A lot of people want to spin Cantor’s loss to suit their purposes. But if you don’t think it was based in racism then you weren’t paying attention to his opponent’s campaign. You can poll the people of the 7th District all you want, but they just voted for the guy who ran on opposing the DREAM Act. That is not a moderate position, at all. That is the position of people who don’t like brown people. Period.
And that was Brat’s biggest issue.
Southern strategy lives on. White resentment at its worst.
That Cantor had not genuflected enough to Tea Party pieties is sort of comic, especially considering all the daggers drawn between Cantor and the hapless Drunken Boner, surely no Tea Party fav. And that Cantor advocated the lunatic “debt” shutdown, as I recall.
Of course, it is dark comedy because this unbelievable upset once again demonstrates to what extent an incontrovertible fascist movement has taken root in the country, and that no “establishment” has any control over it, from KKKarl Rover to the Wall Street wizrds. Who will become its Fuhrer?
One has to wonder what percent of Repubs voted in this primary.
Ted Cruz obviously wants to, he just renounced his Canadian citizenship
It is funded by millionaires and billionaires, and the aims aren’t so much an organized fascist party/organization, as much as getting as many bigots and trashbags to internalize monied fascism as the only legitimate form of government.
Shrink the government and drown it, and the only people left to run things are the millionaires and billionaires.
It’s less about controlling or even having a figurehead, as much as it is corrupting the process and system so that the defacto, default government are the people with the means to run their own fiefdoms.
I know there are thousands of terms thrown around daily. Neo-con, neo-liberal, plutocrat, aristocrat, oligarch, etc…but it all aims for Neo-fedualism.
Inverted Totalitarianism = Neo-feudalism.
And of course, if Trammell wins the election, the putsch won’t have done the xenophobic cause any good.
Maybe. But Linsey Graham didn’t have any problems with the base and he’s been at least as ready to go down that road (as well as making sure the government doesn’t default, etc).
I think the bigger picture is that the GOP has been a haven for racists and bigots since Nixon. And with the Tea Party crowd (aka the racist GOP base) dragging the GOP ever further to the right, there is simply no longer room for even one Jew in the GOP. So now they have none. In fact, now every single elected Republican in congress is a Christian. No Muslims, no Hindus, no Jews, no Buddhists, no Asians, no blacks, no gays. Aside from a few Latinos they are 100% white, and 100% Christian.
Lindsey Graham ran state-wide.
Yes, but this was a primary election. A base election. I don’t think the GOP base in SC is any different than the GOP base in Cantor district. And the GOP base hates Jews as much as they hate blacks.
Myrtle Beach:
Any questions?
Sorry, not sure what you mean? I don’t really consider the country club Republicans part of the base. But either way, country club Republicans are just as anti-Semetic as the rednecks.
At this point, I don’t know. My gut leads me to tend to agree with you. But there are others who are making the case that immigration isn’t necessarily the sole or primary driver to his defeat.
And so does gun control measures, I imagine. All they see is securing the border.
Individual polling of issues translates nothing to a vote. I hate it when people extrapolate polling of issues onto candidates and parties.
Yes, given that the only subject which seemed to be discussed during this primary campaign was immigration, it is hard to ignore that this issue, and all its peripheral tentacles, was likely the lightning rod that got all those people to the polls.
Hardly dispositive, but according to PPP, 70 percent of GOP registered voters in Cantor’s district claim they’d support immigration reform that would secure the borders, block employers from hiring those here illegally, and allow undocumented residents without criminal backgrounds to gain legal status, while 27 percent would oppose.
It’s not dispositive because barely any Republicans in his district bothered to vote.
Correct. It wasn’t about “race,” per se. It was about broken government.
If the DemRats don’t listen up, they are eventually going to feel the same sting.
Very soon.
If the Dems nominate Hillary Clinton and the Rats nominate someone who can justifiably make the claim that he has not been part and parcel of the PermaGov movement over the past 50+ years or so, no amount of fixing in the world will save them.
Shouldn’t you be encouraging the Dems to nominate Hillary and the Republicans to nominate their own PermaGov candidate then? Why pretend that you care about saving or fixing these parties?
It’s all about the Rand.
Yes, it all sounds great until you try to put a name on “someone who can justifiably make the claim that he has not been part and parcel of the PermaGov movement.” Then it’s like, “Oh. That asshole?”
Of course, I don’t want to make any assumptions. Maybe Rand Paul isn’t the asshole AG has in mind.
No. I should not. I am neither pro-nor-anti-“Democratic” or “Republican.” I am simply anti-PermaGov. Like I say in my sig, I don’t really give a rat’s ass about who tells the truth regarding this rapidly tanking system, I just want to see it changed. I would actually be much happier if the Dems ran someone who really wanted to change things, but that is quite obviously completely out of the question at the moment. So here I am, caught between a rock and a hard place. I choose the hard place, because the Dem rock ain’t about to move. Deal wid it.
It’s always struck me as somewhat odd that Cantor would represent this district. Who knows if the majority of voters there, up until yesterday, ever considered anything beyond Republican vs. Democrat. Or if yesterday they heard anything other than conservative, Christian, Republican vs. conservative, Jewish Republican. Brat tout his Christianity and may have been Cantor’s first opponent to do so.
btw — probably no issue in this country is devoid of racism. Sometimes defining and sometimes one of many factors. Obama did, after all, win two national elections.
Must also consider the possibility of a push poll in the last few days. Brat spent practically nothing on his campaign — but we don’t know who else was spending and what they were doing. Push polls are cheap to do and can be effective. Not ethical but that’s irrelevant to the “Christian” teabaggers.