By all accounts, [Michael] Brown was One Of The Good Ones. But laying all this out, explaining all the ways in which he didn’t deserve to die like a dog in the street, is in itself disgraceful. Arguing whether Brown was a good kid or not is functionally arguing over whether he specifically deserved to die, a way of acknowledging that some black men ought to be executed.
The exact same thing happened with Trayvon Martin.
Read the full article by Greg Howard. It’s outstanding.
the article is on point.
Heck, some of you bleeding hearts didn’t think it was right to send out an assassination squad to murder Osama bin Laden and dump his body at sea. You start making judgment calls on who does and who does not deserve to die ignominiously, and pretty soon you’re not going to be summarily executing anyone!
And who wants that?
Photo of confederate flag in police
chief’s home
Wow. Just wow.
I’m pretty sure that has been debunked. On the other hand, Ferguson’s police chief did go on Sean Insanity’s show tonight. So there is that.
Doesn’t pay to mess with armed men. Hang your head, move slow, say “Yes, Sir” often. Or try to draw fast. Those are the choices.
good to see just how saintly a black kid has to be, before we white folks will take exception to someone blowing him away.
The police are the guards in our increasingly feudalistic society.
The last decade+ of occupying foreign countries has left us with a bunch of trained military occupiers ready to shoot first and ask questions if they have to, later.
Get used to it. Until Empire is dismantled, the guards will continue to be well-trained occupiers with military-grade equipment.
Imani ABL @AngryBlackLady 3m
wow. RT @TallyAnnaE: People in #Gaza are tweeting information on how to handle tear gas to the citizens of #Ferguson. Mind blown. #MikeBrown
Deploy the SWAT team to NW Iraq asap!
○ Declared: ‘No longer peaceful assembly’: Ferguson SWAT fire tear gas, rubber bullets
This stuff that’s happening in Ferguson gets more unacceptable every day. I’m glad the Feds are already involved in the investigation, and I will be very worried for our Nation if these protests are beaten back by this militaristic police presence. I was around at the Occupy Oakland protests, which were also inappropriately dealt with, but this appears much worse.
They’re even gassing and roughing up reporters tonight. The Mayor and City Council’s statement asking “all those wishing to demonstrate or assemble to disperse well before the evening hours” is so violative of civil rights as to be a joke, yet it is being enforced as if it were law. Which it is not.
Governor Nixon abandoned the State Fair tonight and is headed to the area. Hope he stays a while and gets this garbage cut OUT.
Here’s some more disturbing stuff I heard on Maddow’s show tonight. Liz Brown is an African-American columnist for the St. Louis American newspaper, and said this off the cuff:
“I’m an attorney, and one of the first jobs that I applied for was prosecuting attorney in the County Prosecuting attorney office. And when I applied, they were interested in me and they wanted to hire me, but they said to me, “Now, Liz, if we give you this job you have to understand that you may hear people using the ‘N’ word. Are you OK with that? That gives you a sense of the atmosphere of that office.” She went on to detail the wholesale practice of this office attempting to entirely exclude African-Americans from seated juries.
Not “Will you report these incidents so we can get rid of the bad apples within the office?”
Instead, “Are you OK with that?”