Progress Pond

It Looks Like Michael Brown Was Executed

I am a little frustrated with my inability to get much reliable information about the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. I will say, however, that Dorin Johnson seems incredibly credible to me.

Based on his account, Michael Brown was executed in cold blood by a police officer for no reason whatsoever. What he and Johnson were guilty of was walking in the middle of the street. The police department is claiming that Michael Brown reached for the officer’s gun, but according to Johnson’s account, his friend was being choked and was merely trying to get away when he was shot for the first time. He was shot again as he fled. And, finally, after he kneeled down and put his arms up, he was shot several more times.

I have nothing really to go by except Johnson’s account. If he is that credible on the stand, and there is a fair-minded jury, I think a murder conviction is a strong possibility. If you know of other credible eyewitness accounts, let me know in the comments.

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