Uneasy Ukrainian Ambassador Questioned by Malaysians about missing ATC recordings
(Blogpost DeepResource) Aug. 10, 2014 – It looks like Malaysia still has an independent press that dares to ask critical questions, unlike the coward Western media, that all sing to the tune of Washington. Here is the Ukrainian ambassador to Malaysia whose body language expresses a state of insecurity and uneasiness.
MH17: Status of Ukrainian tapes still in question – Interview August 7, 2014
NewStraitsTimes: Was MH17 Finished Off With A Guns Kill?
EXPERTS are looking at the possibility that Malaysia flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile fired from a Sukhoi Su-25 fighter. Sources also believe that as the crippled jetliner spiralled out of control, the Su-25 finished it off with its 30mm cannon. This they say, would explain the different fragmentation patterns on the airliner’s fuselage. [Issue Wednesday August 6, 2014]
« click for more info
New Straits Times: Was MH17 Finished Off With A Guns Kill?« click for more info
New Straits Times: Emerging theory: Missile, cannon brought down Malaysian passenger airliner
NST Online: Video of crash site with parts of the fusilage
Continued below the fold …
NST Online: Video of crash site with parts of the fusilage filmed – August 4, 2014
Ukraine Amb Humennyi On Whereabouts ATC Tapes
Not giving straight answers only makes the matter murkier …
Malaysia wants the ‘missing’ Ukrainian ATC tapes
KUALA LUMPUR (New Straits Times) Aug. 8, 2014 – Ukraine has denied that its State Security Service (SBU) had seized the air-to-ground transmission tapes between its air traffic controllers and Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on the day the jetliner was shot down.
Its ambassador to Malaysia Ihor Humennyi, in an exclusive interview with the New Straits Times, said that reports alleging that the SBU had seized the recordings had not been independently verified or confirmed by Kiev.
“There is no proof or any evidence that the tapes were confiscated by the SBU. I only read this in the newspapers.”
Interview Ukrainian Ambassador Ihor Humennyi on MH17: Status of Ukrainian tapes still in question.
Almost immediately after the shootdown, several news agencies, including the British Broadcasting Corporation, carried reports saying that Ukraine’s SBU security service had confiscated recordings of conversations between Ukrainian air traffic control officers and the crew of the doomed airliner.
If indeed the SBU had not seized the tapes, then where are the air-to-ground communications tapes between MH17 and the ATC? When asked this, Humennyi said he did not have the answers.
Asked if the tapes had been handed over to the investigators, Humennyi said: “We don’t have any information that it had not been given to the investigation team or that it was not received by the (team of international) investigators.”
Humennyi said that if a formal request was made by Malaysia or the international investigation team, Ukraine would extend its cooperation. At one point, Humennyi seemed to question the significance of the ATC tapes, saying that “it is just the same as the flight data and cockpit voice recorders”.
- ○ Data Cockpit Voice Recorder MH17 Downloaded – July 24, 2014
○ Preliminary report on MH17 investigations out next week, says Malysian Transport Minister
Cross-posted from my recent diary – Dutch PM Rutte Abruptly Calls-off MH-17 Recovery Mission.
Pentagon sends communications experts to Kyiv …
[Source: Kyiv Post and here]
Kirby added that the team consists of experts “in communications, logistics, survey…a wide swathe of military occupational specialties” that will be helpful in Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crash recovery operations.
Ha, didn’t the State Dep’t tell Kirby the Australian and Dutch team have pulled out and have returned home as the Ukies advance to take over the crash site contrary to UNSC resolution?
Could be another facet to a cover-up attempt for the MH17 downing or they could be using the MH17 downing as a cover for deploying a wide swathe of military occupational specialties” to Kiev.
I’d go with the latter as they seem to be confident that not releasing any hard data on the downing of MH17 for a very long time will make it go away until it’s mostly a forgotten, unexplained event. Moscow could play a spoiler role but only if they have the goods on Kiev or pro-Kiev militias. Kiev/US may have estimated the probability is low that Moscow’s intel capacity is sufficient.
○ Richard Nixon’s Detente and Willy Brandt’s Ostpolitik:
The Politics and Economic Diplomacy of Engaging the East [large pdf]
Read Frank Schnittger’s diary – Russia EU Rapprochement: Cui Bono?.
