Wow … Dutch investigative reporters have begun double-checking the arguments PM Rutte voiced to delay start of investigation. Three months have lapsed and there has hardly been any investigation of the MH-17 crash site in Donetsk.
Well, should I just say … I told you so last July? My analysis of the white-wash and lack of interest by the US and Dutch government to safeguard the wreckage has now become clear to the Dutch news media. From the start, the US and Dutch have frustrated gaining evidence to find the culprits who are responsible in shooting down the Malaysian passenger liner, flight MH-17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
Just a few days ago, Dutch investigators of the prosecution team complained they have not yet received the compelling evidence of US satellite images the White House used as “evidence” the rebels shot down the Malaysian airliner MH-17 with Russian support.
Tonight, Dutch television broadcast a documentary in Nieuwsuur with interviews with Dutch officials, responsible members of the junta in Kiev, Donetsk rebel leaders and the ambassador of Malaysia to The Netherlands. The Dutch government leadership of PM Mark Rutte and FM Timmermans have been lying through their teeth from the start. I do hope this story won’t go away and some serious questions will be asked ahead of a parliamentary debate in The Hague.
Here is the link to the media website and the report in Nieuwsuur, large parts are in the English language.
○ Dutch government and the MH-17 investigation plus video report.
More to follow as the morning papers will cover this story!
About Nieuwsuur report on MH-17 in Ukraine
As the Ukraine was concerned, the Netherlands could have direct negotiations with the rebels over access to the disaster area. So say several Ukrainian protagonists in the diplomatic negotiations after the disaster against Nieuwsuur. Netherlands has avoided all contact with the rebels as a principled issue.
“Moral obligation”
Ukraine questions the way the Netherlands acted in the first days after the disaster MH17. Kiev was not opposed to dialogue with the rebels on access to the disaster area, says Minister Pavlo Klimkin of Foreign Affairs: “We could not recognize Donetsk People’s Republic, but access to the crash site surely was not a political matter, it was a moral obligation.” And colonel and army spokesman Andrey Lysenko says: “The Dutch government should have done everything to get full information.”
“Come quickly”
The Dutch researchers came only two weeks after the crash at the crash site. The OSCE says in Nieuwsuur this was regrettable. “The first days were crucial: the crash site was vulnerable. Our message was: “Come as quickly as possible”, OSCE spokesman Michael Bociurkiw says. He was on behalf of the OSCE as one of the first in the disaster area.
Direct contact
Prime Minister Najib Razak of Malaysia negotiated it directly with the rebels, with the result that his country could quickly secure the black boxes. The government of President Poroshenko had no objection. “Malaysia even signed formal documents with the People’s Republic of Donetsk, but this had no political or legal consequences. If it works, we are OK with that,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Klimkin.
The international research team, meanwhile, still has not investigated at the scene. Netherlands has recently retrievedadditional personal belongings of passengers MH17. In response, the Malaysian ambassador Fauziah Mohd Taib says in Netherlands that his country was not involved in that operation and reflects frustration. “We are, in spite of repeated requests from our side, not involved in the joint investigation team led by the Netherlands. And while it concernes our national airline and 43 Malaysian citizens. We want to do justice to the victims who perished in the disaster.”
More great coverage, Oui!
I heartily recommend Oui’s excellent post about some of the shoot down details, Was Malaysia MH-17 Downed by Su-25 Fighter Planes? for a great read and more back ground info.
Kiev had no problems with Dutch investigators negotiating directly with the rebels to gain access to the crash site? Really? “So say several Ukrainian protagonists”? Since when do we believe anything “Ukrainian protagonists” say?
There was a news story about either the Dutch PM or a minister saying in an interview on Dutch TV that Dutch investigators cooperating in any kind of way with the rebels was out of the question, because Holland is a NATO country.
By the way, did you see this story:
Spiegel: MH17-Chefermittler Westerbeke: “Wissen die Russen womöglich mehr?”
Unsurprisingly, the Western press is completely ignoring how the DSB preliminary report affected the criminal investigation in this way (narrowing the scenarios considered from four to two), and the English Spiegel article did not include this remark of the chief inspector.
I am going to spam your diaries with German. 😉
The Netherlands ‘ignored’ Ukraine rebels after MH17 crash – officials
This is all what your diary is about. Personally, I don’t think any of this is newsworthy, since chances are the Ukrainians are lying as usual. That the junta’s foreign minister expressed concern about a “moral requirement” is a dead giveaway. I thought the Dutch were supposed to be good at detecting bullshit.
Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant reported that new FM Koenders spoke to his comrade Pavlo Klimkin in Kiev en wants Ukraine to retract yesterday’s statement in Nieuwsuur. The media stated a retraction has been published on the Ukraine Embassy of The Netherlands. It’s not there! Ukraine did not want the Dutch to negotiate directly with the Donetsk rebels. They were told they can use the OSCE as mediator. It’s all about semantics now, is it?
Today’s news lists more remains have been found in the wreckage/fields of crash site in a joint operation with SES, the local first responders. Gee whiz, what’s so difficult about cooperating with locals.
The matter stinks to heaven.
○ Reuters did not Report that People on Maidan were Killed by Opposition’s Snipers
Why did you post a link to the loony Ukrainian Web site Why do you even pay attention to that garbage?
As for “stinks to heaven”: it is taken for granted by everyone who has not been zombified by the Western mass media that the junta deliberately shot MH17 down in a (botched) false flag op. So the only question remaining is how much truth the various investigations are going to let come out.
Searching for above mentioned letter from Dutch Government PM Mark Rutte, I came across this website page, a video impression of Dutch investigators “Four days, 20 hours in Donetsk“. A shameful misrepresentation of what a modern state should do in case of a crash investigation.
PM Mark Rutte again not telling as it is. In yesterday’s letter he stated Malaysia was “part of the investigative team.” This had been denied by the Malaysian ambassador in The Hague and is also contrary to this Malaysian news report …
○ Joint Investigative Team (JIT) a deal in secrecy
As Dutch PM Mark Rutte traveled to Malaysia and Australia …