If the president is doing this to make right-wingers’ heads explode, it is definitely going to work:
The White House will honor 10 young adults on Tuesday who came to the United States illegally and qualified for the president’s program to defer deportation actions.
Each person has qualified for the government’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, which delays removal proceedings against them as long as they meet certain guidelines.
They will be honored as “Champions of Change,” the White House said in a statement Monday because they “serve as success stories and role models in their academic and professional spheres.”
They emigrated from Mexico, Colombia, Morocco, India, Taiwan and the Philippines and many of them work in professions related to immigration policy or have helped launch initiatives that promote reform.
Heralding “illegal immigrants” as “champions” in the White House is the kind of catnip that folks like Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh cannot resist.
More seriously, this is kinda ballsy and demonstrates that Obama doesn’t really care about what the right has to say anymore.
Theodore Roosevelt: Is there any law that will prevent me from declaring Pelican Island a federal bird reservation?
Aide: No, the island is federal property.
Theodore Roosevelt: Very well, then, I so declare it.
Well, despite President Obama’s consistent best efforts to reach-out to these sociopathic douche-canoe’s, the Republicans and Conservatives spent 5+ years spitting in his eye.
Now, he figures he’s going to spend the next 2 1/2 years, spitting right back!
But with far more style.
Now it becomes all the more important that we hold the Senate because, otherwise, the Republicans will do everything they can to tie Obama in knots (up to and including impeachment). So let’s all get out there and campaign for our local candidates.
I wish more people would stop caring what the right wing outrage factory has to say. We’d all be the better for it.
I stopped listening to them in 1981.
Byron York fluffs his pompadour as the Middle East burns.
Obama should spend a weekend clearing brush somewhere, would the media compare how many days Obama spent “clearing brush” vs Bush?
Yes, I recall York being terribly concerned when Bush golfed during the Iraq war and about his flying far over Louisiana while people in New Orleans starved and drowned.
Which American workers will they shortly displace, I wonder?
The ones for whom they will work at lower wages, of course.
This is the culmination of Ross Perot’s prophecy when Clinton I was in the process of ascending to the the royal presidency to succeed Bush I.
He had the numbers slightly wrong but the process? Right on the money.
Arthur, nowhere in Perot’s rap does he talk about immigration law at all. How does your pull quote relate to BooMan’s post? It doesn’t?
Never mind.
This movement is part of the ongoing effort to lower wages and benefits here by any and all means possible. This is the main goal of the .01%…find the lowest wage balance point beyond which the society tips into total chaos and failure. Bringing in even more cheap labor will push wages down even further.
Why do they do this?
The profit motive is one thing, of course, but I really think that some group of people sat down long ago and decided that continuing “The American Dream” way of life was simply not going to be possible given the competition from developing nations. We are going down, centerfielddj. Down like a motherfucker. The other so-called developed nations will soon follow us. Exceptionalism only works until those who have not been allowed to be exceptionalized begin to get their acts together. Only then does the playing field begin to get even.
Bare survival-level wages are not really the only option, though. Take away some of the privilege from the .01% and things would really smooth out at a much higher level for most of us. Only…in order to do that we would have to:
1-First wake the fuck up to the plain fact that said .01% controls almost the entire economy of the world and its media and political machines as well.
and then…
2-Elect people who would pass laws governing the acquired wealth and power of that .01%
Most of the controllers do not think that the workers are intelligent enough to govern themselves. Not really. And given the deep, deep sleep of most people regarding the economic and political realities in place throughout the world, they may have a point. We shall see.
History is written by the winners.
Most of the winners in our brief history on this planet have been various forms of what I am calling the .01%,
Maybe they’re right. Or maybe it’s just that they have been right up until now, but the times they are a’changin’. With the advent of the Information Age, maybe evolution is calling a new game.
Let us pray.
Let us pray.
“Elect people who would pass laws governing the acquired wealth and power of that .01%.”
Rand Paul wants to enable the .01% to amass even more wealth. He’s very open about this. Anti-Labor, pro-Big Business, opposed to almost all Federal regulation of businesses, wants to undermine Social Security, Medicare and social welfare programs, and proposes to eliminate taxes on capital gains on real estate and financial investments, as well as dividends and interest income at the individual level. Rand would also eliminate the estate tax. Closing other tax loopholes will not make up for the ones he opens up here.
I don’t know who you think you’re fooling. You’re not fooling us.
Which is why I continue to complain what a shitty senator he is being to the large percentage of Kentucky residents who will NEVER get anywhere near the .01% level.
Baby paul spends much more time trying to get his mug on the TV machine than working for the poor or even middle class residents of Kentucky.
Rand also wants a flat tax, which at the 17% or lower rate he’s talking about would lower taxes drastically on the highest incomes, and since he would eliminate the alternative minimum tax would result in a much higher tax burden for the lower middle class and the poor.
And…apparently they just caught one of the Benghazi perpetrators.
Doesn’t seem consequential enough to make much of a point. Americans consistently applaud the “up by their own bootstraps” success stories. The RWNJ would be wise to ignore this — although, a response from them wouldn’t be surprising — as their latest anti-immigration campaign seems not to be a winner outside of TX and a few other selected states.
Yep. No more elections he has to win to keep power. Now he can influence the conditions for the next election instead.
I notice that G. E. Bush never attempted to do this. But after his failures in 9/11, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq without catching Obama bin Laden, allowing New Orleans to drown with no help, and the Wall Street collapse he was instrumental in creating, what did Bush have to work with?
Obama is just building on a very successful Presidency. This is his next step. Frame the next elections.
[BLOCKQUOTE]More seriously, this is kinda ballsy and demonstrates that Obama doesn’t really care about what the right has to say anymore. [/BLOCKQUOTE]
it’s called