Being neither gay nor Catholic, my interest in the intersection of those two groups isn’t very profound. I’m not going to say that I don’t care, because I care about how gays are treated by all world religions and in all societies. But how the Catholic Church deals with homosexuality or marriage or even contraception are not things that I have any immediate vested emotional investment in. If I see progress, I applaud it, and then I move on.

But the spectacle of watching old school Catholics losing their shit because their pope doesn’t share their hatreds? That’s pretty entertaining. As an old philosophy major and something of a secularist, I get a real charge out of watching theological dissonance in real time. This isn’t Galileo in a history book.

Still, no offense to my countless Catholic friends and acquaintances, but the one thing I never doubted from my protestant upbringing was that the whole reformation thing was settled almost 500 years ago, and not in the Church’s favor.

So, I did get a little tingle up the leg here just watching people squirm but my overriding feeling is boredom.