On the recently front-paged article Former Senator Webb thinking of running for President…a post about the possiblility of a “peace” candidate running for preznit in 2016…Marie2 posted the following historically quite  accurate comment:

In 1972, George McGovern was fifty years old.  He had served four years in the US House and ten in the US Senate.  He’d supported and worked for Democratic candidates before running for office himself.  He wasn’t merely anti-war but pro-peace.

The most qualified DEM POTUS nominee since FDR with integrity as well.  But Americans (including the DINO wing of the DEM Party) overwhelmingly preferred the drunk, venal Nixon and his creepy henchmen.  It’s been Nixonlandia ever since.

I elaborated on this idea.

Read for the rest of the story.
In 1972 the power of the American PermaGov-owned media was reaching its peak. It had already proven itself by whitewashing the assassination era in the minds of the lumpen publitariat. The media made Nixon president under orders from the PermaGov…it will act the same way under similar orders if an anti-war/pro-peace candidate does surface this year here in Omertica, bet on it… and it broke him when he disobeyed orders from the same interests. “Deep Throat” my royal Irish ass!!! The whole Watergate thing was an intelligence hustle the media segment of which was run through Bob Woodward, an intelligence media asset if ever there was one.

Have things changed now?

Not a chance. Not strategically, anyway. The strategy is to hustle the rubes, just as it’s always been. It’s only in terms of tactics that things are different in the current setup. Tactically the operation has become much more complex. The change is in the media system itself. It’s digital and thus much more dispersed than it was. More complicated. No more 2 or 3 newspapers and 2 or 3 TV networks; now it’s all over the place.

Is that a weakness? Let us pray that it is, but I think that dispersal problem will be overcome as well. they have promoted the Iraq War v.3 pretty damned well, as a cursory look at the top of today’s Google News page will certainly attest. Its lead headline as of 11:30 AM EST, 9/24/14?

From the Amazon-owned Washingtoon Post.

US military leaders: Strikes in Syria are just the start of a prolonged campaign


 (By the way…Amazon is a CIA business partner if not even deeper in the intelligence mix. Bet on that as well.)

The general result in the minds of the gawping American public?

Geez, Martha!!! It sez right here!!! We’re in it for the long haul. Them lousy ISIS guys!!! They’re gonna get whut’s comin’ to ’em now!!! Betcha!!!


About the latest “peace” candidates? We’ll see, won’t we.

Looks like business as usual, to me.

War business.

Calvin Coolidge said “…the chief business of the American people is business.”

Maybe then.


We’ll see.

On recent evidence? It’s obedience that is their chief business.

Obedience to the media’s dictates.
