Progress Pond

Rant Incipient II

It’s going to be this kind of night because everyone is stupid:

In Domenic Recchia, the Democrats have fielded a candidate so dumb, ill-informed, evasive and inarticulate that voting for a thuggish Republican who could wind up in a prison jumpsuit starts to make rational sense.

At least Michael Grimm can string three sentences together in arguing that he deserves the presumption of innocence on federal criminal charges stemming from his past operation of a restaurant.

That’s the N.Y. Daily News in the process of endorsing a guy who threatened to break a reporter in half and throw him off a Capitol Building balcony. Rep. Michael Grimm of Staten Island is probably going to win another term, which makes the reelection of the Bush/Cheney ticket look like an exercise in national rectitude.

Everything is broken.

I have to go vote now, and then I have to have a dentist use a drill on my teeth for at least an hour straight. Given the likely results tonight, it’s hard to tell the difference between these two activities. We’re a nation of clowns riding in a broken down clown car.

Seems like every time you stop and turn around, something else just hit the ground.

Once you start assigning blame for this, it’s hard to find a place to stop pointing the finger. I grew up in a difficult age for this country with Watergate and Vietnam and the energy crises and sky-high interest rates and stagflation and the Iranian Hostage Crisis. But I never doubted that this country was great. Our leaders had failed us, but they had also vindicated us by ending the war and forcing Nixon out of office.

Our only redemption right now is the man in the White House who makes small but never big mistakes. And he’s the one we vilify?

Broken pipes, broken tools, people bending broken rules.

Both parties are to blame, as are our judges, the media, and the people. Get off your ass and go vote. At least then you won’t be deserving of my wrath.

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