I just lost a draft of the post I was going to put up here tonight, so I’ll cut to the chase. I do not know the details of Booman’s medical condition. Nor do I know how long he will need to recover enough of his strength to resume posting on a full time basis. That information is private and not something I’m going to ask of his family. If they want us to know more about how he’s doing, I’m sure someone will tell us.
What I do know is that I cannot replace him. I don’t have the energy or the ability to post the quality of the material Marty produces here on a regular basis for however long it takes for Marty to return. However, all of us – you and I – who are members of the Frog Pond, as a community, do. There are any number of great writers and political analysts and just good old-timey, bring-the-house-down preachers here to fill the void Martin’s enforced absence has created until he can recover and kick us off his lawn.
In short, I’m asking for your help.
I’m asking that any member here who is willing to write diaries or send me good material to my email address (stevendbt at yahoo dot com) to do so, and I’ll post the best I read to the front page. And if you think I overlooked someone’s diary that deserves greater recognition and exposure, just let me know. I’m more than willing to make up for any oversight (i.e, mistakes) on my part.
I hope that, like me, all of you consider this blog relevant and worth keeping in good working condition until Booman can get back in the driver’s seat. Thank you all. Have a great rest of the weekend. I look forward to reading your stuff.
Ps. Yeah, I stole the title, but it was from some old dead white guy so I don’t think he’ll mind.
Yeah, I wish I wrote half as well and backed my words up with facts and studious research.. well, ever. I miss boo!
There are any number of people here who could keep the front page going. Sadly, I am not one of them!
I have never poked around much beyond the front page here, but I see the Diaries link, and I can commit to reading/skimming diaries that are posted and recommending diaries for the front page.
Steven, is there a link to your email address somewhere so we can easily find it when there are diaries to recommend for the front page?
I’m not quite sure I understand the role of the Cafe/Lounge – is there someone who can explain that to me?
West, Midwest, South and East don’t seem to take me anywhere, but I do see the DONATE button. It seems like this might be a good time to donate. Is that the case?
my email is in the story posted aboce. donations for booman are always appreciated. the other questions you have are not my area of expertise since I have never spent much time there,
The cafe is just for chatting. Stop by and someone will be happy to see you there. The directional links (west, etc) are actually not fuctional but remain in place as part of the original site design.
i recommend you get in contact with @smartypants60 .
she puts out good stuff: http://immasmartypants.blogspot.com/
I don’t have the time that I once did to think about things and then post those thoughts, but I will do what I can.
I have rarely used frontpage privileges, & I am happy to throw up music videos and maybe some commentary.
Glad to help out, get well soon Booman!
Thanks Brendan!
Thanks Steven! This is a wonderful spot to stop by and stay current.
Hopefully, enough of the dwellers can pitch in to keep it running. Boo, if your reading this, I sincerely hope you recover quickly and completely, we all miss you already. For the lurkers out there, a pat on the back for contributors will go a long way towards encouraging more articles. Cabin Girl, we are all thinking of you too.
I nominate TarHeelDem and Yastreblyansky as two Frog Ponders who could offer wonderful posts to help hold the fort — they both write thoughtful, smart pieces as it is in the comments.
Me? I’m a one-liner kind of girl.
I would welcome anyone. I have emailed TarheelDem already, among others.
I’m good at volunteering other ppl – maybe Tarheel dem would write some update about Moral Mondays or something on NC senate race situation overall? I’d be very interested to hear anything Oscar writes about Allison L-G’s campaign. I’m particularly interested in how her latest ad is being received – I thought it was great, but it was widely panned over at the Orange Place –
Steven, I think even a short post will give us all a start for commenting.
As far as my location goes -not much to say about Cory Booker’s campaign except that he’s creaming whatever somedude is running against him. received 1st campaign mailer yesterday, a postcard. and we’re all looking forward (not) to a public transportation fare increase, assumed to be for covering Chris Christie’s legal bill.
Yastreblyansky blogs elsewhere, and it should be easy to cross-post.
I am happy to help out – I was on the front page at openleft for a couple of years.
Booman is pretty irreplaceable. The decline in the non-orange satan sites (mydd, openleft to name a few) is disturbing, particularly with Markos’s perspective on the Democratic Nomination.
I’d be up to post a few times a week on music selections from yesteryear to today. I will leave the political analysis to the people who blog regularly.
But I could post stories I find interesting. I could probably post 3 or 4 times a day.
Once a day would be fine, maybe in the evenings. Thanks
Got it…
I got one for today I am going to send. I will try to come up w/ a title as well to make it easier on you for the post.
Well, you all know my basic perspective enough to where my work probably should not grace the front page here. However, if I do manage to write something in the interim that seems to intersect with the basic vibe of this blog, I’ll give you a shout.
Well Martin allows me to pst things that don;t always fit his views so don;t sideline yourself just for that reason.
As you know I blog mostly on the European Tribune on European topics and only stray into US politics around Presidential elections time because the US Presidency effects us all so much. I’ll try to keep the diaries comings, but as you know they can be of marginal US interest and therefore not really front page stuff…
Now, more than ever, we in the States need to get up to speed on the rest of the world – the chaos that would have been wrought by a Yes vote last week probably escapes most of us. We could use informed analysis on these things, whether or not it is in our natural diet of information. I know that I would welcome it, especially because it rarely occurs to me to check EuroTrib let alone BBC or Le Monde or Der Spiegel.