I think it’s interesting that Jeffrey Goldberg is starting to say things about Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel that I have been saying for a long time. I always feel somewhat defensive whenever I am critical of Israel’s government because I know it opens me up for harsh accusations, but I’ve never said anything that I haven’t heard some of my Jewish friends and acquaintances say with more passion and less forbearance.
Personally, I think we’ve gone far too long without being allowed to have an honest conversation about U.S.-Israeli relations, and now we’ve gotten to the point where some of Israeli’s staunchest defenders basically agree with the administration when they call Netanyahu a “chickenshit” and a “coward.” Now Goldberg calls Israeli’s policy “a disaster.”
Welcome to the club, Jeffrey, I guess.
The problem with cowards that paint themselves into corners is that they can quickly switch from paralysis and small-time preservation strategies into full-blown crazy. And Israel has a lot of firepower.
Just like the Khymer Rouge was the result of US bombing in Cambodia, Israel is the result of concentration camps and WWII. Or a typical bully.
Get beat at home a lot, once you get big and strong, you’re going to go and beat the shit out of your own targets, and get a raging jingoistic hard-on while doing it. Hello, Israel!
For example, when I’m feeling very pessimistic, I feel like people who were still forming their identities during the mid-to-late 60’s shouldn’t be allowed to vote, because US politics, wars, and assassinations have pretty much broken the reasoning abilities of a whole lot of people. Take a look at conservatives who were alive during this period, and how they present themselves to the public and electorate. Clearly they aren’t totally sane and bound here in observable reality. And it doesn’t surprise me.
Your crazy!!!!
Bibi’s a chickenshit? Did you say that Booman?
Kidding aside, I’m a Jew who has agreed with your general view of Israel except that I sometimes thought you didn’t go far enough. There are many Jews who sincerely want peace. Unfortunately, not enough to elect a rational government.
Long term, Israel’s choices are insane. Things cannot go on like this. Israel has just a few options. It can become a multi-ethnic democracy. That’s what I’d like to see but most Jews do not agree. It can preserve its Jewish character (at least for another generation or three) by cutting a sustainable peace deal. It can continue to repress its Palestinian minority until they become a majority and the world recognizes the shadow of apartheid. Or it can become a true international pariah through some form of ethnic cleansing.
The first two options are obviously way more palatable than the last two when one considers the many consequences. But Bibi isn’t playing the long game. Chickenshit indeed.
But Bibi isn’t playing the long game.
I disagree. Bibi is playing a long game. It’s just that he doesn’t realize he’s holding a losing hand. It doesn’t help that we fully enable his clown ass, despite his disrespecting President Obama.
If by “long” you mean “as long as I’m alive”. Goldberg is right when he suggests Netanyahu’s main aim is to stay in office–not to accomplish any political goal for Israel, he’s never had a program other than chickenshitness for the whole Jewish population, but just to be PM.
You say Netanyahu’s main aim is to stay in office.
Is this different than any other politician? If so, explain.
Forgive me for budding in. I came across this post by accident. My name is Rick, nice to meet you all.
You say that many Jews want real peace and a more rational government. Who can disagree with that, but how would you go about achieving peace with a people who want a world without a Jewish state? A people who have on many occasion stated that the only thing they want is the total annihilation of Israel. Tell me, where would you begin?
Also, do you thing calling the leader of another country (who by the way is the united states greatest ally in that region) a chickenshit and a coward, is appropriate behavior for the president of the US?
Personally, I think we’ve gone far too long without being allowed to have an honest conversation about U.S.-Israeli relations, and now we’ve gotten to the point where some of Israeli’s staunchest defenders basically agree with the administration when they call Netanyahu a “chickenshit” and a “coward.”
How long has Netanyahoo been disrespecting Obama? Just a few years ago the clown was openly rooting for Willard. Despite all that, we continue to cover for Israel. We even cover for them when they murder U.S. citizens(see Furkan Doğan and Orwah Hammad). In the case of Orwah Hammad, see this:
Don’t forget the influence of AIPAC and how they, with the help of Haim Saban and similar types, buy off almost every single Democratic Representative and Senator.
Show-down as early as today @UN … the world will see what Obama is made of when the present domestic violence inside Jerusalem and settlement expansion will come before the UN Security Council. The blunt expansion of housing for its Jewish citizens in East-Jerusalem across the Green Line will need a strong response.
Nearly everyone in the Obama administration was on point when minister Ya’alon visited Washington and was shunned last week.
○ US is settling scores with Netanyahu through Ya’alon
Full blown crisis? Lol. Get real, Jeffrey.
I’ll believe any of what he says when I see it.
Also, I like how he describes Israel’s attack on Iraq as “successful.”
“”He’s not Begin at Osirak,” the official added, referring to the successful 1981 Israeli Air Force raid ordered by the ex-prime minister on Iraq’s nuclear reactor.”
What would you call it?
Well, but successful at what? They successfully destroyed the reactor. But Saddam had no nuclear weapons program then either. What did Israel accomplish? Their aim seems to have been support for Iran in the Iran-Iraq war, along with supplying arms and logistical support, but it still took until 1988 for Iran to win.
The principle accomplishment was setting a precedent for George W. Bush in 2003 for violating the UN charter to start preventive wars on phony pretexts.
Principal. I hate that word.
you spelled it right the first time 🙂
Principal should not be confused with principle. Principle is always a noun, which is sometimes erroneously used with the meaning of the adjective principal.
Incorrect: He is the principle musician in the band
Correct: He is the principal musician in the band
When I say I’m wrong, dammit, I’m wrong! Also occasionally when I don’t say I’m wrong…
lol, I always thought principal was the person that is the head of the school and that was the only use of that spelling
the more you know I guess (insert rainbow here)
A violation of the UN charter.
But successful at what? They destroyed the reactor. So what. It tarnished their reputation even more, and imo gave other countries in the region all the more reason to obtain nuclear weapons. How can you delay a program that doesn’t exist? It’s also one of the few times even the US decided not to protect it on a UN vote that unanimously condemned Israel.
Yes, and Goldberg helpfully clarifies that an attack on Iran wouldn’t be “preemptive” but “preventative”. Spoken like a former Israeli prison guard.