Maureen Dowd is getting weirder as she ages, and she’s not exactly filled with optimism about the direction of the country.
WASHINGTON — AMERICA’S infatuation with the World Cup came at the perfect moment, illuminating the principle that you can lose and still advance.
Once our nation saw itself as the undefeatable cowboy John Wayne. Now we bask in the prowess of the unstoppable goalie Tim Howard, a biracial kid from New Jersey with Tourette’s syndrome.
With our swaggering and sanguine image deflated by epic unforced errors, Americans are playing defense, struggling to come to grips with a world where we can no longer dictate all the terms, win all the wars and lead all the charges.
Umm, a couple of things. It’s quite possible for teams to advance to the playoffs despite losing their last regular season game, because they’ve done enough throughout the rest of the season to qualify. That’s basically what the U.S. Men’s National Soccer Team did by beating Ghana and tying Portugal, and that’s why they advanced despite losing to Germany. This didn’t illuminate any principle other than the concept of goal differential as a tie-breaker.
Also, that thing about the country thinking it was John Wayne-undefeatable? We were disabused of that notion in Indochina before I was even born. We ought to have learned it in Korea. And why was John Wayne in Hollywood making 13 movies during World War Two instead of island hopping Back to (the real) Bataan? A real tough guy, that John Wayne.
As you can tell, I didn’t like the beginning of Maureen Dowd’s opinion piece. I particularly disliked her comparing Tim Howard unfavorably to the Duke by snidely writing that Howard is a “biracial kid from New Jersey with Tourette’s syndrome.” Maybe next week she will pick on kids with asthma. “Why does the country bask in the prowess of that vaguely Asian-looking kid with the inhaler?”
Next she quotes a real pessimist.
“The Fourth of July was always a celebration of American exceptionalism,” said G.O.P. pollster Frank Luntz. “Now it’s a commiseration of American disappointment.”
Maureen Down might have mentioned Frank Luntz’s recent mental breakdown. I commented on that back in January.
It’s Frank Luntz who deserves blame here. He’s the one who helped the Republican Party incubate a culture where facts don’t matter and message is everything. If Luntz is having a crisis of conscience, he has earned it. Like Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, he thought he could do the devil’s work and get away with it because he’s so intelligent. Except Raskolnikov was able to solve his problem by confessing his crime and taking his punishment in Siberia.
Luntz is holed up in one of his mansions, all alone, drinking Coke Zero as he watches The Newsroom. There is no salvation for Luntz. His torment will be without end because redemption is impossible. He didn’t make conservative values ascendant. He helped turn a political party into a psychiatric wreck and now he blames the president for the result.
Frank Luntz earned his hell. He can fry in it.
Or, he can be quoted sympathetically by Maureen Dowd who seems so downcast that I wonder if she, too, is having a breakdown.
From Katrina to Fallujah, we’re less the Shining City Upon a Hill than the House of Broken Toys.
For the first time perhaps, hope is not as much a characteristic of American feelings.
Are we winners who have been through a rough patch? Or losers who have soured our sturdy and spiritual DNA with too much food, too much greed, too much narcissism, too many lies, too many spies, too many fat-cat bonuses, too many cat videos on the evening news, too many Buzzfeed listicles like “33 Photos Of Corgi Butts,” and too much mindless and malevolent online chatter?
Ms. Dowd, born in 1952, grew up in a country struggling under Jim Crow, which then intervened and failed in Vietnam, saw its most inspiring leaders assassinated, discovered that their vice-president and president were vindictive crooks who both then resigned, learned that the FBI, CIA, and NSA had been reading our mail, blackmailing our leaders, and making assassination attempts of foreign leaders. Back then, the environmental movement was in its crib, women were trying and failing to get an Equal Rights Amendment, and no one was even considering gay rights. But we were still John Wayne-undefeatable until the energy crises and the Ayatollah messed with our psyches, right?
Everyone got along great. Never mind that for the last three years on record the national murder rate has been less than half of what it was in 1980 and lower than any years since 1963.
Are we still the biggest and baddest? Or are we forever smaller, stingier, dumber, less ambitious and more cynical? Have we lost control of our not-so-manifest destiny?
Once we had Howard Baker, who went against self-interest for the common good. Now we have Ted Cruz. Once we had Louis Zamperini, an Olympic runner whose fortitude in a Japanese P.O.W. camp was chronicled in Laura Hillenbrand’s book “Unbroken.” Now we’ve broken Iraq, liberating it to be a draconian state run on Sharia law, full of America-hating jihadists who were too brutal even for Al Qaeda.