Not giving straight answers only makes the matter murkier …
○ Data Cockpit Voice Recorder MH17 Downloaded – July 24, 2014
○ Preliminary report on MH17 investigations out next week, says Malysian Transport Minister
No time spend at the crash site where under Dutch leadership dozens of forensic experts of the Recovery Mission MH-17 searched during six days. At this moment the MH-17 mission is reporting in a meeting with commission of Dutch parliament.
○ The Dutch Have Gone Mad [More Mad]
○ Shrapnel Damage of Cockpit MH-17 Devastating
○ Who Mislaid the Malaysian MH-17 Black Boxes?
○ Wretched Statement by Ms Clinton On Crash Malaysia Flight 017
From my diary – Dutch PM Rutte Abruptly Calls-off MH-17 Recovery Mission.
| by Oui Wed Aug 6th, 2014 at 12:29:27 PM PDT |
○ First MH17 crash report ‘in weeks,’ say Dutch
○ MFA of Ukraine: The situation in the Eastern regions of #Ukraine (August 11, 2014; 12:00)
This Guardian article Dutch push Ukraine plane disaster inquiries seemed confusing to me:
At the top:
Further down:
Would it be correct to liken the “Dutch Safety Board” to the US FAA, and the criminal investigation is being handled by something like the US FBI/Justice Dept?
Hmm: Gerard Bouman told a parliamentary commission Monday he believes a search of the crash area conducted shortly after the disaster by 800 local Ukrainians was more effective than initial reports suggested. Don’t expect to see any thank yous and sorry for all the negative accusations extended to those local Ukrainians.
I listened to the presentation of the Recovery Mission MH-17 leaders before the parliamentary commission. I was astonished how poorly informed nearly all members of Dutch parliament were. Some questions were illiterate in stupidity and there was no focus on essentials during the brief session that was televised.
Many thanks to all involved and the preparations made before traveling to Kharkiv. Indeed, much of the search had been completed by locals under proper leadership of a medical team and rescuers belonging to first responders of fire stations. As I have written before, some 800 volunteers were in place. The Dutch had little or no knowledge before arriving in Kharkiv. It took the team 14 days before arrival at the MH-17 wreckage. They stayed a mere 6 days and spend just 20 hours on the search. The advancing Ukrainian army [and mercenaries paid by oligarchs] made travel to Grabove quite difficult until the Dutch called it quits.
Special appreciation for the OSCE SMM mission in the district of Donetsk! They did the mediation with the separatists of Donetsk.
There was some fingerpointing towards the Kiev junta for not following through on the agreement signed with FM Timmermans and Julie Jacobs of Australia. No serious repurcussions except an open question how many weeks of delay this would cause before the team can return to the crash site! No one in the chamber referred to the UN Security Council resolution calling for all parties involved to cease hostilities in the region of the MH-17 crash site!
Only a single member, Harry van Bommel (SP), had sufficient knowledge of the dossier to ask the pertinent questions. Well done!
The first mission is the recovery and identification team which was heard today by the commission.
The second mission is by the Dutch Safety Board (OvV) to determine the cause of the crash. They were in Kharkiv but did NOT visit the site, therefore no evidence gathering!
The third investigation is an international criminal investigation led by prosecutors under coordination of Eurojust, the European version of the Justice Department. This team will attempt to determine a person, oersons, group or country responsible for downing Malasia flight MH-17.
One of the most renowned lawyers Geert-Jan Knoops, already says it will be impossible to determine in court who is responsible. Evidence lying out in the field for weeks is by definition contaminated in the court of law. Knoops was involved in the case of the Lockerbie crash tried in Scottish Court in Zeist, The Netherlands. Jan. 31, 2001: Lockerbie Verdict
Sorry, but “mad man” Rutte has changed his tune, doesn’t talk about ‘criminal’ Putin much. Dutch PM Mark Rutte, loved by all neocon posturing nations around the globe since the MH-17 crash, has a new slogan to prove his determination:
“We are stopping now, but are not stopping.”
