My first, kind of visceral, reaction to the shocking and disappointing election returns was that white America, particularly white men, had just thrown a massive temper tantrum. I could further refine this to white Americans living in mostly white towns and suburbs, and out on our farms and up in our remote hills. The Democrats did terribly with white men as a whole, but I think we’ll be able to drill down into the data and discover that it mattered a lot where these whites live.
For a long time we’ve known that whites behave differently when they live in areas, like the South or our cities, where the black population is big enough to actually hold power at the local level, and that racial animosity diminishes considerably when there is no fear of power-sharing. That’s why Barack Obama did so well with whites in Iowa and throughout the Plains and Mountain States in his competition with Hillary Clinton, but did very poorly among whites in places like Mississippi and Georgia and South Philadelphia.
The Democrats’ standing among whites and white men has deteriorated during the Obama Era, and there are a lot of factors that probably can help explain this. If you exclude Jews, Catholics, academics and scientists and young urban professionals, there is very little white support for Democrats, and this is reflected in the makeup of Congress. Finding white male protestant Democrats in the House of Representatives is not an easy task.
The party has experienced a broad change in how its power is expressed over recent years. Because minority members tend to come from safe districts, they’ve accumulated more seniority than their white colleagues in the House and we now see blacks, Latinos (and women) dominating as the ranking members on committees. This has long been a goal for progressives, but it puts a dark face on the party which goes along with our black First Family, our black Attorney General, our black Secretary of Homeland Security, our black Secretary of Transportation and our Latino secretaries of Labor and HUD. This diversity is an accomplishment and a strength, but it also alienates parts of our country that simply don’t live with dark faces or directly compete with them for local power.
This is why Mitch McConnell isn’t joking when he says that the president taking unilateral action on immigration reform will be like waving a red flag in front of a bull. If this alienated white America is rewarded for their very successful tantrum with unilateral executive action on immigration, their rage and frustration will know no bounds.
In fact, it’s hard to argue with the following:
Republicans led by McConnell pledged to use their newfound majorities to stop [Obama’s executive action].
“I hope he won’t do that, because I do think it poisons the well for the opportunity to address a very important domestic issue,” McConnell said in Louisville, Kentucky, as he celebrated a victory in his own Senate race and the GOP’s capture of the Senate.
Some on the right said executive action on immigration could even be grounds for impeachment. Several House Republicans said Obama would make it very difficult to cooperate on other issues if he acts on immigration.
“Him moving ahead like that, I think he’s completely tone deaf to what happened last night,” said Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn.
The president probably is not tone-deaf about what happened on Tuesday, but he will go ahead with his promise anyway. It will rile up the white male base and calls for impeachment will grow. The bull will paw the Earth, flare its nostrils, and charge with all its worth.
The Democrats need to fulfill their promise on immigration reform, but they cannot go on like this because it amounts to complicity in a growing racial polarization of our politics. That’s bad for the country and it will allow the Republicans to hold stable majorities in both the House and state legislatures for the foreseeable future.
The Democrats will still keep the presidency most of the time and the Senate at least some of the time, but our country will remain stuck, our government will remain dysfunctional, and the people will suffer. The Democrats have to address middle class economic and social anxiety, and that means they have to focus on class more than race. This isn’t a recommendation that the Democrats make winning over the elusive white male voter their top priority, at least not in the ways this has been attempted in the past. It’s a recommendation that the Democrats begin focusing heavily on the issues that are making middle class folks from all backgrounds so anxious. I’m talking about the fact that people can’t afford college, that their kids can’t afford to move out of their homes, that formerly “good” neighborhoods are being decimated by opioid addiction, and that our infrastructure is crumbling.
Government action can’t be seen as a wealth transfer from the middle-class to the poor or from whites to minorities, but as investment in our communities that used to be made as a matter of course.
The Democrats have to wage what the Republicans derisively call “class warfare” or this country is going to remain hopelessly polarized with no way in sight to stop the rise in income inequality.
Seen any breadlines lately? Masses of once employed men and women skinny and hungry traveling anyway they can to wherever there might be a job and some food?
That’s on the order of what it takes in the US for “class warfare” from the bottom and then it’s not all that robust and is short lived.
The covert “class warfare” from the top never stops. It’s why they rarely have to worry and then only for a brief period of time.
The Republicans call it ‘class warfare’. What do the Democrats call it then, if they’re planning to call it anything at all? And how would you propose that this activity should proceed? That’s what’s this election has shown: if you don’t call a spade, a spade, loud and clear, unambiguously and unashamedly, you’ll get no where.
That’s a very noble sentiment. But there is only so much wealth to go around and that’s what being fought over: we are dealing with the material world, let’s leave justice to the higher beings. Today I eat, need a doctor, send my kids to school…. Banal, well maybe, but it might be very helpful if Democrats finally came down to earth.
What makes it even harder? The ACA is the single biggest transfer of wealth from the rich to the working-class in over a generation…and it did nothing to win white votes.
That does not make up for the massive transfer of wealth from taxpayers to the rich that occurs through continuing tax-starvation deficits and the mechanism of interest on the national debt.
In Kentucky, the Democratic governor claimed the credit for himself by rebranding it and likely it is not widely known that it really is the ACA.
In other states Republicans actively discouraged people from enrolling in the program.
