I encourage (especially) our Jewish members to opine about this observation by Josh Marshall:

…Netanyahu has made the de facto alliance between the Likud or what remains of the faction he owns (that part gets very complicated) and the US Republican party increasingly explicit. And that’s dangerous. Dangerous for all concerned but particularly for Israel. I wish Netanyahu and his government had a better sense of the toxic repercussions of mobilizing GOP proxies as cut-outs in this way. It should go without saying that the Israel-US alliance becomes more brittle as it becomes more clearly identified with a single US political party. And perhaps more than that, as it becomes more clearly identified with the ties between Netanyahu and US Republicans.

Eric Cantor, who was recently defeated in a party primary, is the only elected Jewish member of the Republican Party in the federal government. To say that it is dangerous for Israel to align itself with the Republican Party is the understatement of the year.

American Jews could not be more alienated from the Israeli government by any other conceivable decision.