It’s often noted that the Democrats do better than the Republicans with younger voters who are more liberal-minded about things like gay marriage and race, and more environmentally conscious than their elders. But you rarely see this expressed quite so explicitly.
[Hat tip: Mock Paper Scissors]
From 2012:
Billionaires Back Gov. Walker’s One Percent Agenda.
Hendricks is WI native/resident. Other WI billionaires also support Scott Walker (Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, the GOP). Specifically #1 through 8 on this list.
See more on the S C Johnson family in a comment to Money & God
Billionaire environmentalists that support Walker and the GOP. Not unlike Log Cabin Republicans; money trumps life. (Although to be fair, the LCRs have made huge strides and are half-way to getting both.)
Bennet, Tester Introduce Bill to Ban Members of Congress from Becoming Lobbyists, Close Revolving Door.
Would also be helpful to include full disclosure requirements for spouses and spawns (assuming it wouldn’t be legal to place restrictions on the employment of family members).
LOVE this photo, BooMan. I met a lot of good Wisconsin people, some of whom had become confused, when I went back there to canvass for one of the successful Senate recall campaigns. It’s going to be a long, hard road, but Wisconsin citizens can reverse these destructive changes which have taken place this decade.
I certainly hope they do.
Shorter son: Dad is a dumbass.
That’s funny. I had a similar situation a few years ago. My dad had something very xenophobic and bigoted about immigrants that he had printed off from the internet on an 8-1/2″ x 11″ sheet of paper, and he had taped it in the back window of his pickup truck. I needed to borrow the truck one weekend, so I just slid a couple of pieces of OFA literature I had at the time between his paper and the back window. I think it was one of those “Yes We Can” flyers or something like it. You could still see the perimeter of what he had taped there, but I’m sure if anyone saw it, the whole thing would have caused them great confusion.
Sadly, he also had a “Not A Liberal” bumper sticker on the back bumper, which I couldn’t do a whole lot about. When it came time to return it, my wife wanted me to remove his anti-immigrant paper from the window and leave it crumpled on the seat. But it’s his truck, and I was borrowing it, so I respected his right to put his crazy shit on his property. When I returned it, I did pull one side of his flyer down so it couldn’t be read from outside the truck, just to send a little message. He never said a word. He doesn’t go there with me anymore. He knows my feelings, and he also knows he can’t defend his views one-on-one against me. I still laugh when I think about the time we were all at a family function during the campaign and he was catching people and whispering, “Don’t say anything about Obama, Mike likes him”. It was a classic.
I still laugh when I think about the time we were all at a family function during the campaign and he was catching people and whispering, “Don’t say anything about Obama, Mike likes him”. It was a classic.
==I think that’s sweet, and funny!