Haven’t heard from Family Man in a long time, and I wonder if he would also join in an crusade against anti-slackism.
Considering his reputation, I think that he would.
Haven’t heard from Family Man in a long time, and I wonder if he would also join in an crusade against anti-slackism.
Considering his reputation, I think that he would.
Slackers arise! Throw off the chains of fashion and decorum!
I miss his slackitude.
I hear from FM every month or so. He’s had a lot of physical problems and has been in the hospital twice for extended stays in the last few months.
He’s back at his apartment now and misses being online very much but doesn’t have internet access or even email. He’s hoping he will have both later this year/early next year and if so, he will be eager to come back and visit with all of us.
Please tell him we await his return with great anticipation.
yes, please do.
I’ll be sure to let him know the next time we talk.