Major points for mentioning Manifest Destiny in a rueful way. People can stop protesting the Washington Redskins now and start protesting Maureen Dowd. Yeah, Howard Baker was more honorable than Ted Cruz, but how did Richard Nixon’s character stack up against the current occupant of the White House?
Again, Dowd seems to forget that we broke Vietnam, and why isn’t a mixed-race kid from New Jersey with Tourette’s Syndrome just as inspiring to Dowd as an Olympic Runner who suffered as a POW?
We’re a little bit scared of our own shadow. And, sadly, we see ourselves as a people who can never understand one another. We’ve given up on the notion that we can cohere, even though the founders forged America by holding together people with deep differences.
As Tonto said, “Whatcha mean, ‘we,’ paleface?” I’m not scared of my own shadow. I don’t feel like I can’t understand other people. I haven’t given up on beating back the Conservative Movement and getting a functional government again. If Dowd is so pessimistic, maybe it’s time for her to let someone with some hope and energy do her job. I mean, look at this next bit:
The old verities seem quaint. If you work hard and play by the rules, you’ll lose out to those guys who can wire computers to make bets on Wall Street faster than the next guy to become instant multimillionaires. Our quiet traditional virtues bow to our noisy visceral divisions, while churning technology is swiftly remolding the national character in ways that are still a blur. Boldness is often chased away by distraction, confusion, hesitation and fragmentation.
I am reminded of Phil Hartman’s Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.
“Your world frightens and confuses me! Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic make me want to get out of my BMW…and run off into the hills, or wherever…Sometimes when I get a message on my fax machine, I wonder: ‘Did little demons get inside and type it?’ I don’t know! My primitive mind can’t grasp these concepts. But there is one thing I do know – when a man like my client slips and falls on a sidewalk in front of a public library, then he is entitled to no less than two million in compensatory damages, and two million in punitive damages. Thank you.”
The next thing you know Ms. Dowd will be complaining about the Twitter machine. But at least she senses that she’s a cavewomen living in a world she no longer understands.
Young people are more optimistic than their rueful elders, especially those in the technology world. They are the anti-Cheneys, competitive but not triumphalist. They think of themselves as global citizens, not interested in exalting America above all other countries.
“The 23-year-olds I work with are a little over the conversation about how we were the superpower brought low,” said Ben Smith, the editor in chief of Buzzfeed. “They think that’s an ‘older person conversation.’ They’re more interested in this moment of crazy opportunity, with the massive economic and cultural transformation driven by Silicon Valley. And kids feel capable of seizing it. Technology isn’t a section in the newspaper any more. It’s the culture.”
We’re not a superpower brought low. That’s why the kids don’t want to have that discussion. It’s because we’ve been low ever since we found out that that John Wayne b.s. was a myth, which, for most people, happened decades ago now. In many ways, this country has never been stronger or fairer than it is today, and if we could just get back our majorities we could begin making progress on the problems we’re still facing. The kids don’t want to debate the death of a superpower foolishness any more than they want to debate Jim Crow, gay rights, or the reality of climate change.
At the end of her insufferable column, Ms. Dowd quotes, but does not seem to understand, Nathaniel Philbrick. Mr. Philbrick points out that past is not what it appears to be. The Founding Fathers’ flaws were airbrushed out of history. Even George Washington was a flawed man. “What George Washington did right was to realize how much of what he thought was right was wrong.”
This is what Ms. Dowd has not done. She has not learned that America was never John Wayne-undeafeatable. She mourns not the loss of a better America, but an America that was as phony as the idea of John Wayne being a courageous war hero. The truth is, he opted not to serve. The truth is, America is a much better place today than it was in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
This is true, despite the psychiatric wreck we call “the Republican Party.”
Dowd is the other side of the Bundy conservative coin. They both long for the facsimile of privilege that ensconced them in blissful ignorance of the harsh reality for those disenfranchised throughout America’s history. What she laments as you say is not so much the John-Wayne world that was always fiction, but the capacity to AVOID reality. Now she can’t. She feels her world of automatic privilege rendered incomprehensible, as if someone had switched out her internal GPS, and she no longer knows how to tread her world with unearned brazenness.