From today’s press release, Prime Minister Mark Rutte:
No mention of the agreement signed in Kiev by Timmermans and Bishop with Podhorenko and Yats. Nothing about the unanimous U.N. Security Council Resolution to expediate the MH-17 crash investigation.
“Graag wil ik hier mijn dank uitspreken aan de Australische experts, die samen met Nederlandse en Maleisische collega’s en de OVSE [OSCE SMM Mission report Aug. 6 – last day international recovery mission … silence] zulk zwaar werk in zulke moeilijke omstandigheden hebben verricht. Hetzelfde geldt voor de Australiërs die ook vandaag weer in Hilversum aan het werk zijn om de slachtoffers te identificeren.
Ik zei het eerder: we stoppen nu, maar we stoppen niet. Premier Abbott en ik delen de ambitie om terug te keren naar de crashsite, zodra er weer zicht is dat we onder veilige omstandigheden daar dit belangrijke werk kunnen doen.”
○ Eindhoven: Tony Abbott in tribute to Australian defence and police personnel in search of MH-17 victims
Desperate MH17 “Intelligence” Spin by Ukraine Secret Service: Pro-Russian Rebels had Targeted a Russian Passenger Plane. “But Shot Down Flight MH17 by Mistake”
Thanks for the many great contributions on this topic!
An old junta recept, providing cover for one’s narrative. If plan A fails, we have plan B, etc.
Digging their own hole steadfast deeper. Watching closely as coming hours pass …
I read that article but lost the source. Minor edit to your recent post @MoA:
Doesn’t matter a 51/49 chance it would have been the other way around. 🙂
That’s so odd! Sorry.
My only excuse is that I made that mistake because this blog is so woman friendly.
I have made the opposite mistake with someone at FDL.
Not that it matters, but I always choose strongly gendered names as my handles, to prevent any confusion.
The more time I spend in cyberspace, the more experience I obtain that you really can’t tell what a person’s gender is from the sound of their voice in cyberspace.
In any case, a person’s nationality matters to me much more than their sex when it comes to how seriously I am going to take them LOL.
This new Kiev narrative isn’t going to fly — it begs very easy questions:
Also smacks of desperation on the part of the Kiev.
○ Transcript Briefing Session Before Security Commissions Dutch parliament – August 11, 2014 [Dutch – doc]
○ Presentation Police Commissioner Bouman – satellite photo’s position major sections of Boeing 777 fusilage [quite interesting]
Today I’ve noticed a drastic change in the rhetoric of Dutch PM Rutte during his conversation and press statement on the visit of Australia’s PM Abbott. Not a single word over Russia’s Putin, nor any aggression to the culprits who are responsible for taking down Malaysian passenger jet flight MH-17, now 25 days ago. Australia/Dutch joint mission at the crash site was aborted, the experts have returned home.
Now, with president Obama at Martha’s Vineyard, he consents to a humanitarian mission into East Ukraine and the major cities of Luhansk and Donetsk. Yet today harsh criticism was heard from both the junta in Kiev and outgoing NATO SG Rasmussen. Kiev urged the one million citizens of Luhansk to leave the city! Rasmussin threatened Russia not to invade Ukraine under the umbrella of humanitarina aid in coordination with the International Red Cross.
What’s the deal here, do these gentlemen share a secret we don’t know about … yet?
Amazing coordination between the U.S., Australia, The Netherlands and Russia. The breaking news is lagging in Kiev and at NATO HQ in Brussels. What does Cameron have to say …
Please note: it was President Obama who called Ukrainian counterpart Poroshenko to deliver the message the humanitarian mission under auspices of the IRC should proceed. Not VP Biden or John Kerry or Vicky Nuland delivering a covert message to Ambassador Pyatt. Just saying.
If this isn’t merely a US “good cop” day (always a possibility) and is a real shift, it could mean one of two things or both. 1) That the sanctions are biting the EU harder than expected and they demanded that DC tone it down. 2) There is enough evidence on what downed MH17 to eliminate Russia and separatists rebels as suspects. Too many possibilities to bother speculating as to why it appears that NATO and Kiev are on a different page from DC, etc.
Yep, the president’s PR service had to do a lot of cut and paste to change the sequence, putting Ukraine first as taking the initiative. LOL
Beginning with The Telegraph article on Sunday (did they get the message first), the 90 degree (if not 180) shift has been remarkably swift. Now very curious as to what prompted this, but it is welcome.
