Trigger warning
Ferguson, MO. New York , NY. Cleveland. Jasper, TX. And countless other places. It ain’t just the south, this whole disgraceful country is starting to look like a fucking human orchard.
And I will add this as well:
I am so fucking sick of this shit. And not to incite anything, but I honestly don’t think peaceful protest is going to have any effect at all. It took a four-day riot to get the LAPD to change the way it did business. Maybe we need to see New York City in flames, since we seem to have unlearned the lessons of Rodney King.
All I know is this shit has to fucking stop.
Sometimes you have to tear this motherfucker up.
please embed> with html! (great video)
It looks like the “use old embed code” in YouTube is gone again. I can’t find it anywhere, or I would try to post this video.
Here is a link, though
Just sayin’it makes you think why is Joe so stressed about law officers obeying the law.
What are you hiding Joey?”
Lot of killers are narcissists like crazy Joey.
Violence is not the last resort of the incompetent. It is merely the last resort.
Gotta get down to it, soldiers are cutting us down.
It’s why I went to War.
I remember now when I last felt this rage in my gut. It was when I sat in my house and watched for days this shameful moment in American history.
I am as disgusted and enraged today as I was then.
I recall being enraged by both the inaction of a government disaster response and the MSM’s disgusting presentation of stranded and abandoned people as looters and shooters. We watched as 1,400 residents were never rescued and died.
Very misleading (almost incendiary) to say that a four-day riot changed the LAPD.
One long-standing and well recognized problem for the LAPD (other than having been rotten for most of its history) was Chief Daryl Gates (committed to SWAT forces, militarizing the police, promulgating an “us” against “them mentality).
King beating took place on 3/3/91.
Mayor Bradley called for Gates to step down but he refused to do so. The Christopher Commission (set up in April by Mayor Bradley) report on police violence was issued 7/10/91. Gates announced his intention to resign three days later. Except the effective date was left blank. Bradley was by then old and a weak mayor and had done as much as he could to get rid of Gates.
The April 1992 riots left Gates with no where to hide and no political support. Resigned 6/28/92 (almost a year after he should have been gone). But the LAPD culture was resistant to change. The efforts by new Chief were resisted, the Webster Commission confirmed the findings of the Christopher Commission only more so. The election of Riordan in 1993 slowed down the implementation of recommended changes.
The Rampart Scandals along with the Fed investigation, opened 1996, of LAPD excessive force led to more serious clean-up action beginning in 2000 than the riots eight years earlier had.
Ta-Nehesi Coates has a good discussion of the use of violence in causing social change.
Barack Obama, Ferguson, and the Evidence of Things Unsaid.
My own reading of English and European history suggests that every change that made things better for the average people rather than the elites was based in violent incidents that frightened the elites enough to make them change things. Coates gives a much better American historical summary than I could from the Civil Rights Era.
Ferguson and again now New York are examples where the police were protected from getting justice. The perception that the police are not subject to justice like the rest of us removes the general acceptance of the Rule of Law. Peaceful protest depends on general acceptance of the Rule of Law. When it becomes clear that “justice” exists only for control of the population then all that is left for the authorities is intimidation.
The St. Louis Police in Ferguson started with intimidation the moment the protests began. Remember the pictures of the police sitting on top of the military armored vehicle aiming a sniper rifle at the protestors and at the Press Reporters and camera persons?
That intimidation simply inflamed the situation and in my opinion was an example of the incompetence of the police in St. Louis generally. They were literally inviting Molotov Cocktails. A competent police force would have had the ability to bring in force to meet force after it started. That didn’t happen.
that’s the piece I wanted to link to. Thank you, I will use this later.