The amount of confusion that still exists about the ACA is immense.
And then there is the annual enrollment bullshit and changing prices, deductibles, co-pays, balance billing, and the fear of the individual mandate. It might be a huge transfer of funds, but for people receiving the benefits it is yet another bureaucratic maze. For those who have to go through separate mazes for food stamps and welfare, it becomes a nightmare of trying to understand the regulations.
And then there are the more well-off white working class who have employer-based health insurance that is still going up and who blame those increases on Obamacare. And they are more likely to vote than folks receiving subsidies.
Yup Obamacare didn’t help those people except that flu shots are now free.
We agree. I’m just pointing out that we’re going to have to be in it for the long haul in order to change the current state of affairs.
And that long haul only includes what the Democratic establishment wants only to the extent that it makes sense.
I did what I could to stop Thom Tillis. Unfortunately the Democratic establishment was clueless in this campaign. And my own Democratic member of Congress keeps tiptoeing to the right. Can no longer call him a progressive on much of anything now that he got his ranking membership. He is transparently what he has always been Price (D-Duke University).
The ship sailed on that one long, long, long ago. Like 50 years ago. That’s what massive numbers of white people have been taught to think it is. We can’t convince them otherwise. You either do nice things for them because it’s right to ameliorate suffering, and expect no thanks and no consideration, or you let ’em twist in the wind and wait for them to die off.
Ok, not for nothing, and maybe not quite on topic, but as some may know, I’m currently in Hawaii. Yesterday I went in a tour bus to view the sites.
While waiting for other to file in, I happened to talk this this older white gentlemen who was on the tour with his wife, daughter and son in law. The man and his wife were retired, him union & military, her an “educator”. they were from Washingtin state and Daughter was from Oregon I think. if u have ever been to Hawaii in the past 6+ years, then you know they are very proud of the President and his Hawaiian heritage. So of course, the tour was peppered with tidbits about his visits and landmarks that people may associate with him (i.e. where he stays, where he spread his mother’s and grandmother’s ashes…etc). The tour guide affectionately referred to him as “Barry Obama”.
So anyway, we had stopped in this town along the scenic highway route where you could get touristy stuff and whatnot . so the old man and his family got back on the bus. Another passenger, from North Carolina said to the SIL, “you didn’t get one of those Obama bobble heads…” to which. the SIL not missing a beat said, “why so I can shoot at it?” after which the old man and family all had a hardy laugh at his joke. I had BTW, noticed some “bristling” from the bunch whenever any tidbit about Obama was thrown into the tour even before this.
Now I had just had a perfectly fine exchange with this man, but needless to say, it pissed me off. I’m traveling alone, so I had no one to vent to, but as you can imagine, I couldn’t sit next to this family or group of people anymore, so thankfully the bus was only 1/2 full, so I moved up and away from the lot of them. I did my best to neither talk to them or be near their presence for the remainder of the tour. I’d rather sit by myself than be in their presence or smile in their faces or even try to have any sort of conversation with them.
anyway, just had to share this story, it hasn’t colored my trip, or the remainder of the tour, but it’s still pissed me off so much that I’m sharing the story with y’all today.
Sheesh, you really didn’t have to go to all the trouble and expense of traveling to Hawaii to hear something like this. You could have just come and stayed at my house for free and I could have taken you down to the local coffee shop on any Saturday our Sunday morning.
I know right. I’ve been here since Monday actually and will be here until this coming Monday. It was my birthday yesterday so I decided to read myself some months ago with a birthday trip to Oahu and then VNP on the Big Island.
You have to consider this kind of thing when you wonder why candidates in those states would not even mention Obama or the fact that they voted for him.
It’s a very unfortunate situation, fomented from day one by the Republicans. But the Democrats never figured out how to counter it. The ACA should have worked that way, it still can and at some point probably will, but it hasn’t yet. As others have pointed out, it’s pretty ridiculous when 25% of the former uninsured are now insured, and the Dems can’t reap the political benefits or even mention the name of the guy that brought it to them. In Kentucky, perhaps the single state that benefited the most, they pretend that Kynect is not Obamacare, and probably few of its white beneficiaries even know that’s just what it is. And this is a state whose senator has won reelection while threatening to destroy ACA “root and branch”. Arkansas is similar. It’s beyond absurd.
I agree, Booman, Democrats have to come to grips with the traditional culture of (mostly southern) white Protestants. Even that phrase “root and branch” resonates with hard-assed revolutionary protestantism, which (temporarily) succeeded in destroying the Anglican church in the 1640s and 50s. They still see the liberal white protestants as Episcopalians, and everybody else as papists, Jews, Turks, and savages — the the coalition of elitists, furriners, and n-rs that support Obama.
Here’s the thing, Dems, and I think this is more or less what Booman’s trying to say. You’re never going to change this. You’re never going to explain to them that they’re not voting in their own interests, because they ARE voting in their interests AS THEY SEE THEM. The only thing you can do is improve their lives so they will have better things to do than wallow in spite and resentment. And this is going to be all the more difficult because the Republican Party depends for its very life on that spite and resentment, so their top priority is to keep stoking it. The way Booman suggests is the only way.
And here’s the thing. There is NO rationality to this and it’s not going to be solved by rational arguments. It is pure emotion culturally expressed. The only rationality involved is the cunning manipulation calculated by the politicians and propagandists that cater to those resentments.