Interesting that The Guardian chose to lead with “Russia to send convoys…” May mean something or could merely reflect that the report was filed by its Moscow based correspondent.
Air-to-air missile Vympel R-60 NATO code AA-8 Aphid
Guidance: Infra-red (heat-seeking)
Warhead: 9.4 kg (20.8lb) annular blast-fragmentation
Spec sheet courtesy Kancho’s Paper Wings.
I’m certain from the fragmentation pattern evidenced in the parts of the fusilage on the wreckage, a conclusion can be drawn which type of warhead caused the Boeing-777 flight MH-17 crash. The Buk missile with proximity fuze is quite different from an air-to-air heat-seeking R-60 warhead. The Sidewinder targets an engine, destroys it causing immediate DANGER alarms in the cockpit. An engine lost and decompression of the cabine and cockpit may still not be fatal. The Buk missile was used against Antonov transport planes [AN-12 turboprop] and Su fighter jets of the Ukrainina Air Force. At a much lower altitude 21,300 feet (pressurized Antonov), eight men managed to jump to safety by parachute, two died in crash.
○ The Sidewinder Story: The Evolution of the AIM-9 Missile
Apparently being a non-aligned nation, Malaysia has succeeded to talk directly to the Donbass of Donetsk rebel leadership and make arrangements to handover the two black boxes and the retrieval of bodies and remains from the MA-17 crash site in Grabove. The media in Malaysia publish in English and Malay, so I tried to brush up on my knowledge of Indonesian (tiny). This publication stood out in the New Straits Times of Wednesday August 6, in paper version only AFAIK.
I have spend some time digging into the Malaysian writings about the plane crash as the nation is severely effected, just as The Netherlands and Australia.
○ Polis Diraja Malaysia (Royal Malaysia Police)
○ Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN)
I was quite happy, not really surprised, to find this interesting article. The three Malaysian experts are NOT low key persons!
○ First posted here at Sundaily – MH17: Reports submitted to Dutch, IGP heads to Netherlands
| Posted on 25 July 2014 - 07:56pm | Last updated on 26 July 2014 - 09:57am |
The missiles used by Su-25 jets (actually, I believe they are ground support planes, not fighters) are heat seeking, which means that they detonate near engines.
Thus, if an Su-25 downed MH17, at least one of its engines should be heavily damaged.
Not only haven’t I seen any pictures of the engines (which are the most rugged parts of a jet), I haven’t even seen anyone mention looking for them, much less finding them.
There are of pictures on the internet of the engines. One from The Guardian. They were engulfed in flames near or when they landed. (The crazies are claiming that they aren’t Boeing 777 engines; but they also claim that Sandy Hook massacre and the Boston Marathon bombing were fake and there were no dead children or injured people.)
Thanks. That one seems only to have been damaged by ground impact. I don’t see any damage from shrapnel. I believe that if MH17 was shot down by a jet firing a missile (and possibly then firing at the ceckpit with machine guns), one of the engines should show shrapnel damage.
This is simply a matter of curiosity on my part, since the case for a jet shooting down MH17 is alrleady pretty strong
(I had seen that photo btw. I just forgot, since I wasn’t interested in the engines at the time.)
I have to defer totally to experts on this. Would guess that locals and/or separatists took a lot of photos and passed them on to authorities, including those in Russia, and would expect the investigators that made their way to the site, inspected the engines.
I assume you saw the Akkermans photos, but just in case
not sure why link doesnt work
Thanks. No, I hadn’t seen them. They’re pretty depressing, even though there are no bodies.
The only thing I get out of them is that, as has already been observed, the only place you see damage from weapons fire is in the cockpit. Unfortunately, there seems to be no picture of any engines.
As Marie2 says, we will have to wait for some kind of report from experts. The whole matter is very delicate. Western countries will no doubt want to falsify the official report, but it is not clear that Malaysia is going to go along with that, and it was a Malaysian plane, so Malaysia has some say in the matter.
Don’t be so sure.
Mafia wisdom.
Sufi wisdom.
AG’s corollary
As above, so below?
As below, so above.
