Usually when I write a diary it is because I want to present a thesis and make an argument; one I have not seen expressed elsewhere, but one which I think has at least some evidence pointing in its favour. My hope is that commentators here will either debunk the thesis or present further supporting facts/arguments.
Thus in Time for Europe to get real I presented the argument that if the EU has a problem with Russian actions in Ukraine, the appropriate response is not sanctions, but a strategic plan to reduce European energy dependence on Russian gas.
In An Irish perspective on Scottish Independence, I expressed surprise at the lack of debate on the case for and against Scottish indepence both here and elsewhere outside the UK, and tried to fill some of that gap by providing a perspective based on the Irish historical experience of independence.
And in Putin & Obama: The changing balance of power I tried to present a thesis that the USA has engaged in imperial over-reach and has alienated many potential allies in the process, so much so that Merkel and Putin may even be driven to reach an historic rapprochement in an effort to restore some sanity and balance to world affairs.
I am very grateful to the many commentators here and elsewhere who have added to our collective knowledge of these topics, but also a bit non-plussed that two of the last three diary discussion threads on the European Tribune have been largely taken over by a discussion of the causes of the MH17 tragedy, especially after Colman had already published a front page story on that subject.
Ultimately, an authoritative and widely accepted finding of who was responsible for the disaster could have a bearing on future EU/Ukraine/Russian relations, at least in the short term. But the larger problem of ensuring EU/Ukraine/Russian relationships develop more positively in the future remains much the same regardless of who was ultimately responsible.
If it turns out to have been East Ukrainian insurgents with or without direct Russian support, it surely weakens their legitimacy and case to have an autonomous homeland of their own within or apart from the Russian Federation. If it turns out to have been a “false flag” Ukrainian Government operation, it undermines their legitimacy and points to a need to form some kind of Government of National unity excluding extreme nationalist elements.
If, as I think most likely, it turns out to have been an error by one side or the other, it underlines the need for all sides to de-escalate the rhetoric, the fighting, and the arms race and come to some kind of negotiated settlement. At some point the adults have to re-enter the room.
So what would a Russia/Ukraine/EU rapprochement look like? What sort of constitutional structure would benefit Ukrainians the most? Would the Russian tendency towards authoritarian rule and suppression of civil liberties infect the wider European body politic and reinforce authoritarian trends already evident there?
Would counterbalancing a submissive relationship towards the USA with closer ties to Russia make little difference to the conduct of world affairs in other hot spots such as in the Middle east? Would an EU/Russia rapprochement be a positive or negative development in terms of economic development, sustainable energy and climate change, and human rights in Europe and around the world?
Is an EU Russia rapprochement even desirable if it leads to much more strained relationships with the USA? How would such a rapprochement effect the internal political dynamics of EU member states? Would it hasten the exit of the UK? Who are the main winners and losers of such a rapprochement – the Oligarchs or European peoples as a whole? Would US politics become more or less polarized if there were a dawning realization all round that the New American Century actually marks a period of US imperial over-reach and decline?
Hopefully we can discuss something other than whodunnit for a while.
Well said Frank!
This is the issue at stake that should be debated. IMO NATO and the White House neocons should butt out! Russia should be a partner of the EU long before Erdogan’s Turkey. From grade school I was taught European culture stretched out to the Ural Mountain range.
Turkey #154 and the Russian Federation #148 on Index of Press Freedom.
Given the cultural similarities (near as I can observe – granting of course that the very occasional work-related trip into Eastern Europe does not make me anywhere near of an expert), not to mention the significant amount of trade between Russia and the rest of Europe, I find it hard to believe that a rapprochement won’t happen eventually.
Of course the greatest likelihood is that there will be no “authoritative and widely accepted finding of who was responsible” in which case the conspiracy theorists and amateur military analysts will continue to have a field say. Hopefully this will not completely distract from to need to discuss the more substantive issues of how we can prevent such disasters in the future – at least over the Ukraine.
Glenn Waller of ExxonMobil, Igor Setsjin of Rosneft and Russia’s president Putin will launch the opening of exploration for the Kara Sea on Saturday.
