This image below appeared on my computer screen while I was browsing the mainstream media news as Google News presents it. It just about says it all.
Examine it in detail.
What do you see?
Later, after a few people hopefully respond, I will chime in with my own observations.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Millions, maybe.
See ya…
What do you see?
Interesting! After staring at the ad for a while I notice the subliminal(?) message above the picture.
It’s not exactly a “plot” though, Voice. Not necessarily meant to act subliminally. It just does. This is simply the way the competing memes pan out in the digital world. Like the crawl beneath mainstream news stations. You don’t actually see it, but it’s being perceived on some level.
But there’s much more there.
I’ll bite, Arthur. What did I miss with these old eyes?
Well for starters, there’s your sig:
It’s so out of date!!!
Here’s the deal now…witness the ongoing flood of minimum wage laborers being flooded into this country as well as out of its public schools.
The real deal.
The real deal.
Once again…Ross Perot’s prophetic words during the 1992 Democratic primary debates. (Emphases mine.):
I repeat:
“…when their jobs come up from a dollar an hour to six dollars an hour, and ours go down to six dollars an hour, and then it’s leveled again.”
And that is exactly where we are
headed…errr, aaahhh…being herded.Seventeen years after Ross Perot said that…just a little off of his 12-15 year schedule…suddenly we were in what now is being called “The Great Recession.” What a coincidence!!!
And the wages came tumbling down.
Real wages. You know…in relationship to expenses?
The real deal.
The wages come tumbling down.
○ BP, Exxon evacuating Iraq expats and more [video]
○ Exxon Chief Rex Tillerson Reaffirms Commitment to Russia at Moscow Conference
○ Janusz Bugajski Biography
Bugajski-a typical CIA media asset.
And now it’s my turn.
What do I see here?
Where to start, where to start?
At the top, I guess.
“USA Today.” The branding name. To its left a logo. A smileyface green plate with a stylized plastic fork where the nose would normally be, feeding the happy little face from the USA Today logo. Or perhaps leading it by the nose. Underneath? “A Gannett Company.”
What do we know about “The Gannett Companies?” Well, we know this, for sure.
The key words here?
“Near McLean.” Now McLean, VA is a company town, and that company is “The Company.” The CIA. Bet on it. Even the pizza joints are spooky-spook-spookish. Been there, smelled that. The plasticized American exceptionalist dream in all of its whited-out splendor.
What does this particular Gannet Company do? It provides the following to that vast centrist cesspool that we laughingly call “The American Middle Class.”
Wow!!! They got it all covered, right?
Then the spooky kicker. All greyed out with nowhere to go except right smack into your little sleeple brain:
“UH oh!!!” goes the fight-or-flight thalamus. “Gotta watch out fer them sneaky Russkies!!!”
But…wait a minute!!! That’s not the message of this image, is it? Naaaaahhhh…It’s a picture of two almost-teeny girls in the back seat of an SUV and they are so happy!!! They’re listening to the Disney theme from “Frozen” or some other totally synthetic bullshit. And…wait another minute!!! They’re post-racial, too!!! It’s all gonna be alright, folks. Even brownish little girls can live the Disney life. Middle class like a motherfucker and USA Today-ed to near perfection.
The bottom kicker?
Yup. Learn more?
OK. Let’s.
Some of the fine people who brought you the Blood For Oil wars, the ongoing collapse of the ecosphere and the already well completed total collapse of our government are the “energy behind your journey.” To where? It doesn’t really matter, does it? As long as you take the Exxon-Mobil road, it allg oes to the same place. It’s the journey that counts, after all. Right? Your journey in an oversized SUV (Stupid Ugly Vehicle) that guzzles fuel at military terror-enforced low prices so’s your children and their friends can listen to aurally compressed, artificially produced
sound poison…errr, ahhh, music…on a pair of slave labor-assembled earphones and thus grow up to be just like you, mindlessly swallowing USA Today’s disinfo while the Empire fights to preserve its perch on the top of a rapidly collapsing food chain.Enjoy your artificially colored GMO corn chips, Bunky, because that’s about all you’re really gonna get from these people. All the rest goes to the controllers. They have bought your attention with the same value level of junk that the Dutch used to buy Manhattan Island from its native dwellers, and now they are building flimsy skyscrapers on your soul. Them skyscrapers can fall down, if you remember. Yes they can. Bet on that as well.
Have a nice day.
You’re gonna need it.
Let us pray.
Or be preyed upon.
I got yer SUV.
Right here!!!
i feel that must add here…this is just one image on one day. Imagine, if you can, the number of single images that are broadcast on a given day throughout the media and internet. If you were to try to put a percentage on them (including advertisements, the most powerful of all controllers), what percentage would be supporting various kinds of disinformation such as “The American Dream,” what percentage would be what one might call “neutral” and what percentage would be illuminating some kind of truth about the monstrosity that the U.S. has become since the Vietnam War first started?
My own estimate? Maybe 85-90% disinfo, 5-10% neutral and whatever image bandwidth is left over after those two image wars are through for some kind of objective truth.
Long odds, folks.
Long, long odds.
You wonder why we’re in trouble?
That’s why.
While our so-called minds are occupied with the daily soap opera of American life, our subconscious is being pulled 90% towards a sort of disinformational Dreamsville.
Why do I say “Wake the fuck up” so often here?
That’s why.
Bet on it.
Here’s the deal. If you do not:
1-Know that you are being controlled.
2-Understand the primary control mechanisms.
How can you function as an independent human being?
The early Americans staged a “War of Independence.” They had it easy. They know who the enemy was.
We are faced with an even more difficult task because most of us do not even seem realize who our controllers may be or the tactics that they use to control us. We need to wage a war of mental, emotional and physical independence. The need for mental and emotional independence should be fairly obvious once one grasps the enormity of what is happening, but…why physical? It’s physical because the poisons that we are eating, the pharmacological nightmare that is daily advertised on the media as “health” and the ongoing decay of the ecosphere is making us progressively weaker by the day.
Wake the fuck up!
Station WTFU signing off once again.