Elizabeth Warren understands this. Sherrod Brown, Howard Dean, Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Alan Grayson, Marcy Kaptur, John Lewis, Jim McGovern, Bernie Sanders understand this. These people and others like them are the leaders of the Democratic Party as far as I am concerned, and we have to support them. We can’t afford any more of this diddling around.
Ironically, Obama has always understood this too. But he’s in a position where a large part of the country will categorically not listen to him or respect anything he does.
Hillary Clinton has other priorities and is just not in the scenario.
Actually if you improve their lives they start to think they’re rich and vote Republican for that reason.
Too true. Maybe not for those lifted up from the bottom of the barrel (seniors reliably voted Democrat for decades), but it doesn’t take many steps up from there for them to be convinced that they are “middle class” and therefore, rich, and therefore, must vote with their own kind.
Unions improved many lives either directly or indirectly, just as the Democrats improved them. Union wages helped put many of the sons and daughters of union workers through college. Now these children are Republicans. Their mindset is: “I worked hard and owe nobody anything. I should be able to keep everything I have. All these other people are getting a free ride with my money.”
It’s a very unfortunate situation, fomented from day one by the Republicans. But the Democrats never figured out how to counter it.
That’s they center of the problem.
One of the most common criticism of Obama from the left is that he started in early 2009 thinking he was negotiating with the other party in good faith. (And by “Obama” I mean he and all his top appointees.) The rank and file Democrats were figuratively screaming at him that the ONLY think the GOP was trying to do was make him look bad, period, and this wasn’t a secret – hell, it was in published quotes from most of their leaders.
When the stimulus passed with no GOP votes in the House and 3 GOP Senators – the two from Maine and Spectre, who soon had to switch parties in a desperate attempt to keep his office – unfortunately Obama and team seemed to take this as a sign that they could negotiate with the GOP instead of realizing what they were up against. So they wasted over a year trying desperately to get one GOP senator to sign on to ACA, and ended up with a compromised bill as a result.
Of course, the reason they lost Kennedy’s seat was that while they were doing all this negotiating (and ignoring the fact that the stimulus was hugely insufficient, as Krugman and others had pointed out even before the inauguration) the right was not only firing up the base with crazy talk they were also creating all kinds of FUD amongst the low info voters – FUD which the Democrats never figured out how to counter.
So, they got creamed in 2010. Bad enough, but you figured they’d learn from it, right? Sadly, no. Obama used demographics and GOTV to eek out a victory over a weak GOP Presidential candidate (if they ever get a strong one we’re doomed) but continued to sit back while the GOP narrative about Obama and the Democrats continued to build month after month and year after year.
Deficits! Trillions! The right wing screamed. I’ll bet less than 5% of America knows that the deficit is plummeting faster than what Simpson-Bowles and Paul Ryan forecast for their plans that were supposed to fix it. People losing their insurance and forced to pay more! The right wing screamed. I’ll bet less than 15% of the people know that these were utter lies – or that know that the costs of ACA are lower than forecast – or know that 30 million got insurance. And I’ll bet less than 5% know that GOP governors, with an assistance from the GOP SCOTUS, blocked 3-4 million more from getting insurance just because they wanted Obama to look bad.
The Democrats are utterly incompetent politicians. Any plan to fix the situation has to start by realizing that reality. When any organization is evaluated for effectiveness one of the first things the evaluator(s) do is ask people about their jobs. No, not “how happy are you”, although that may also be asked, but asking them how they get things done. Do they know the processes, the contacts. Do they know the goals. Do they know what to do when somethings not working. Poorly run organizations score poorly on these kind of basic communications.
Well, the Democrats score as poorly as any organization I’ve seen in terms of getting the basic information out there. The GOP, OTOH, scores extremely well on this front. Even though we realize their info (smaller government, lower taxes, strong defense, tough on crime, fiscal responsibility) are utter lies we must also acknowledge they have won the message war hands down.
Actually some Democrats HAVE figured it out, and these are the people that should be leading the party from here on.
Got the gist of this, I think. Would understand it more if I knew the acronym “SIL”
son in law
I don’t think we should allow people like this the comfort of their beliefs in the public arena. In fact, from Day One, we never should have. The man was talking about the President of the U/S. He should have been politely told exactly that fact. It should never be socially acceptable.
I watched my tongue in public about Cheney and Bush. I voiced objection to policies, speeches and soundbites but never real or implied violence in public.
These racist creeps have been given the leeway to behave deplorably because we “respected” their opinion. Well, we don’t. Why should we let them think so? It should be nipped in the bud so they will know (or be embarrassed) not to continue this doggrel in your presence or, if they persist, look like the thoughtless, inconsiderate people.
We as citizens, have been dishonorable to the Presidency and, frankly, betrayed our advances in civil rights by not confronting in real time this disrespect of Barack Obama as person and as figurehead. Ferguson and this week’s election have shown us the truth of MLK Jr’s statement: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends.” Imagine what the Obama family feels like? Have we had his back in our daily lives?
oh I hear ya,but I had just began the tour, so I still had almost 5 more hours with these people.
Ya but… Hawaiians would have loved you putting the crude tourists down. He is the Favorite Son.
How does the saying go?
“It’s only class warfare when the poor and middle class fight back. Otherwise it’s class slaughter.”
