It’s unfortunate, but this needed to be said.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Alaska is a great country, but for me it’s not about Obama and I agree all soldiers should be returned home when lost on the battlefield. Bergdahl is out of harms’ way, however the military will start an investigation. The release of Taliban leaders has been in the offing as part of peace talks. Nothing to show for it to date. War should be the last option and the President and military should have clear goals. Military intervention is never without repercussion. That’s why I’m hopeful about Obama’s West Point speech and change!
○ Freed Taliban Leaders Enjoy Life in Luxury in Qatar
Well at least Bergdahl didn’t take his weapons with him to murder Afghan families …
An earlier attempt by the U.S. to have Qatar mediate in a political framework for the Taliban lasted exactly one day before betrayal.
○ Obama Policy and Af-Pak Border Fallacy – Dec. 2009
○ iCasualties: Afghanistan Coalition Military Fatalities By Year
○ US Forces Being Back-Stabbed by Pakistan Military
Starts strong. Good first conclusion:
He later goes off with:
And this:
Really? Who are these people screaming for Obama’s impeachment that condemn both the drone killing of al-Awlaki and prisoner exchange for Bergdahl and support Snowden? Those he names wouldn’t even support a fair and open trial for the prisoners in Guantanamo. And if by “these people,” he means inconsistent ravings by Rand Paul, that’s one person.
Not to mention this massive fail…
Congress never issued a war declaration.
So, another make up my own facts moran.
That was a waste of time.
May be more fail in it than the two that jumped out at me and the one you noted. Those, however, are so egregious that I don’t want to go back through it. A shame because, as I said, it started off strong.
Thanks for the link, BooMan!
Also needed to be said.
The blogosphere has been buzzing about this column from Maureen- it’s highly mockable, all righty. Until clicking the link here, I hadn’t known the nut idea that Grandma Dowd’s column was expressing in the wake of her bad trip. Should have known that she would use it to engage in an extremely lame Reefer Madness cautionary tale.
Did Maureen’s reporting discover that users in Colorado have gotten into accidents or harmed themselves or others in any way as a result of their pot consumption? No?
Well, an extremely privileged member of the press elite had her peace of mind reduced for a brief period of time as she laid in her comfortable hotel room. Yes, that alone makes pot chocolate bars a priority issue for America.
I believe Dowd ate 16x the amount she should have eaten because she’s a fucking idiot.
Go drink 16x the amount of tequila it takes to get nice and tipsy and see how your evening goes.
Oh, that’s right, tequila is legal. Never mind. Nothing to see here. Cannabis is bad, because Maureen Dowd is a fucking idiot.
If this is this middle-aged woman’s first experience with pot, it makes her both an idiot and socially lame. Nothing wrong with preferring Chardonnay to marijuana — I do as well — but would no more drink alone than I would smoke or eat pot alone.
Luckily for novices like children, there are all sorts of directions on the labels of beer, wine and liquor that provides directions on how much to drink if you’re a novice!
The fact that she imbibed as much cannabis as she did and it just kinda sucked for a bit illustrates exactly why it is obscene for this drug to be illegal. Do the same with a bottle of hard alcohol, and you may not wake up.
Cannabis isn’t for everyone, just like alcohol isn’t for everyone. I just find her little anecdote about the dangers of cannabis as a positive for it. The drug may not be for you, and you may not like the high, but there is virtually no toxicity to it, and an overdose usually ends with someone falling asleep for a few hours.
And every year some fraternity pledge dies after chug-a-lugging a quart of vodka. Let’s bring back Prohibition.
I was incorrect- Dowd reports two deaths that she associates with Colorado’s new law. She has some problems with that “correlation is not causation” thing, however.
Some of the measures she reports Colorado officials are considering are reasonable. Unfortunately, they’re reportages in a column which seems to exist so that she can tell us how scary the weed is. The title is dated as hell; the ending punchline is
I can only imagine how the media will make a big deal out of deaths related to cannabis.
Of course, if they don’t list side-by-side alcohol, prescription drugs and other illegal drugs to show the relative numbers, then you know it’s just Reefer Madness rebooted.
Juan Cole also strips their political hysteria bare.
Dear GOP: The US has negotiated with Terrorists and Amnestied Them all through History
Is the Prisoner Swap Hysteria a sign of GOP War withdrawal Symptoms?
So many ignoramuses; so little time. Almost every freaking current event issue that gets RWNJ panties in a twist is at some level evidence of their ignorance — historical, legal, mathematical, ethical. They even mostly fail the Biblical.
I couldn’t have said it better.
Even the slate article writer was mainly trying to remind us not to paint him as a hero. I believe the suggestion was a dishonorable discharge then let basically ignore him to live his life as a civilian.
A DD? Whatever for? I remember an Air Force General who was bopping six of his Colonels’ wives, essentially rape by coercion. He had threatened to destroy their husbands’ careers by giving them bad reviews if they didn’t comply. HE was allowed to resign and get a pension. No DD, no jail time which he deserved in my opinion. What damage to the troops and morale did HE do?
Far worse IMHO than getting disgusted and walking off a base.
We hear accusations that Bergdahl was anti-social by not engaging in illegal drinking. WTF? Was he even a drinker? Did he just want to stay out of trouble? This case reminds me so much of Pat Tillman.