Ezra Klein says you should blame the Chinese for the high price of ground beef.
Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina had his hind quarters handed to him by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Unsurprisingly, the president used his weekly address to honor those that have given their lives during military service. Less predictably, the president made an appearance in Afghanistan today. He shook the hand of every soldier in attendance.
Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut is hoping to break a Republican filibuster against expanded background checks for gun purchases by making the bill focus more on mental health.
According to exit polls, chocolate tycoon Petro Poroshenko has won the Ukrainian presidential election. Vladimir Putin says he will respect the results of the election.
You knew that Speaker Boehner was bad at his job, but you probably couldn’t even fathom that he’d let our highways run out of money.
“Nothing [is] happening in the House when it comes to the highway bill,” former Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said this week. “Nothing introduced, nothing debated, no discussion and we’re in a mess.”
The gas tax expires on September 30th if Congress doesn’t reauthorize it.
On this Memorial Day weekend, let’s remember the fleeting illusion that Bob Marley spoke about.
What’s on your mind?
Ezra Klein says you should blame the Chinese for the high price of ground beef. And do what, start a war with them?
That would be news to the ranchers and alfalfa growers around here, where herds were this winter culled by up to seventy percent because there’s no damned water. No water to drink (cows require 123 gallon per day, as opposed to humans’ 14), no water to grow feed (alfalfa requires a near constant state of irrigation). If pretty-boy from NYC Ezra were to get out more, he’s find pretty much all of cattle country, from Texas to Montana, California to Kansas, is under extreme drought. There is no water.
If the claim were of China’s increasingly overwhelming contribution to anthropogenic atmospheric disruption I could buy it, but a Chinese pursuit of a cheeseburger in paradise?
Just another example of somebody who thinks way to highly of himself.
No fear.
Uh, humans don’t require 14 gallons a day if one is willing to forgo niceties like bathing and flush toilets.
On that topic, my village water bill says that my wife and I use 6000 gallons a month during the Winter or 100 gallons each. I kind of doubt their meter’s accuracy unless our humidifier is using a LOT of water. OTOH, I do like long showers and because of our “water saving” toilets usually flush three or four times versus once when I was a kid.
those toilets are a waste
Ezra is noting correctly that the price of food is increasingly set by the world market not local conditions. I think the last package of ground beef I purchased said “Argentina”.
If pretty-boy from NYC Ezra were to get out more, he’s find pretty much all of cattle country, from Texas to Montana, California to Kansas, is under extreme drought. There is no water.
Yglesias is the NYC boy. Ezra is actually a SoCal native.
Beef is like gasoline – consumers don’t see the real costs of the production process.
Chocolate man better work on some power-sharing reforms and autonomy for russian-majority regions or his honeymoon won’t last long. If he makes some major overtures, he’ll deflate the pro-russian separatists very quickly – and perhaps inspire similarly successful reforms in other areas, stopping Putin’s expansionism. Sadly, I probably shouldn’t hold my breath on this one. But we can hope.
Willy Wonka not only is more moderate that Tymoshenko (who keeps talking about nuking Russia), if I’m not mistaken he’s got a couple of chocolate factories across the border in Russia, so I suspect that he’ll engage in honest negotiations, from what very little about know about him. In fact, his bigger problem is to reign in Svoboda and the goon squads. The Banderistas have had direct links with our intelligence agencies since the end of WWII, so he’ll have a delicate balancing act, but they have to be reined in or Ukraine will disintegrate. I’ve seen reports of Romanians in southwest Ukraine and Poles in northwest Ukraine both talking about also talking about a loose confederation.
It appears from his actions/inactions that Speaker Boehner believes his job is doing whatever it takes to keep his Speaker job. Letting the national highway system go to hell may increase his chance of keeping the Speaker job, because the House is hopelessly gerrymandered for a midterm and the GOP base done gone crazy.
Potholes? Rough roads? Traffic jams? Blame Obamacare!!!!