Stanley Kurtz has penned the ur-myth that all future Birchers and One World conspiracists will use to explain their opposition to education and reality. You heard it here first. And it is already spreading. Can you imagine a high school student actually reading an account of history from a Cuban scholar’s perspective? We cannot know, nor even speculate about, what it was like to be on other side of the Bay of Pigs or Cuban Missile Crisis. It will undermine our belief in America’s exceptionalism.
These people exhaust me.
I teach AP US and am an exam reader. The changes in the course effect me more than my students, since I have grade exams from an entirely new rubric.
But the poutrage over the framework is so fucking laughable it hurts my brain parts.
My favorite part of the controversy is that they say it doesn’t include Founders like Ben Franklin and denigrates conservatives. Yet the practice exam has primary source readings from Ben Franklin and Ronald Reagan.
What, no hagiography of Reagan? Conservatives denigrate themselves. They no longer need outside help.
The people bitching about this are the same ones who continue to insist that Ronald Reagan did not raise taxes. The empirical evidence is irrelevant. It is all about maintaining the illusion for their ignorant masses.
“It is well known that reality has a liberal bias.”
– Stephen Colbert
“Can you imagine a high school student actually reading an account of history from a Cuban scholar’s perspective?”
Actually, I can. I did 3 years in the Marines from 70-73. During that time I was washed in the blood of the Marine Corps history … from the perspective of the Marine Corps.
One of the treasured tales is from the “Halls of Montezuma”, that is the assault of Marines on the castle.
The Mexicans tell a different tale. They speak of 200 cadets, the oldest 17 and youngest 13 who made up h of the 500 man garrison. The other 300 were made up of Battalion San Blas. There were few survivors on the Mexican side. None of them were cadets.
One wonders whether the Marines would have made it if Santa Anna had sent actual soldiers to defend the castle.
Sorry, the castle was Chapultepec.
Ah but don’t yaull no unedjucated ar eazer to kontrol!
Just end all of the standardized testing. The testing industry is sucking up too much money that should go to actual education. And the political faux controversies are changing the common school history that was supposed to bring us together into a recruiting ground for wingnuts. The amount of grifting and cynicism in both of those trends is absolutely flabbergasting.
It is a side issue designed to suck the energy out of the main issue of funding public education.
“Can you imagine a high school student actually reading an account of history from a Cuban scholar’s perspective?”
Seriously. Can you imagine a world where some dipshit British guy could write a history of the ROMAN EMPIRE?!