Sad thing is her class and racial privilege are still structurally intact. What she craves is the OBVIOUSNESS of the social hierarchy that placed her where she is. Where are the servants? Where are the racial inferiors in her GPS? She can’t find them in their “usual” place. Maybe it’s time she went back to her hallucinatory spree out West. She might meet the ghost of John Wayne there!!! BS Dowd. BS!!!
I think she specializes in writing meaningless word salad. What has she ever written that has contributed to the national dialogue? She’s completely self serving and never had anything worth saying. She used to have a schtick, a condescending way of mocking that some third-rate intellectuals found appealing. She discredited herself repeatedly and then beyond repair by helping to land a vapid fool like W in the White House. At this point she’s just filling column space.
Sorry, Boo. It’s been a great weekend. Absolutely fantastic weather. Our county Democratic Party won best float for the second straight year in the local 4th of July parade here in the county seat of our very red county. John Kasich was even in the parade. Suck on that, Governor. I have to go back to work tomorrow, which is kind of a bummer. But hey, glass half full on that one.
I say all this just to point out that I am not going to read this crazy shit from Maureen Dowd. It will only get me agitated. It’s late and I have to get to to bed. But I will do this. In honor of the “quality” of what she has penned, I will flush the toilet an extra time tonight in her honor, just to make sure her column goes fully down into the septic tank, where it absolutely belongs.
The weather was perfect here this weekend, too. Glad you had a good holiday.
Good for you on your great weekend, and congratulations on the win!
I’m not reading anything Maureen Dowd wrote; I stopped caring about what she had to say long, long ago.
The Masters of the Universe and their paid propagandists lament that young Americans no longer buy into Imperial propaganda, realize they’ve been lied to, and have no interest in fighting over social “wedge issues”. Basically, the young don’t hate non-tribe members and we’re having to keep talking about income and the economy. The Masters of the Universe pay their propagandists well so this issue stays quiet, damn’t.
This leaves well-paid propagandists like Dowd stuck in a place where they know they have to scream BOTH SIDES!, and find it harder and harder to yell it without being mocked and/or ignored.
And when the Masters of the Universe are unable to divert attention away from the crimes they commit under color of the US Government, it becomes harder to continue committing those crimes for profit and wealth without coming under scrutiny for it.
Inverted totalitarianism requires true power to be anonymous, hidden behind corporate board rooms and holding companies based in the Caymans.
Her column is a long, bloviated eulogy for Imperial propaganda that no longer forges an over-arching bond that ties us together in believing the noble lie, a concept near and dear to Leo Strauss. Religion isn’t working, war against whomever isn’t working, and those in charge don’t have another noble lie ready for mass indoctrination.
I don’t care what Maureen Dowd, per se, says, but I do care about it as a reflection of the feelings of a major segment of the newspaper-reading public.
Besides, Boo, I think you have salvaged from this wreck a very important point about what’s going on in America today. But I also think you’re missing something.
You write:”… ever since we found out that that John Wayne b.s. was a myth, which, for most people, happened decades ago now,”
But for most people it didn’t happen decades ago. Sure, it should have, but most people are extremely tenacious of their cultural myths, whether they resemble the truth or not. Anthropology 101, man.
For a large section of the American populace it is only happening now. And because these are the people that elected leaders to tell them only what they wanted to hear, they grew less and less able to process anything else. So if it’s happening only now, it must be because the disconnect has finally become too great. Unfortunately, even now 27% of these people cannot function without total bullshit, and the rest of them are extremely uncomfortable, Psychologically I mean.
I have been amazed at the feeling, on the part of a substantial proportion of my countrymen and countrywoman, that they have lost their America. Growing up in Brooklyn in the 1950s/1960s/1970s, I was losing my America daily. Small businesses and decent moderate income neighborhoods have been disappearing from my city for decades. Dope took over the cities. I lost my America when they killed JFK, when we went into Vietnam, when we passed the free trade agreements, when Glass-Steagell was repealed, when we went into Iraq & Afghanistan, etc. etc. Largely because of the ignorance and prejudice of these very same people, who went around like the three monkeys that see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil while supporting everything the mega-corporations wanted.
Apparently all this stuff is just hitting them now, and they are not happy. The bible says “ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you freem” but it doesn’t quite work like that for a lot of folks, because they wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the ass. They have been subjected to a constant diet of disinformation, so even the ones who have started to figure that out have no idea what’s bullshit and what isn’t.
Actually, not “27% of these people”, but 27% of all Americans.
