A post written by Moi  on June 18, 2014


The modern penalty for attacking neighbours,
you live by the sword, you die by the sabres,
the death of more than a thousand cuts:
sanctions that eviscerated Iraq’s guts.
Killed countless kids, untold slaughter
by sanctioning chlorine that purified the water.
Sanctions killed Iraq’s military as well
(tanks lacked tracks, some even a shell).

Only when Iraq was so very weak
did the US attack and havoc wreak.
They killed the tanks for the media you see,
the men within them they killed for free.
Bremer’s diktats then sowed the seed,
marginalised Sunnis without any heed.
Sunni disquiet, the Fallujah bloodbath
mere mileage markers on histories path.

Divide and conquer, the USual thought,
pressure relief through sectarian sport.
A fundamental divide thoughtlessly ignited,
occupying generals no doubt delighted.
Muqtada al-Sadr’s army defeated
Sunnis who’ve since been badly mistreated.
The Saddam / Maliki democratic illusion
behind a lot of the current confusion.

Fundamental fratricide made to order
and refugees took it across the border.
Syria absorbed over a million Sunnis
at its own cost, no outside monies.
The refugees bit the hand that fed them
rebelling to cause the current problem.
The “arab spring” Nato supported in Libya
easily transported by sea to Syria.


Some pundits claim the US is at fault
for this latest crisis – this ISIS assault.
Sunnis are now back with a vengeance,
Maliki part blamed for ISIS transcendence.
“if you break it, you own it” quipped Colin Powell
just before Saddam threw in the towel.
“Fix it or pay” the world now demands
as usual the US only issues commands.

The fault really lies with those who gave arms
to Syrian rebels without any qualms,
weapons now flowing over the borders
into Iraq in the hands of marauders.
Iraqi Sunnis are providing support,
adding to weapons the jihadis brought.
Depending: it’s either justice in action
or widespread terrorism with local traction.

So we are left with the latest emergency
ISIS are terrorists not an insurgency,
funded to wreck the Syrian nation
they’ve managed to damage US reputation.
Now pouring out of the Sunni enclaves
blowback coming in hurricane waves.
Payback in spades used to dig graves
not of the chiefs, only the braves.

An exigency made in the USA,
Bremer’s old acts reversing today?
Saudi support for Syrian terrorism
opposed in Iraq with Shia heroism?
Blame and counter-claim to distraction,
or just a picture of Ouroboros in action
– take a snake by the tail, a US farce
when it turns and bites them on the arse.


ISIS intend to create a caliphate.
State sanctioned stonings there await,
second class females hand and foot,
illiterate, who’ll stay where they’re put.
Amputations, flogging in stadiums of sport
and religious courts for crimes of thought.

The funding for all of this utter madness,
the blood and oil and utter badness,
comes from outright monarchies
with intelligence arms that rival the nazis.
Know to the shekel who’s paying what
to who, why and precisely the spot.

The General inflammation of Sunnis / ISIS
in medical terms would be Saudiitis.
Iran-like sanctions should be prescribed
for preventing eruptions as above described.
That must happen to stop a caliphate,
it’s probably already way too late.

The US fawns on its oily soulmate
but draws the line at creating a caliphate.
Private Saudi funding still takes place,
the caliphate is coming at headlong pace.
Costing just a few lousy billion
they’re creating conditions for making a zillion.

Juan Cole’s excellent article – Who are Iraq’s Sunni Arabs and What did we Do to them?.