That boat sailed with welfare reform and privatization.
Creating common physical and social infrastructure to improve the economy, once an article of American centrism and common sense is now controversial because of taxes. And Republicans over 30 years have succeeded in transferring more of the tax burden to the formerly middle class while sending tax cut after tax cut to corporations and investors. And bond issues pass only if they are tilted to affluent neighborhoods.
What Mitch McConnell is saying is that Republicans are going to shut down the federal government except for the military and intelligence community. The GOP and ALEC have moved the battleground to the states, and Democrats have not awakened to that fact yet. And there they are making the same arguments for cuts in services to contract enforcement and law enforcement and “economic development” (dollars for cronies to locate plants in the state and then leave to go do another deal in another state).
And again at the level of counties and municipalities. No new taxes. No new taxes. No new taxes. That is the GOP ticket to re-election every time, the country be damned. And of course the dwindling middle class buys it because they are strapped and cannot handle higher taxes.
We have class warfare in the streets already. Cops are arresting people who are feeding the unemployed and hungry. We don’t have soup kitchen lines like we did in the Great Depression because those charities that still exist are hidden away from more affluent people just as the homeless are hidden away until discovered and rousted to go somewhere else. Plus a lot of unemployed people who would be in soup lines instead are in prison to keep the private prison corporations sucking off the government teat.
Finally, the New Deal benefited from the unified national mass market that first appeared with national radio networks. FDR could speak to the public without some news anchor or pundit respinning his clear language.
Immigration reform is intractable as long as the news media and Republicans lie about what President Obama has actually done. The southern border’s militarization is approaching that of Israel’s Wall. The President has deported people at a faster rate than any President in history. The situation in Central America was allowed to collapse after the coup in Honduras that marked Hillary Clinton’s first crisis. US economic issues and the “drug war” have chewed up Mexico and Central America once again. Deportation sends some people back to be killed. And this is the situation of chaos the Republicans want preserved in order to create a string of failures for this President. And the public voted for continued betrayal by the GOP because donkeys.
This country is going to get further class warfare. It will look like what Michigan is doing in Detroit, Benton Harbor, Pontiac, and Flint–the disempowering and empoverishing of Democratic constituencies. It will look like what’s happened in Wisconsin and with teachers in almost every state, including Cuomo’s New York and Corbett’s Pennsylvania.
The message from the Republican Party is increasingly this: The Democrats are unwilling or unable to protect minorities. Join us or die.
Finally, when you say “the Democrats”, exactly who are you talking about now? The rank-and-file voters who have faithfully voted for Democrats for decades? Democratic political office-holders? The Democratic Congressional Caucus? The Democratic committees and their staffs? The consulting firms that are branded as Democratic? Who?
You lay out a depressing scenario. It would appear the democrats will forever be a minority party, if the world revolves around local tax revenue. Detroit will be the model. In my neck of the woods the democratic candidates lost by a two to one or better margin. I wonder why I even bother. But it is even worse. The democrats don’t really have anyone to vote for, very dull and almost withdrawn it seems. Then to your point on taxes, the word is out no more new taxes, in fact they want a reduction. Piketty may be right but he does not poll well among white men.
So what are the democrats to do to gain relevance? For one they need to stand clear of taxes for the most part, at least at the national level. I hate to keep saying this but progressives need to get smart about money and understand that taxes are not always needed. At the present time the deficit is virtually meaningless. It is a zombie issue as someone here said. We need to double down on that. It may be time for the federal government to help local communities like Detroit, as well.
Turning to candidates, there is a dearth of acceptable candidates for office. Personally, I am having a difficult time accepting HRC since I question both her progressive commitment and her knowledge of government finance (which I think is now a critical criteria for democratic office). But the candidate problem is not only at the national level but at the local level. Many offices here at my level go unchallenged for want of any candidate at all.
One short story and I will quit. A neighbor kid across the street put out signs for office and won unopposed. It makes me wonder if anyone really cares anymore.
Did you see this:
Matt Stoller posted it earlier today. Everyone needs to read it.
Crap, try again:
Excellent article of hidden history.
This especially, the conclusion:
Two-thirds of state legislative seats and gridlock in Washington. Guess where domestic policy is being made. And progressives have been so focused on capturing the Presidency for the past 46 years that they have ignored the “small-bore” politics that affects people’s lives.
And progressives have been so focused on capturing the Presidency for the past 46 years that they have ignored the “small-bore” politics that affects people’s lives.
Where is the proof of this? I hear it alot but little proof. Maybe progressives just don’t have the money to compete everywhere. And no, Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg aren’t progressive. How many billionaires are actual progressives and not just GOPers that can’t stand the religious right?
The proof is in the fact that two-thirds of the legislative seats in the country are in the hands of the party that represents less than half of the American people. When was the last time, except for the Wisconsin recall, that much progressive attention was paid to legislative races? But speculation about Hillary? That’s a different matter.
It’s not that progressives don’t have the money to compete everywhere, it’s the totalitarian tenor of the social interactions in the communities in which Republicans have a 55% or more presence. And the feelings of intimidation that progressives in those communities feel. Progressive forced to stay silent in order to keep peace in their immediate or extended families, to avoid being fired by their employer, to avoid being excommunicated by friends and co-workers.
