I hate to pay any attention to Ann Coulter, but I thought this was particularly inspired:
If Dr. Brantly had practiced at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles and turned one single Hollywood power-broker to Christ, he would have done more good for the entire world than anything he could accomplish in a century spent in Liberia. Ebola kills only the body; the virus of spiritual bankruptcy and moral decadence spread by so many Hollywood movies infects the world.
Her basic argument is that no one should travel to Africa and provide any medical care.
Over at TPM, they’re also reporting that Coulter cited Brantley as an example of “Christian narcissism.”
That sound you hear is the last remnant of Coulter’s career plunging off a cliff.
Too many grifters are eating into her business model as of late so she must sink lower to continue selling her sewage infested books and newsletter subscriptions.
Someone tell me why we should not drop Donald Trump and Ann Coulter out of a helicopter into a Liberian jungle.
If they are right Jesus will save them.
Ah yes, good old right-wing Hollywood bashing. Somehow the blessed and beneficent Market turns into a sewer of decadence and corruption when it manifests itself in the form of movie studios. I’ve never understood how that works, but I enjoy the contradiction.
Right-wingers are authoritarians.
The people at the top of the Republican party seek to be the authority.
Hollywood is a competing authority.
Not that difficult once you understand that you attack Hollywood because Hollywood is a competitor. It’s libruul because it rarely makes films that celebrate conservatism, mostly because conservatism is disgusting and corrupt, but there it is.
It’s also why right-wingers talk mad shit about any actor who dares to speak up…unless it is a right-winger, and then it’s OK. See: Willis, Bruce; Voight, Jon; Eastwood, Clint.
See it now?
Her basic argument is “I’m here. I’m relevant to the news. I have some open speaking engagements. Talk to my agents.”
Heh. Ann Coulter is a right wing troll for money. That’s all the attention you need to give her ‘arguements.’
She’s still around? Good grief, I thought she would have spontaneously combusted by now, what with her all-consuming level of hatred of bascially anything decent. And yet she still draws breath.
Isn’t it strange how her mind works? She faults a good Christian doctor for doing what’s considered morally correct and suggests he should instead work in a corporate-run institution with the intention of making a potential influential patient into a Republican? It’s a mind-boggling thought, yet coming from her, I’m not a bit surprised.
I’m not religious, so I can’t wish her into Hell. I don’t know her, so I can’t speak for her, but it saddens me that our society pays her well to say terrible, damaging things, outright lies, and not suffer any consequences.
Technically speaking, our society doesn’t pay her. The dregs of society, literally, are the ones paying her.
To get the full extent of her psychopathy you have to read the entire piece. Of course, you’ll have to shower afterwards.
Christian narcissism, wow. I guess that was Oscar Romero’s problem too, trying to get himself made a Saint and all.
The bitch has no soul. If anything is infected – it’s her very being. She needs to be discarded like yesterday’s garbage. She’s lower than a rodent!
She being a model Christian.
Christian for right-wingers is just Mammon worship dressed up as Jesus.
And I’m not even religious.
Everyone that books her for a tv show should be held down and kicked in the balls for 35 minutes. Everyone that thinks about booking her for a show should be caned in front of their children.
Hope there’s a Hell, because a lot of these Republicans are going to be very, very surprised on their judgment day when they find out they’ve been right all along about an eternity determined by the wrath of the Old Testament God.
But completely wrong about who goes there
Does anyone remember when Elizabeth Edwards got Ann to admit her Grift? Classic.