Bet on it.
depressing, yes, also to me “stark” is the word that comes to mind.
“not sure why link doesnt work”
Try deleting the s from https.
thanks, Indianadem!!!
○ Malaysian Airlines MH17. Investigation Analysis (ISRTM)
Beacause of low-altitude operation, very vulnerable for MANPADS as was seen in the Afghan War. That’s the reason the Soviets designed the Su-39, a two seater for more versatile missions on the battlefield.
March 2010 Ukraine’s MoD passed 2 versions Russian build Su-25 M1 into service, modernized Su25 equipped with updated devices with improved fighting performance by state-owned МиГремонт [MiGremont enterprise, Zaporozhye]. A contract for upgrading additional 40 Su-25 by 2012 done by Ukrainian MoD’s Aircraft Repair Plants. Test flights performed on the UAF State Testing Center area ‘Chauda.’
The Georgian Su-25 KM ‘Scorpion’ aircraft, upgraded in joint venture Tbilisi Aircraft Manufacturing with Israel’s Elbit Systems, performed superior in 2008 war with Russia.
○ MiGremont, Zaporozhye State Aviation Repair Factory
○ Sukhoi Su-25 ‘Frogfoot’ Fighter/Bomber
Totally awesome job done here in this post, Oui! This puts it all together, so to speak.
This is a youtube link to an interview with the Canadian OSCE person who was on the ground at the crash site very early on. Go to the ~6:00 minute mark for the discussion of what the cause of the crash might have been.
This diary should be Front Paged!
VoR: Investigation into flight MH17 could take “many years”
It will be interesting to see whether the preliminary report will take a position on whether a surface-to-air missile or an air-to-air missile hit the plane.
I provided the extra insight in reading comprehension and technical performance of the Su-25 Frogfoot.
If you read his article carefully, you will find Haisenko does not base his technical specs on Wikipedia, he does mention the data has been altered.
I see the data in the flieger web lexicon has been altered this month, via WayBackMachine archive I find the following:
Per August 2:
Dienstgipfelhöhe: 14’600 m
Altered as follows …
Per August 6: Dienstgipfelhöhe: Maximale Einsatzhöhe: 7.500m, Maximal erreichte Höhe (flight test) 14.600 m
I have secured images with a screenshot.
My post linked the Haidenko info as follows, as usual I add links to support the argument. You see I already deduced the data of 14,600 m would be during a test flight. The alteration proved my assumption as correct.
As you see, I have added a third source warfare.ru and have thoroughly provided information of the operational design of the Su-25 Frogfoot.
I can’t believe what an Atlanticist, Russophobic trash heap EuroTrib has become.
And many people there – like Frank Schnittger, who has a recent diary about MH17 – have the same delusion that the mainstream Western press is also under, that such a thing as a Ukrainian nation still exists.
It seems that no one there is aware that the western Ukraine is completely zombified there with a manic Russophobia.
Thanks for your concern.
It’s almost amazing how partisans always accuse us of being for the other side because we’re not on their side.
Atlanticist may be the funniest accusation I’ve heard yet, so credit for that.
No need to make the issue bigger than it is. That’s the color of editors to a blog, it’s their prerogative and keeps their pleasure in blogging and work they do. You can’t deny the openness here @Booman is greater than @ET.
Markedly, a blog that is most critical on the subject at hand, shooting down of Malaysian passenger jet, and any controversy of complot theories is Aviation Herald. The editor has accepted my posts.
To censor me @ET is quite outrageous, unless you decide that the topic MH-17 is banned fron any and all sources on your blog, also the “news items” of pure copy/paste. Western media are quite susceptible to state propaganda as we have witnessed in all recent conflicts/wars.
To ban dissent is [ blank ], you think of it yourself.
Yes, I pose tough questions by threat of war, see my diaries about the Ghouta gas attacks and the sniper killings in the streets of Kiev. I’m quite distressed by the neocons of the Atlantic Council, NATO, White House, Amb. Geoffrey Pyatt, European think-tanks and people like Radek Sikorski. I won’t be silenced, I just move on.
It’s a bit worse than I thought. You come over here to my diary and don’t contribute any content. Than you leave by troll rating me? What a bs Colman, now i’m really disappointed. You’ve fallen off the high pedestal I had thought of you. Quite troubling.
