George Will gets paid $48,000 per appearance at college business schools. I’ll take half that to appear at a political science department.
Call me.
George Will gets paid $48,000 per appearance at college business schools. I’ll take half that to appear at a political science department.
Call me.
Don’t sell yourself cheap.
Off topic: has anyone noticed the DCCC fundraising emails now resemble the worst, most breathless, sensationalistic spam, complete with wacky fonts and mismatched primary colors?
Yeah and I’ve unsubscribed about a dozen times and still get emails.
I don’t need 10 emails a day
Well, it’s not as if they could get anyone that anyone wanted to see/hear for $48,000. It’s a good racket for hacks as there are more organizations/institutions with money to burn and in need of someone to fill a speaker’s slot than there are hacks.
You are easily worth twice as much as him.
George Will should pay you $48,000 to sit and listen to one of your lectures anywhere even in your living room.
Forty eight thousand would pay a handful of graduate teaching assistants. How does a B-school dean justify paying Will that kind of money?
Some sort of payola?
Is it an underwritten speaking program funded by one of Will’s buddies?
You’re pricing yourself in adjunct territory there, BooMan. Only their pay is for a year, not an event.
Bet Will pitches himself as a “motivational” speaker. Of the I did it you can too variety.
someone really pays him?
Speakers’ fees, advances on books. These are ways to pay the progandists for the empire.