I was disappointed to read many of the comments in BooMan’s Serious Question about Hillary Clinton, while yet understanding and sympathizing with them.

To those of you (us) wishing for third parties at the national level, that’s not going to happen anytime soon. It will be years before an organization like the Working Families Party can compete in every state, and they’re one of the more effective alternatives out there (big misstep with Cuomo though, guys). If we want a viable third party, it needs to start at the local and state level. You don’t need a dope like me to tell you this. Just be aware, it will be a long time before we elect a WFP or Green to the House or Senate and even then, like Socialist Sanders, they’ll HAVE to caucus with the Dems or the GOP to get anything done. It’s baked in the cake.

To those of you that claim you’ll vote for HRC but won’t do GOTV on her behalf, I guess I wonder if anyone has any short-term memory of the last time we made the perfect the enemy of the good. Also, I don’t remember many of you loudly declaring your opposition to Obama based on perceived (and often real) betrayals on war, a public option, surveillance, and civil liberties.

Look, I’m not a big fan of the Clinton brand. But I am much less a fan of Republicans. If Hillary Clinton is the nominee, I will gladly GOTV for her. I will do the same if it is Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, or Herman Fucking Munster.

We have to win. We have to crush the Republican Party because they have gone insane. Stop with the “how has Hillary failed me today” bullshit, and work to elect some fucking Democrats you whining all-of-a-sudden purists.

So boo hoo hoo. The likely nominee is imperfect. THAT NEVER HAPPENS.

And now some music. It’s the Supersuckers. It has nothing to do with the rant above. But it kind of does.