And at the smallest small-bore level, progressives have left city and county offices mostly to the agents of real estate developers who use them to play games with zoning and subdivision regulations. Or to the big city machines that increasingly are shutting schools, failing to keep up with infrastructure improvements, or engaging in speculative financing that backfires in order to try to avoid raising taxes on businesses and the rich.
And no one it seems is trying to figure out how to beat a media saturation attack in an election. The money goes for media. The media mostly intends to suppress the vote to the true believers or create unconsciously delivered doubts about what facts are true or the character of the candidate. Campaigns without media, short of direct bribery, require less money to win.
Class warfare does not work. For one reason, racism.
Take KY: they love Kynect, they hate Obamacare. Both are the result of the Black President; one is associated with him and the other is not. In point of a fact, a conscious decision was made NOT to associate Kynect with Obamacare in order to convince people to sign up.
Institutional racism serves a real purpose; to prevent the lower class from banding together against the 1%. And if you were black you’d know there are parts of this country were a white man will crawl through glass and die before he acknowledges the humanity and equality of a black or brown man or woman. Which is why the important thing to do is follow the President’s path: win without the support of the racists. Invest in expanding the electorate; and ignore the desperate need to appease white racists. Ignore them and shine a light on them; that pulls a lot of folks who may subconsciously agree to the Dems because they don’t want to be a party to the Neanderthals.
Another clear example why your class warefare angle doesn’t work: CO and the wage measures. They vote in a man to the senate AGAINST raising the minimum wage and then vote to do so themselves.
People need to take a deep breathe and look at the demographics of this country; the President won substantial victories TWICE for a reason. He respected this country and ran a campaign for America and emphasized his desire to grow the electorate and called on people to vote. If anything, this shows Democrats should invest in building up their Latino, AA, Asian, and female bench. And instead of Hillary: Klobachar or Warren should be considered to be pushed to run. Because, Hillary, is old news. She can win. But she won’t reassure the whites as you imagined; no one will. So stop worrying about them.
No, you have to worry about them. That’s exactly the problem/
Booman’s right, the Democrats need to move from race-based to class-based policy. It’s not going to hurt minorities. People don’t only fit into one category.
The class warfare is top-down, and it’s been going on for a long time. The biggest lie is that our redneck friends are “privileged.” And with that the Republicans can have their tribal allegiance while continuing to steal from them like they do from everybody else. The only “privilege” they have left is to be racist, and that’s why they are.
The fact is, not too many people in this country are particularly privileged any more.
I accidentally reversed two sentences: it should have read:
The biggest lie is that our redneck friends are “privileged.” The only “privilege” they have left is to be racist, and that’s why they are. And with that the Republicans can have their tribal allegiance while continuing to steal from them like they do from everybody else.
That is a substantial material privilege when facing a cop with a warrant for your arrest, or just facing a cop in general. It is not nothing.
It’s not nothing, but it doesn’t get you a job.
The Democrats ALREADY have class based policies; they’re very popular across the board. The problem for some, as booman delicately put it, is that a dark face is delivering the message.
So, the party ran from the middle class policies that put Barack Obama in office in 2008 and helped him retain his seat in 2012. I saw a quote in Time from a Republican strategist about how Udall NEVER mentioned the economy; he did nothing to bring his base out.
Democrats have the bigger base: it’s darker, yes. But it’s bigger across the board. Which is why, in a midterm election, with the terrain favoring the Republicans, they still spent a shit load of money.
Money has diminishing returns; good messaging is priceless and goes everywhere. Democrats need to get off this white savior bullshit and start fighting for the policies they have always championed and working to get their voters to the polls rather than chasing Regan Democrats that no longer exist.
So will those Democratic millionaires do it?
The minmum wage/GOP splitter does make sense. The idea is the current economy doesn’t work for them so they raise the minimum wage but also boot the incumbents out because the existing system is not working.
I disagree. Udall campaigned as Republican-lite. He did not campaign on the economy which was the number one issue; he lost narrowly.
This was a base election. Democrats left the number one man who could energize their base at the sidelines.
They allowed the MSM and Republicans to get into their heads and thought that calling POTUS in at the last minute for a few get out the vote rallies would be enough.
It wasn’t.
They ran from him 2010 and in 2014; they lost both times.
Hagan didn’t run but still lost but she was also much closer than some of the others. I agree it was a mistake to run away. Voters aren’t that stupid. As much as Dems didn’t want it to be about Obama it was. It has been since Iowa 2008 for good or I’ll. The best path there is to stand up for your selves. Don’t make people embarrassed to vote for you. Did anyone in KY think Grimes didn’t vote for Obama?
From what I know Udall it was a campaign heavy on social issues which isn’t the nu!Ber 1 issue as you said.
But what I said I stand by.
Hagan benefitted from the GOTV efforts of the Moral Monday movement, but her inactivity in office gave her nothing to run on.
Well, sure. Why not? It’s not as if Congress was ready to increase the minimum anyway. Might as well send another guy there that will make it impossible to raise it.
But the lunacy or being suckers for a nice face didn’t stop there.
H.R. 1091: Life at Conception Act
Cory Gardner, co-sponsor
Status: stalled somewhere in the House
Colorado Personhood Initiative, Amendment 67 2014. Defeated 1,248,076 to 681,246. That was 64.69% opposed.