Nailed it, Priscianus.
I was born the year before Dowdy, and my life journey has been one of constant realization that male/white/tall is the mark of the devil.
The Dowdy one is 45 years late to smell the coffee … maybe 55.
Appears as if Dowd isn’t fully recovered from her chocolate-marijuana OD. She fully intended to say something intelligent about the lame SCOTUS decisions this week, but on a research mission, became mesmerized by the (made in China) Americana stickers at Hobby Lobby and before she knew it had stuck them together with verbs and her column was complete. Palinesque. Except Sarah skips the verbs and the tedious writing part.
Wow, man. Killin it. Keep that up.
Methinks MoDo has been raiding the Nooners’ mini-fridge again. She’s getting increasingly lost whenever she strays from topics she knows by heart, like catty observations about prominent women.
Dowd, and the Upper East Siders like her, pine for the days when their unearned privilege was a source of envy, not ridicule. Sadly, every time one of her columns gets published it just generates that much more ridicule.
Lucky for her there are so many other national pundits with lifetime sinecures who draw ridicule she’d otherwise get, including about half the editorial roster of the NYT.
Wait till she finds out Santa Claus isn’t real. Or white.
Still going off here Colorado marijuana experience, eh.
Marion Robert Morrison certainly captures one aspect of the personal reinvention of identity and personal history that seems to bedevil the Republican Party.
John Wayne was a piece of desert cactus scenery that John Ford loved to photograph, giving him the delusion that he was actually an actor. If there were really a line of heroes extending directly from Wayne to the amazing Tim Howard it would be a sign that we’ve gone in my lifetime from the depths of decadence to Utopia, unimaginable progress.
Thanks for reading that and turning it into something worth reading. It’s like turning pee into not merely potable water but Perrier.
Well, these lamentations are a trifle unfocused. Is it the loss of swaggering superpowerdom (which you demolish), or the rise of the plutocrats or the new “technology culture” that has her so down? Her main complaints about American decline do seem (quite clearly) to stem from our braindead “conservative” policies of the past 30 years, from St Reagan’s tax cuttin’ magic to Cheney’s War to Liberate Iraq’s Oil to the recent intentional paralysis of gub’mint by Repubs. But then she goes and quotes Luntz of all people as bein’ on her side, which doesn’t exactly allow one to conclude that she’s miffed at conservative catastrophe(s).
It’s quite common to see cultural “decline” as one ages, and Dowd seems deeply disgusted by the stupidity of the “technology culture”, by which she means (I presume) the explosion of social media and its embrace by young people (but not her, apparently). Leave aside that the all-powerful America of her imagination has always seemed to be enthralled by some cutting edge technology or anther, at least that’s my view—Americans have always loved their gadgets, and that ain’t ever gonna stop, IMO.
So to some extent this is just another banal tsk-tsking of those darn kids by an aging lady who can’t text fast enough—kids who see themselves as “global citizens”, as though this is some obvious and grievous mistake by them.
Dowd certainly doesn’t attempt to pinpoint when this decline manifested itself. But if she is actually unhappy about the last 15 years of “conservative” malfeasance at home and abroad, then she needs to be courageous enough to actually indict that tribe for all the problems that she (only now) sees, and not couch her complaints in a lot of “questions” about American character. And if she wants to blame apolitical “technology” as the real culprit of decline, then leave John Wayne out of it. But technology is unstoppable and uncontainable, and what people want to do with it (and how frequently) is really beyond anyone’s control.
So focus on what we CAN do something about, Maureen, such as resisting the greedy Plutocrats and their Second Gilded Age America…and if the lament is really all about “regaining” McCainian “swagger” (i.e. bombing and killing furiners who just won’t do our bidding), then fuck you. You can’t add 2+2….and the kids can see that.
Yup. Maureen is old*, is realizing that she’s old, and that things will never be as good (for her) as they were when she was young. Time to develop an interest in Bingo and fill your house with cats, Maureen.
*Saying this as someone who’s a few years older than she is.
Thanks for taking things apart, both you and the commenters. I wasn’t quite sure what she was saying after reading this the other day.
Bruce Dern. Just sayin’.
“[W]e can no longer dictate all the terms, win all the wars and lead all the charges.”
When the hell could we?
Vietnam? Nope.
Korea? Nope.
WW2? Nope.
WW1? Nope.
She’s just partially wakened from her silly dream.