○ Good neighborly relations are Russia’s priority in Arctic – security chief
○ NATO policy “Containment 2.0” making Russia a pariah state
Cross-posted from my diary – World In Turmoil: Role of Brzezinski and Albright, Our Democrats.
○ Richard Nixon’s Detente and Willy Brandt’s Ostpolitik:
The Politics and Economic Diplomacy of Engaging the East [large pdf]
Well, it looks like Ukraine is going to help Europe get off of its energy dependence on Russia by blocking gas lines transiting their territory.
But that’s not the problem here. The US put in a coup government of western-leaning oligarchs and fascist street fighters who are waging what is considered by the inhabitants of the eastern Ukraine a genocidal war against ethnic Russians.
If the “angry” and “uncontrollable” militias who’ve been doing the dirty work of the Ukrainian army in Donbas, do you think the western media will report the extent of their horrors? Have they reported the 700,000 eastern Ukrainians who have fled across the border? Did you think you got the full story of what happened in Odessa and Mariupol?
And why would the US want to put an overtly fascist government in power on Russia’s border? Why, the same reason why the US has been trying to block the South Stream over the last few years.
Why would the US block pipeline technology from Iran? Why did the US spend fifteen years in Afghanistan? Ever hear about TAPI? How about the Iran-Iraq-Syrian pipeline proposed in 2011 to bring natural gas from the region to the Mediterranean? Is it religion or the worship of money that has the House of Saud and the Kuwaiti royal family supporting ISIS? Why can’t the US ask its good allies to cut it out?
Maybe the US has cast its lot with the Sunni oil suppliers against the Shia. You think?
And just imagine how much money the oil companies will make when our fracked oil starts docking in Europe!
And when the Russian “empire” falls, guess who will be in central Asia, taking over that big pool of petroleum there?
Care to provide any good answers?
NewStraitsTimes: Was Malaysia MH-17 Downed by Su-25 Fighter Planes?
EXPERTS are looking at the possibility that Malaysia flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile fired from a Dukhoi Su-25 fighter. Sources also believe that as the crippled jetliner spiralled out of control, the Su-25 finished it off with its 30mm cannon. This they say, would explain the different fragmentation patterns on the airliner’s fuselage.
(h/t DeepResource)
if MH17 was truly “spiraling out of control”, finishing it off hardly seems necessary. Also it would then be a remarkably good shot to hit the Cockpit with 30mm canon fire. Nevertheless, it should be possible to evidence both claims with an examination of the wreckage. Hopefully that work is ongoing and will be impartially pursued.
Also, if it was a false flag operation, shooting it with 30mm canon at altitude rather gives the game away.
The consequences for the Kiev regime if that case is proven seem more likely than not to be pretty fatal – depending on how up in the chain of command the order was given, and the cover-up was conducted.
From linked article Kyiv Post on Facebook:
“The most interesting thing over the past 24 hours was the Russian military convoy passing through the border into Ukraine, witnessed and photographed by Western and even Russian media outlets.
And, more remarkably, has been the muted reaction from the West and indeed from the Western media. Some 4-5 weeks ago, the White House PR machine would have been going into overdrive, and warning of new sanctions iterations in the pipeline unless Russia “de-escalated.” Thus far nothing we have seen next to nothing of note.”
Feeds into my sensing the rhetoric has toned down due to overwhelming evidence of downing MH-17 pointing to Kiev renegade right-wing forces with UBS complicity. Has someone leading the Ukrainian AF been sacked recently?
Interesting to view small summit last weekend between France, Germany, Russia’s Lavrov and Ukraine’s Klimkin in Berlin. Perhaps a breakthrough … or a reset from an earlier summit on July 2, 2014 ‒ agree on cease-fire path ‒ before the event!
Additional reporting fron Germany by Deutsche Welle …
German business leaders are pressuring the CSU/CDU and Angela Merkel to solve the Ukrainian crisis by diplomacy [what an ancient term]. There have been talks between FM of France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia. There is a summit planned in Minsk which will be attended by Perochenko and Russia’s president Putin. There should be a cease fire plan worked out by then.
○ Ukraine’s Coup d’ État – George Marshall, OSS, Bissell and Gladio
○ NATO Policy: A Return to Deterrence
PS Almost forgot you had cross-posted diary from ET.