At the pond we show respect for dissent.
You are also disrespectful to the bloggers and lurkers of BooMan Tribune. I wouldn’t be able to write the great number of diaries if I didn’t get support from many, many readers.
See my diaries with “Recommends” and the “4’s” to my comments.
How is the british saying? The proof is in the pudding.
Pls don’t hijack the MH-17 thread by adding to this bs from Colman, the evidence is there for all to see.
I checked the cached webpages Su-25 of flugzeuginfo.net from August 6, 2011 through October 2013, this spec has not been altered.
Info from my earlier source:
Yes, Uke propagandists were making much of the operational ceiling of the SU-25. They are reflexive liars: when faced with something that points to barbarism on the part of the their junta, say the first confabulation that comes into their head, as Russophobic as possible. In a discussion of the apparent bullet holes in the MH17 cockpit at Wikipedia, one “editor” said that the rebels could have put those bullet holes in.
This is a main reason why I think Novorossiya will win: a culture which is built on non-stop lying is not likely to be very functional, when it comes to war, as to anything else.
BTW, EuroTrib should be renamed to “Atlanticist Tribune”.
Atlanticists closed down comments. Just in case, saved it for eternity. LOL
That’s why my preference lies here at the pond, receive just enough support to keep going.
Comments have been disabled for your diary there. Do you have any idea of what they are afraid of? That’s just crazy.
afew says that the position that the downing of MH17 was a Uke false flag op is “a CT”, and so is not to be discussed at EuroTrib. But how is this an outlandish theory at all? (1) It is perfectly analogous to the Ghouta false flag op. (2) In the only briefing that US intelligence officials ever gave to reporters about MH17, this is what they had to say:
Since US intelligence admits that it has no idea of who shot the plane down, why does EuroTrib make it out of bounds to consider the possibility that Kiev did it?
Just as a warning. Don’t trust Michael Bociurkiw to tell the truth. He’s got a long history of writing for the Ukrainian Weekly, which has been in the pocket of the OUN/B.
regarding freedom of information matters.
I spend zero time on EuroTrib. Why? it has always just…smelled funny…to me. So it goes. Any faintest whiff of disKosianness sends me running. I was there when dKos tanked. It was nasty. Now this, here on BT. Not only on BT, but aimed at Oui, undoubtedly the hardest working, most fact-based contributor to this site. i don’t believe that I have ever megatroll-rated anyone…maybe once…but I did so today. I also added a “4” to every troll-rated post on this thread. BTers…stand up for your freedom! I have come to disagree with much of what Booman currently believes and thus with much of what many people on this site believe as well, but Booman preserves the freedom of BT with great consistency and courage. When you see an attempt at censorship-by-troll rating, fight back. Speak up! Real freedom of information is becoming more and more rare in this world today, replaced by megaglitz, megahype, security state-produced fear and sheer (
dis)information overload. Freedom of information is even more important than freedom of speech, because if you cannot safely or freely say what you believe to be true without massive, lockstep resistance then where are you, really?You know where you are? You’re in Orwell’s 1984 as reinterpreted by the disKossians is where. Bet on it. Instead of having your face thrust into a cage of rats, it’s your mind, your time and ultimately your self-respect that are eventually eaten by ravenous, lockstep trolls. I have seen a couple of sites go down in this way. Don’t let it happen here.
Thank you and goodnight.
Thanks AG!
As Always.
Bet on it!
I know him!!!
His son radicalized me at the age of 7 or so. Taught me how to read, think and fight, too.
Keep on keepin’ on, Oui.
His rampage was bigger than I thought … shocking.
« click for more info
"Take Your Choice---Do you want a man who, having raised the stars and stripes in our new possessions, will maintain them with dignity; or a man who will cut down "Old Glory" and make us the laughing stock of the world?" Victor Gillam, artist. (Library of Congress, LC-USZC4-5391) (Censorship historic magazines)
You are SO correct, AG.