So naturally, they also elected Cory Gardner. To team up with Tillis and Ernst to get a “Personhood” bill in the Senate? Voters say they want Congress “to do something.” Apparently even if that “something” isn’t anything they want.
Excellently done. The policy is now completely divorced from the party advocating it. Rational politics has become impossible.
They will not vote for a multiracial party. They simply won’t. Plus, they hate the rest of the Dem coalition as well—gays, feminists, etc…their hatred of the party’s voters trumps any and every policy however much they may approve it, although few Repub voters will admit it.
Class warfare? Great, give it a try—although it’ll have to be more than platitudes and bromides about “Helpin’ the Middle Class!” (how, exactly?)
But I have to say I wonder if anything will work in the New Jim Crow era ushered in by “conservatives”. When the five conservative activists on the Supreme Court made clear that voting rights aren’t rights, they blew the dam up and inundated the flood plain….and we now will have state after state (such as TX and NC yesterday) with clearly illegitimate elections, another development for the useless and corrupt corporate media to ignore. Basically, it’s a civil war.
SC went heavily for a black GOP Senator. They like their closeted Graham as well, but not as much as they like the black guy.
Who was re-elected as governors in NV and NM? The there’s also LA and SC. And FL re-elected a creature that seems not of this world.
When they say “do something” they mean “do something for the economy so the jobs come back”.
But neither Party wants to do that because it would piss off their fatcat donor base.
Taking corporate money was the Original Sin.
You give voters too much credit for being able to articulate what they want Congress to do. And, let’s get real, most voters have jobs with a reasonable amount of security and incomes above the median.
Seriously, USians rely on advertising to tell them what they want. And the internet to provide them with all the porn they demand.
” most voters have … incomes above the median”
Are we talking about Lake Woebegone?
Does “most voters under the age of 65% …” work better for you?
And would also say that the majority of the retired set that votes has assets that put them above the median even if their retirement income doesn’t.
Actually it implies that the destitute vote in fewer numbers, which sort of makes sense. If my main concern is finding something to eat and a sheltered place to sleep tonight, I’m not going to think much about voting.
The people who benefit most from Obamacare are in some of the “whitest” parts of the country But I saw an article this morning showing how the states that benefitted most from it, like KY and WV, went hard right.
So it really isn’t as simple as dealing with class issues. We have a population that votes directly against their own best interests. That is a different problem than class issues. As I said in an earlier post, there is a strange sense of entitlement among many white men that I know; not that they don’t face very real economic struggles, but that they seem to expect those struggles to be solved without them making different choices. Whereas women, immigrants, and other groups are expected to – and expect to – compromise and are constantly looking for a way forward.
There’s no choice. If the democratic party doesn’t start talking in the clearest possible terms about the deliberately constructed system of inequality, about how trillions have been sucked out of the 99% and given to the .1%, then the democratic party really doesn’t have a point. What’s the point? This isn’t 1976. It’s like the two parties are both engaged in trying to finesse a historical crisis. Republicans are trying to finesse the fact that white majority power is doomed. Their strategy is to polarize and shrink the electorate. This might be a great strategy for 10-20 years. But sooner or later, it’s going to fail. Democrats perhaps face an even more desperate crisis. This crisis is that they cannot construct a strong coalition building narrative through the system of corporate money and national media consensus. They are trying to finesse it by relying on corporate money while paying lip service to the inequality narrative but mostly trying to cobble together a variety of “smart” but inoffensive policy goals. But it’s impossible to serve those two masters. In the short term, yeah, this or that democratic candidate can win, but there’s no future in it. It just hollows out the party. The republican party is the party of white power. And no matter how successful party members and voters are at denying or suppressing this fact, still people know what they are getting. What is the democratic party about? “Smart” corporate power? “Smart” imperialism? “Smart” micro-targeted economic initiatives?
“I hope he won’t do that, because I do think it poisons the well …”
Right. This from a leader of the party that’s been pumping industrial wastes and raw sewage into the water table.
Said the guy who poisoned the well before the blah man usurping a White House took office.
Fascists are amazing in their sheer audacity to lie and lie big.
BY 65-35 voters yesterday said the economic system in unfair. The same voters by 54-41 preferred less government.
The later number has to be reversed. I don’t think people really give a damn if rich people get richer AS LONG AS THEY GET RICHER.
Winning means connecting inequality with declining economic opportunity.
People want a job that that they can pay their bills with and retire with some degree of security. I think the political answer is explaining how inequality makes that less likely.
Your covert assumption seems to be that Democrats are the one’s who are making an issue of race. I totally reject that.
It just so happens that our current president is black – which makes these white folks freak-the-fuck out.
If you remember, immigration reform wasn’t a big racial issue when people like Dubya and McCain supported it. Back then it just made sense.
Democrats need to get over this “battered woman syndrome” that suggests that if we just change, they’ll stop beating us up.
YES, we should wage class warfare. But we also have to continue to be the party of civil rights. If we abandon that -you lose me (and a whole lot of other people) on the alter of appealing to the dying breed of racist white working class folks.
If you despise white working class folks, you will never get their votes. Most aren’t racist by nature. I know you don’t believe it but the Republicans are adroit at whipping up racial resentment. It’s part of their Standard Operating Procedures. White working class people are screwed because CEO’s get greedier and greedier. But Republicans can’t admit that. So they say, “Look, you are much worse off, but it’s because of those Socialist Muslim lazy welfare blacks and illegal immigrants.” As 20th century dictators found, a scapegoat is much more effective than reason. It stirs up primitive human instincts.
