain spoke out on N*ggerhead Ranch and promptly got beat down like a field hand that wandered into the Big House during a cotillion.
We’ve seen how they’ve treated one of the best among us since 2009.
We know how they’ll treat us.
Rep have become so enamored of attacking the messenger that actually debating policies is too far a reach these day. Physician heal thyself? Nah, it’s much easier to point to the patient as the problem so you can stand back at a safe distance and wallow in the ideology.
Coppins is too kind.
They’re in complete failure mode as far as one particular bigot eruption even as we sit here discussing this. The easiest and most obvious way for them to win the goodwill of Latinos is to pass immigration reform. The easiest and most obvious way for them to alienate Latinos and everyone who doesn’t hate Latinos is to kill immigration reform.
Speaking of the new poster boy for Republican minority outreach, does anyone know if Rand Paul still wants to reinstate the Dred Scott decision? The bill that he and David Vitter introduced was sent to the Judiciary Committee and promptly ignored, but that was in 2011. I went to Google to see if I could find anything more recent, but not so much. There’s something from vdare about how he reneged on birthright citizenship, but I’m not about to go there. I guess it’s progress that the white supremacists think he’s betrayed them, at least.
The collective “conservative” mind has entered the phase of tertiary syphilis and there ain’t no healing possible.
With its hatred of US climate scientists, it’s a wonder the movement hasn’t simply defunded the NASA climate scientists, who have long issued unequivocal explanations of the warming and its cause.
Too direct? Curious, as it seems the nuts will propose simply anything, no matter how crazed.
Because the bible-thumper, misogynist, bigoted, anti-science physician Rep. Paul Broun wasn’t crazy enough (and has moved up to running for the US Senate), there’s this GOP teabagger running in Broun’s now open House seat Slowinski. (Not from the Onion and not a play on Lewinsky) As good (as in jaw-droppingly nutso) as the ID gubernatorial debate last week.