The work that Oui has put up here at the pond, day in and day out, year in and year out!, is staggering. He has opened up a world of sane, sensitive and sincere insight that is all too lacking in the American discourse. Once we step out of the mediazio box of propaganda, new networks and sources of credible people show up. But the hardest part is bringing all that info back to the frog pond in an intelligible and accessible format that presents the pertinent facts, while freeing people to judge for themselves. Very Empowering! And Oui does that over and over again.
Where else on the American oriented blogs would one go to find this type of comprehensive reporting? Any suggestions?
Well, my suggestion is that Oui be given a Frog Pond Front Page presence called ‘Foreign Desk’ where these important issues of peace and the new types of war could be examined. A big part of the battle for truth and justice has been the quick shooting down of the many false flag provocations of late. A place on the front page here at BooMan would give an added boost that propel these subjects to more main stream prominence. The time may not be ready yet for this move. There are issues to be dealt with yet concerning practical political considerations. But when a superb post such as this one by Oui shows up on the front page, I’ll know we are considerably closer to the world I think we want to see.
I want to know why western reporters don’t have cameras on their phones. They can apparently tweet and text, and they can even take pictures of Russian tanks inside Russia, but where is that armored column of flaming Russian invaders that the glorious Ukrainian army stopped overnight? No pictures of it in the NY Times, or on any website I’ve come across.
Perhaps the Russian tanks use stealth technology and so they are invisible.
Rebel leader says 1,200 Russian fighters, weapons en route to eastern Ukraine (VIDEO) | Kyiv Post
Aug. 16, 2014, 6:09 p.m. | Ukraine — by Christopher J. Miller
Press statement made in a YouTube publication by НОВОРОССИЯ TV [novorossia tv]
○ Ukraine-Konflikt: Wenn Hysterie brandgefährlich wird | Spiegel Online
My intended message wasn’t the content of the article, I was looking how and when it was sourced. This propaganda piece originates in Kyiv and is picked up by the western prime media distributors. Via search engines one can see how it is spread, indeed includes the Business Insider.
The main reason it is sold as “evidence” by the British media because it was “sourced” by pro-Russian rebel forces and its new leader Alexander Zakharchenko. The distribution of articles started on August 16 based on a YouTube video (not linked by British msm) source as НОВОРОССИЯ TV [novorossia tv]. Production date of the YouTobe video was August 15. The website of novorossia TV was discontinued as per August 14, 2014.
Here @MoA I can’t post more links, that is why I posted the second link to my post @BooMan with all the linked sources.
“On August 9, Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic Alexander Zakharchenko announced the republic was ready for a ceasefire not to allow spread of the humanitarian catastrophe in Donbass. His statement was published on the dnr.today website.”
The Kiev junta doesn’t want a cease-fire but a total military victory, that’s why that piece of trash was distributed, to up the war rhetoric.
Pravda: Boeing-777 was downed by Ukrainian MiG-29, Romanian expert says
As people have repeatedly observed on the Web, an SU-25 was not the best plane to use for this “mission”. Yes, one can advance arguments to make an SU-25 being used plausible, but as far as I know, the only reason an SU-25 is being discussed is that that is what that Russian officer suggested in the Russian military press briefing.
FWIW, At this point, the only things I am reasonably sure of are (1) no Buk missile was fired; (2) the cockpit was demolished by machine gun/cannon fire.
Wonder why all those bloggers and armchair investigators that claim to have expertise in fighter jet capabilities haven’t mentioned this before and have instead jumped through many hoops to make questionable claims that an SU-25 is perfectly capable of downing a 777 at altitude. (Am sure Russia has reasons for not showing all its cards — but sure leads to ordinary people disliking those in power and the games they play.)
Now does anyone outside the Ukrainian Air Force know what regiments have MiG-29’s and who commands those regiments? May never see any answers to those questions.
On mainland these aircraft had been mothballed. Later to be reassembled and to fly, participated in bombing raids above Donetsk in May, Russian RIA released an article on April 7 and a MIG-29 was purportedly downed by rebels reported on August 7.
Alastair James Berry placed his post on Facebook Mikojan-Goerevitsj MiG-29. Here are some tidbits of information …
○ Ukrainian Air Force Inventory
○ List of Ukrainian aircraft losses during the 2014 unrest
I found a more likely culprit that couls have been involved, perhaps someone Russian speaking should listen to the original taped broadcast of Russia’s presentation of their military about the downed Malaysian flight MH-17.
