CNN’s Candy Crowley invited Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein. The former apologized for not getting reporting right about the bogus reasons for going to war against Saddam Hussein and the latter whacked Dick Cheney for opening his mouth about the crisis in Iraq and the scourge of terrorism.
- CROWLEY: (INAUDIBLE) Carl, a former vice president, Dick Cheney, threw sort of gasoline on the fire this week, wrote an op-ed in the “Wall Street Journal.” Among other things — this was titled “The Collapsing Obama Doctrine.” He and his daughter Liz wrote, “Terrorists take control of more territory and resources than ever before in history, and he goes golfing. He seems blithely unaware or indifferent to the fact, that a resurgent al Qaeda presents a clear and present danger to the United States of America.”
I don’t even have to ask you a question, do I?
BERNSTEIN: Well, actually, there really is something off the wall about what Cheney is doing and saying here given his responsibility for this. I think the psychiatrist would call it projection. Blaming President Obama for this morass that we are in, largely of his and his colleagues’ making but Bob is absolutely right here.
You said about 10 years. What’s it going to look like 10 years from now? We don’t know but we need to start doing real reporting in this town about what the hell is going on and start to come up with a notion of how various institutions are addressing real problems in real time. We’re not doing it. I mean, if you look at everything we’ve seen on this show this morning, it is indicative of that.
The pundits talk about ISIS or ISIL as Al Qaeda, but this is once again false. The ISIS militants are remnants of the Sunni insurgency started in 2003 to counter the U.S. invasion and campaign of horror by its soldiers and Marines. The militias moved into Northern Syria to fight the Assad army and became so extreme that the group was disavowed by the AQ leadership. The ISIS leadership has a campaign plan, are funded by GCC nations and has a very effective PR modus to attract foreign fighters. ISIS had the toughest fighters and was most successful in Syria which expanded its ranks, arms and munitions. ISIS moved on to unite in Anbar province with Sunni tribal leaders who have been left out of the process of ‘democracy’ in Maliki’s central government in Baghdad.
I have written very often about these extremists, however most Americans had faith in Obama and the White House policies. I often said the National Security team was clueless or at least blinded by wrong actors and advisers on the prospects in Syria. That was very similar to President Johnson, McNamara and Gen. Westmoreland about the attainable goals in Vietnam and the daily reporting. In Vietnam we had the intelligence and boots on the ground and got it wrong.
In Syria we got it wrong from the start and never changed policy, see my earlier report about U.S. ambassador Robert Ford and Hillary Clinton. With Ms Clinton in the White House she would have ordered the military strike on the Assad regime and thereby opening the Road to Damascas for the ISIS extremists and slaughter of tens of thousands.
○ Syria Drama In the Making – the Bush and Obama Years 2005-2013
○ Perhaps You Have Noticed … A turning Point In Syria
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