If the president is doing this to make right-wingers’ heads explode, it is definitely going to work:

The White House will honor 10 young adults on Tuesday who came to the United States illegally and qualified for the president’s program to defer deportation actions.

Each person has qualified for the government’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program, which delays removal proceedings against them as long as they meet certain guidelines.

They will be honored as “Champions of Change,” the White House said in a statement Monday because they “serve as success stories and role models in their academic and professional spheres.”

They emigrated from Mexico, Colombia, Morocco, India, Taiwan and the Philippines and many of them work in professions related to immigration policy or have helped launch initiatives that promote reform.

Heralding “illegal immigrants” as “champions” in the White House is the kind of catnip that folks like Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh cannot resist.


More seriously, this is kinda ballsy and demonstrates that Obama doesn’t really care about what the right has to say anymore.