○ Crimea two fighters Su 27 Ukrainian Air Force raised in the air and ready to attack
○ Russian Su-27 in Dogfight with a Georgian Su-25 [This surprises me as the Su-27 easily outmaneuveres the Su-25 according to the specs – Oui]
Don't look at me, this was just another quick cut & paste job!
The Right Sektor barbarians with support from European parliamentarians and US members of Congress. The protesters throwing molotov cocktails against an unarmed police in Kiev ended in the subsequent killing of 75 citizens/policemen on February 20, 2014.
The Right Sektor barbarians, Oligarch mercenaries, Kiev armed forces and Ukrainian AF have indiscriminantly bombed villages, towns and cities in East-Ukraine. Over 2,000 killed and a grave humanitarian disaster is in process. Where is the western outcry today?
The White House and western capitals were pounding fists and calling for intervention when the same happened in Cairo, Egypt and Damascus, Syria. I remember clearly how Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice remained silent when the first car bombs struck civilian areas in Damascus and Aleppo. For me that was a clear sign Sunni extremists had entered the battle scene. The White House approved because the PNAC neocon policy called for regime change. The same happened in Ukraine in 2004, Tsiblisi, Georgia in 2008 and again in Kiev this year.
The Ghouta gas attack was clearly a false flag incident, the same covert acts are taking place under US auspicien in the Ukraine. Do some due diligence on ambassador Pyatt, ambassador Ford and Vicky Nuland.
As the official Dutch Safety Board remained silent, their website was in Dutch only (until today) and the team of experts stayed in Kiev and Kharkiv, they did not travel to the crash site …
The following countries have contributed (to a greater or lesser extent) to the international investigation team into the crash of flight MH17: Ukraine, Malaysia, Australia, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, France, Italy and Indonesia. The ICAO and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) also contributed to the investigation as organisations. The leadership of the investigation rests with the Dutch Safety Board, which will publish both the preliminary and final report. The countries that have a formal role as participants in the investigation under the ICAO agreement will be given access to the draft reports, and may provide feedback. The country leading the investigation may offer other countries access to the draft reports at its discretion.
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The rebels handed the flight-data recorders over to Malaysian officials at a ceremony in Donetsk/Pic:AP
The Ukrainian armed forces did not heed the Security Council resolution, instead pushed forward with an advance on Donetsk and thereby blocking the crash site from any further investigation, see my earlier diaries. The Dutch chickened out, on August 11 as PM Abbott paid a visit to Dutch PM Mark Rutte in The Hague/Eindhoven.
Earlier I saw a fleury of communications/contacts with Ukraine officials on July 28, 2014. Remember the non-aligned Malaysia had 133 pair of boots on the ground at the crash site and handed their report to the Dutch on Sat. July 26. As we have seen, studying the evidence of the wreckage it can be determined whether a SAM or an air-to-air missile plus 30mm rounds were registered as the obvious cause of the crash.
From the few English comments at the DSB site, we learn there was a preliminary report distributed to all nations concerned as per August 16 – Malaysian minister of Transport Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai stated.
In recent weeks, an international team of some 25 aircraft accident investigators has collected as much investigation information as possible in Ukraine. Since it is not necessary to stay in Ukraine any longer to analyse the information and write a report on the preliminary findings, the team has relocated to The Hague to continue its work.
The team’s efforts will initially focus on the report of preliminary findings, which the Dutch Safety Board aims to publish in a few weeks’ time. The report will contain the first factual findings arising from the investigation based on various sources, such as the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder (the black boxes), air traffic control data, radar and satellite images. This data is currently being compared and will subsequently be analysed.
[Source press statement DSB on August 11]
Other followers waiting for any substantial information from the DSB are just as skeptical, posting the report will become available when the fighters in Luhansk and Donetsk have surrendered. When the war is over and the facts on the ground are irreversible. In the message, Ukraine is sending 1,500 troops to Transcarpathia to surpress unrest with Hungary.
○ Dutch review energy ties with Russia after MH17 crash
See my earlier diary – Mystery Deepens: Renegade Plane Crashed In Indian Ocean [Update-5].