Democrats are just as bad, “Look, you are much worse off, but it’s because of those dirty filthy gun loving white men, not because we have been corrupted by corporate money and the revolving door so that we don’t dare do anything for you because Goldman-sachs own us.”
When you know nothing about me and then open w/ a straw man about despising white working class folks, I’m afraid you waste your time with the rest of that comment.
I don’t despise working class folks. But I will not agree to put the issue of civil rights on the back burner in order to attempt to get their vote. That’s my line in the sand.
Straw man?
I take that to mean you despise white white working class people and consider them racist. And as a white working man (old too!) I am offended.
That is the issue. I’m and old Southern white guy, and I will not agree to put the issue of civil rights on the back burner in order to attempt to get the votes of other white guys.
Because I know that as a Southern white guy, the default attitude toward me is respect and privilege and that the default attitude toward my black neighbors and colleagues is all too frequently disrespect and discrimination.
When I moved into a black neighborhood in Atlanta, people did not start selling their homes and moving out. My black colleagues have never been told that they didn’t get a job because of affirmative action and then see another black guy hired. When my children were younger, store clerks didn’t track their movements all over the store.
White working class does not equal racist. I know some upper middle class white bigots. And I know dozens of white working class people who live and work in my neighborhood and respect all of their neighbors.
But I also know some racist white working class folks. I’m not sure they are a dying breed; there is a culture that very actively seeks to preserve the legitimacy of white privilege and does it by spouting forth the worst kind of racist rubbish. They tend to be the impulsive angry types of working class. Middle class bigots in private in private with those they assume are like-minded tell their racist jokes and sneer at minorities who have succeeded.
I said they were a dying breed because that is what the demographics in this country tell us. Its not judgement…just a fact.
BTW, racism is not confined to any one particular class. I happen to think that all white people do/say racist things at one time or another.
That’s why I originally said that I would embrace a focus on class warfare. But I draw the line when/if it means abandoning our commitment to civil rights.
What about racist black people? What about racist Latinos? As more whites leave the Democratic Party it seems we are subject to increasing discrimination. You want us gone? You’ll get your wish.
I’ve seen posts saying “I can’t wait until all those old white men are dead.”
Haven’t seen any posts that say “I can’t wait until all those young black men are dead.”
Haven’t seen any posts that say “I can’t wait until all Latinos are dead”.
It’s only white skin that engenders Progressive wrath.
Hating people because of their skin color independent of actions and views is racism plain and simple. Even if the hated skin is white.
Racism is a power structure. You can’t be black and be “racist” because we all live within structure dominated by white supremacy. They can be prejudiced against white people, but even when they are, it’s still different from white prejudice and racism just by mere virtue of who has power.
Racism is a structure of privilege that uses racial divisions to prevent the uniting of the lower classes by dividing and conquering. The white working class people who are indeed racist are dedicated to perpetuating that division and that power structure. Blacks and Latinos who point out that the power structure exists are being accurate; it is a racialized power structure. That in itself is not racist.
We don’t have a race problem in this country. We have an institutional white privilege problem that was architected by the upper class planters in the 1600s and goes along with a frontier of continual warfare. It was intended in the 1600s to keep Indians, African slaves, and European indentured servants from banding together and overthrowing the planter class by force.
That is still its purpose on the information plantations that are the cubicle office culture of the US. Use white privilege in education and drug laws to siphon off young black and Latino and a few unruly working class white men in the school to prison pipeline. And that keeps the general population complacent. That and the 24/7 threat of layoffs.
White working class people have NO power.
Don’t have a dictionary handy to dispute you, but I think the definition is “believing in the inherent superiority or inferiority of people based on their race.” If one believes people are evil or wrong headed based solely on their being white, that is racism.
Many Chinese believe they are a different and superior species. That is racism too.
With all due respect, just because someone can’t see their privilege, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist or they don’t act as if they have certain entitlements.
Men — not just white men — feel entitled to invade the space of women all the time. “Check her out” either silently or with words or gestures. Yes, some women do put on a show and invite such attention, but most don’t.
White working class men may not have as much privilege wrt to job security and income that they enjoyed a few decades ago in comparison to women and minorities (did they stop corporations from sending their well-paying factory jobs out of state and then out of the country? No, they voted for jerkwad outsourcers), but they still have privilege. Here. (And don’t pay any attention to the Warren Farrell citation — I met this guy and he’s a misogynist that punched around a girlfriend.)
“No, they voted for jerkwad outsourcers”
Everyone did, because that’s all that has been on the ballots.
And I still stand by my original post. If you are going to despise us, don’t expect us to vote for you.
We are not like you women that keep on going back to serial abusers apologizing profusely. I see this as the only significant behavioral difference between the sexes.
Disgustingly sexist. And ignorant. The most dangerous time for a woman is when she leaves the SOB. That’s when they track “their woman” down and kill them. Nicole Simpson had divorced her abuser and he still came after her.
The other major difficulty is economic. Since she doesn’t earn as much as a man — and often doesn’t have a full-time paid job or any job at all because she’s working full time taking care of the house and kids the man agreed to — where the hell is she supposed to go?
