U.S. General Backs Limited Ground Operations Against ISIS if Needed

WASHINGTON — Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress on Tuesday that he would recommend deploying United States combat forces against Islamic extremists in specific operations if the current strategy of airstrikes was not successful, raising the possibility of the kind of escalation that President Obama has flatly ruled out.


This is not just some wacko “general”…well, maybe he is…but he’s a big, big, wacko general, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

This particular runup to Irag War v.3 reminds me of nothing so much as the classic vaudeville “Niagara Falls/Slowly I Turned” routine made most famous by Abbot and Costello.. You know. The one where a certain phrase…”Niagara Falls” in the Abbot and Costello version…prompted an apparently harmless guy to go ballistic on whoever was closest?

“Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch…” etc.

In this case the word is “ISIS,” and the “Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch…” part is being strung out by these particular vaudevillians over a series of weeks and months. Step by step, inch by inch we are closing in on Iraq v3.


I been tellin’ ya!!!

Read on.
Probably nothing too drastic will happen until after the November elections unless the ISIS people fuck up big time and poke the (paper) tiger once too often or once too hard. But when the November votes are finally counted (or miscounted, if absolutely necessary) and the next quorum of the PermaGov is all set up…and with it most likely the 2016 presidential fix as well, because that all depends on which party supposedly controls the legislature (as if the corporate powers that run the U.S. don’t own it lock, stock and barrel)…once all of their little ducks are all in a nice, bipartisan row, then all hell’s going to break loose in the Iraq/Syria neighborhood once again. (Unless of course Putin decides to take a stand there or elsewhere that derails the action due to military necessity.)

I been tellin’ ya!!!


Yer “Peace President” is actually  nothing but a “Piece President.” He is a piece of the well-functioning, well controlled Permanent Government, the basic foreign policy of which is permanent economic imperialist war pursued by any and every means necessary.


You been had.

For going on 7 years now.

Ain’tcha getting a little tired in the various Oval Orfices…errr, ahhh, I mean Offices…that are involved in this ongoing sham?




Thank you and goodnight.



P.S. Have a nice day, as they say at the cash register after ripping you the fuck off.

Have a very nice day!!!