Colorado Rep. Cory Gardner is running for the U.S. Senate against incumbent Democrat Mark Udall. Gardner supports the Supreme Courty’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling but argues that he doesn’t want to deny women access to contraception. In fact, he wants pharmacies and supermarkets to sell it over the counter!
The Stupid is strong with this man. His understanding of female physiology is nonexistent and his idea of medical ethics is sub-mental. Maybe some women would like to explain why it’s a bad idea to sell powerful hormonal drugs without any medical supervision. Or how they would feel about being fitted for an IUD in the check-out line at Walgreens.
Then there is the issue of cost as a barrier to access.
It’s astonishing the degree to which Republican rhetoric is dependent on the mind-bloggling gullibility of the electorate.
Pity the poor candidate — it’s a Hobson’s choice: I can lose outright. Or I can say something patently stupid and hope for the best.
There is a case for OTC for the Pill, btw.
Because hey, in GOP land it’s no bigger a deal for a woman than popping a breath freshener, right?
Pretty much. Unlike abortion, which is more like having someone remove a mole.
And yet, the gullible rubes vote for the party that’s slowly annihilating them!
‘What’s the matter with Kansas?’
All of this is covered under the “Stupid is as stupid does” clause of life.
Here’s What Happened After Colorado Provided Free Birth Control for Five Years.
Just one, evidence based, example of why directly funded and free primary care for all would have had a huge and positive impact on total US healthcare costs. A position that I was soundly trounced for suggesting. Seems that practically everybody loves health insurance and it’s only how health insurance is delivered that is acceptable for debate.
Funny how Republicans claim to be vehemently, irrevocably red in the face over abortion, but get all red in the face with the only types of programs that actually reduce them. It almost makes you think that what they really object to is women that enjoy having sex.
Oh. Wait.
They also object to all the social safety net costs that working class and poor women have to access to support their children because they were denied access to affordable birth control and abortion services.
I suppose a stupid electorate is the basis of almost all problems, but the stupid you always have with ye, haha. And of course a very large segment (40%?) of the population is beyond educating as their brains have been permanently poisoned by daily consumption of Rightwing sewage for decades. They are now a dead loss.
But for those remaining “independent” souls who haven’t drunk the Kool-aid, it is a huge problem that the corporate media is so useless in either reporting or explaining public policy and “conservatism”.
Repub players have a tightrope to walk here because their American Taliban wing needs them to praise Roberts Repubs and their anti-wimmen boss fealty, while the Team Coaches understand that the decision is a mite unpopular with the non-religious independents. Thus, it is crucial to defend the (claimed) religious “feelings” of some officious American Taliban bosses, while lying about the supposed narrowness of the ruling to the reality based. Hence wimmen haven’t “lost” anything, they have complete “access”, birth control is cheap and available, etc etc.
Who knows if this Repub two step on Hobby-Lobby will bamboozle the voters or if they will see that bosses now can meddle in your employment benefit packages based solely on their claimed religious “convictions” and that this is the result Repubs pushed for. In the face of the sort of hocus pocus that this CO conservative male (for example) is spreading, the Dem message needs to be simple—Repubs and their judges think your boss should be able to impose the rules of his religion on you, whatever the Congress may say. This is “conservatism”. This is what “conservatives” wanted.
Repub defense of Hobby Lobby coming from the party spittle-flecked with fear and outrage over creeping “Sharia Law!!” is comic. If it weren’t really happening, you couldn’t make it up…
…contraceptives. Most EU countries sell contraceptives without prescription. Modern daily-use birth control pills are VERY low dose and are literally 10X safer than a bottle of 325mg Tylenol.
They should still be covered by health insurance, of course.
…but not most of the EU.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists want the US to go OTC, though.
The whole argument is not over how contraceptives are sold, but who pays for them. The Obama administration wants insurance plans to pay for them, so that they are accessible to lower income women. Changing them to OTC wouldn’t help a thing in this regard – these drugs are expensive! Unless the ACA then specifies that OTC contraception will also be covered (as it has with a handful of other OTC drugs) it would actually make the problem worse. Conservatives are trying to show what cool guys they are and how much they love women by saying, “look, she ought to be able to buy it at a drug store!” Fine – too bad it will cost her hundreds of dollars a year….
they got nothin’.
that is, they got nothin’ for anyone not white, male, christian, conservative and rich.
anyone else gets pain and better like it.
and the only way to get those anyone elses on board is to smile wide and lie to their faces.
The two paramount rules of conservative Republican TeaBaggers:
1. Never give a sucker an even break – especially on taxes or religion;
2. Nobody ever lost an election by underestimating the taste/knowledge/stupidity/humanity of the American electorate.
But there’s also a third rule they’ve forgotten:
3. Don’t compete with electorate on #2, if they come to understand you are clearly stupider than they are, they won’t vote for you – because, come on, deep down they know how hateful, stupid, and tacky they are.
I object to being called a stupid voter…I know that it seems that the gop has a hold over some Colorado voters, and yes, they are the “stupid” voters…Mostly Christians who are not going to be convinced of anything other than their false beliefs…the insanity of the gop/baggers is everywhere…We have an elected school board member who doesn’t want “transgender” kids to use the same rest rooms as “normal??” kids…??? the crazy and the low info folks are not the real problem, it is the propaganda that is hurting us here…Fox not the News is heavily watched here…and it is killing any critical thought, and common decency in our debates…