As for not “going back to serial abusers” — since white, working class men have been voting for Republicans since 1968 and their income has been relatively flat since the early seventies, how is that not “going back to their serial abusers?” Not many women put up with decades of abuse (no thanks to men like you that blame the victim). And I don’t want to blame the men who have been victims of neo-liberal economics, but it wouldn’t kill them for once in forty years to listen and get a clue.
Sexist? I can see that. It depends on your definition. If sexism is the belief that there are differences, then yes.
I apologize for the sexism and for offending.
phuck ’em.
I hope the President unloads and does everything and then some on immigration.
phuck ’em.
Agree totally, but given his conciliatory record for the last six years, I’m not taking bets on it.
I’m back because the group that falls for every shiny object the GOP throws their way is the White Working Class.
I’m tired of seeing folks coddle them.
I want an actual journalist, the day after the GOP controlled Senate, to go back and find some of those idiots who thought Kynect was fabulous, but were going to vote for McConnell anyways, and ask them how they feel about knowing that Mitch is going to take away their healthcare.
Tired of them being coddled. They wanna cling to their Whiteness…fine.
DONE with them.
what he or she said.
I want the President to go long on Immigration Reform because I want things made absolutely, utterly clear, to the Latino community about who is their ally and who would ship their behinds out of this country if given a chance.
There are a number of Latinos that, seem to me, from looking on the outside, are absolutely desperate to find that ‘ Moderate Republican’.
They want that unicorn like no other.
They go around pretending that the GOP isn’t doing things like the Papers Please law, and telling the Dreamers that they should be deported. They look around and say, ‘ well, they can’t be talking about me’.
Um, yeah, they’re talking about you.
I want the President to go long on CIR, because I want them laid bare, so that there can be no doubt.
They’ve been dogwhistling Latinos for quite awhile, and some just seem to think they’re talking about someone else.
No. They’re talking about you.
So, go long, Mr. President.
Fuck these people BooMan are talking about, because they simply want to cling to their Whiteness. Let them. While we pass them by.
Sure. So what class warfare are you talking about, Booman? Obama had a prized chance — arguably, the best chance we have ever had in decades — to break the rich. Really, break them. TARP was an illusion, the banks were padded by the Fed. Nonetheless, TARP didn’t pass the first go around. It only passed when Obama ran to the rescue. He had his fucking boot on their necks. And demanded nothing.
The minimum wage is great. Expanding Social Security is great. Lowering the Medicare age is great.
None of this matters. It’s like arguing about the top tax bracket of +/-5% (which is also good when it goes up). We need actual class warfare. Seizing the riches’ assets, warfare.
I don’t agree with everything Ian says here, certainly not about Reagan; he’s too harsh and more than a little flippant, but the general point is true: Could Obama have fixed the economy?
Not by himself–with no left wing in the Congress and a right wing that was on strike.
Unless you have some totally executive actions in mind.
Holder might could have taken down the the too-big-to-fail bankers if they ever could get the evidence in tight enough shape to beat them in court. All the other regulatory agencies could have regulated.
But that would have required Obama to stop being a New Democrat.
This is a slice of the electorate that is already perfectly ready to settle for watching their neighbors be beggared, in place of having their own lot improved.
The road to the White House leads through the crab bucket.
Matt Taibbi is back at Rolling Stone with The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase’s Worst Nightmare
Not going to post any excerpts because this is a straight-forward journalistic report that is best read in its entirety. What a joke “Hope and Change” was.
Repeal Affirmative Action based on race, and instead enact one based on incomes under $250,000, with various tweaks, of course.
Watch the fascists’ heads spin.
Earlier this year, I advocated that the Democrats run on a platform something like this:
Now I think that those proposal might also be translated to the state level as well. That legislatively would be a sort of class war.
But from the above thread, I think the gist is that the fact of a multi-cultural political party, such as the Democratic Party has become by default, drives white voters so nuts the reliably vote for the White “Patriot” Party, especially in the rural areas that constitute the areas that have been gerrymandered to have more political power.
And I think the contradiction there might have to do with the fact that current federal law has created a small planter class who benefit from sometimes low-cost public land, immigrant low-wage agricultural labor, and commodity subsidies. But they pay proportionally higher taxes than large agribusiness corporations because the complexity of the tax laws advantages operators who can afford specialized tax lawyers. So the perception, which might be accurate, of these small planters is that they are getting screwed by taxes.
Any class war strategy on the part of progressives must start with a deconstruction of current tax laws and translation into language that ordinary people can understand who benefits and who is getting the shaft.
Democratic politicians consistently do not have the language skills to make that happen (Elizabeth Warren excepted). Note that Bernie Sanders is still a socialist politician who just happens to caucus with the Democrats out of convenience. He could just as easy caucus with the Republicans and make Mitch’s life the sort of hell that Allen West made and Tim Scott makes for the Congressional Black Caucus.
Chickens coming home to roost, are they, from decades of hate propaganda directed against whites in general and white men in particular, and white working class men even more in particular?
Decades of race war propaganda rather than class war?
It was your fucking idea, nitwits.
Keep it up and you’ll lose so many white voters the Democrats will start losing presidentials, too.
Race Propaganda against white people? White men in particular?
Oh, just a new troll, probably from the St Louis area.