It will be a test of the right to see if they are as enthusiastic about George Zimmerman assaulting a woman as they were about him killing a black teenage boy. Will they give him another million bucks for his defense fund?
Florida authorities say George Zimmerman, whose acquittal of murdering an unarmed black teen sparked a national debate on race and self-defense laws, has been arrested for allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his girlfriend.
The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office says the 31-year-old Zimmerman was arrested for aggravated assault in Lake Mary about 10 p.m. Friday and is being held at the John E. Polk Correctional Facility.
Zimmerman was released on a $5,000 bond Saturday afternoon. At a court appearance earlier Saturday, he was ordered to avoid contact with the woman, who was not identified.
The right can start by covering that $5,000 bond and making sure Zimmerman has a top-rate attorney. Then they can tell us all how this woman most definitely had her beating coming.
Of course, if we point out that Zimmerman is a menace to society, they’ll insist he’s a stand-up guy.
Or will they?
Steve M’s already got the apologists covered:
Who could have predicted THIS coming from GZ?
Well, frankly, anyone with more than two functioning brain cells could have predicted it.
And many, did!
Georgie seems to desire a prison cell badly. They should take pity on him and let him have one so all the inmates can play with him.
Is this the same gf who withdrew charges against him a year ago? Or is this a different one?
I hate to use pop psychology on someone I’ve never met (and never want to), but as soon as I saw his dad in the media, insisting little Georgie could do no wrong, it was clear where the son was coming from. This is a young man who’s never had to face serious consequences for his actions. I suspect some limits earlier in his life would have done a world of good. Instead, once a bully, always a bully. Sad.
At least prison would keep him away from women. But I bet I know which prison gang he’d join.
Do you have a source for evidence that GZ has been a lifelong bully?
Is this the same gf who withdrew charges against him a year ago? Or is this a different one?
Different one. Someone new.
How does an ugly, unemployed, violent doofus attract women? No wonder most men have a low opinion of women’s intelligence.
GF shouldn’t have been wearing a hoodie.
“Of course, if we point out that Zimmerman is a menace to society, they’ll insist he’s a stand-up guy.
Or will they?”
The time for caring what the right thinks is gone. No surprise that they’ve sold their souls for money but in a break from the past they no longer want to even pretend to care about the rest of the country. It is up to “We the People” – to ignore what they think and fight for what is right by whatever means necessary…
Chances are that the last defense fund has already been blown into the wind. The guy deserves nothing more than a counterfeit Bitcoin defense. And if this is the same girlfriend from the last round she needs heavy duty psychiatric counseling.
How do you get from this in the report:
To this:
Then they can tell us all how this woman most definitely had her beating coming.?
Guess it doesn’t matter that the women in the other two incidents didn’t press charges or iirc claim that he beat them.
Reminds me of the old man that was on a jury with me that made up his own story about the case to conform with his pre-decision that the defendant was guilty.
Guess it doesn’t matter that the women in the other two incidents didn’t press charges or iirc claim that he beat them.
We know what that often means though. George, or wingnut welfare funders paid them off, or what ever. Has he always been a bully? No idea. He certainly has anger management issues though.
Yes, we do. The woman returns to the home because she and her/their children are economically, and usually emotionally, dependent on the man. Not seeing this in GZ’s domestic relationships.
As GZ isn’t employed or likely employable considering that half the public refuses to accept the verdict in his trial, you toss off with no evidence that some rightwingers are funding GZ’s domestic problems.
There are millions of guys like GZ in this country. Not too bright and without any identifiable talents or aspirations. A high percentage of such men once went to work in US factories. The decent enough ones developed skills and kept the factories running and created a stable enough home life with a wife and children. After high school, where have such guys been going?
Amazing that liberal/progressives can’t even recognize signs of PTSD in GZ. Would as willingly drive GZ to suicide as Hoover tried to do to MLK, Jr.
” A high percentage of such men once went to work in US factories. ” I resent the slur on blue collar men.
A valid description isn’t a slur. If you read it correctly, no where did I say I was describing all blue collar workers — only a portion of such workers as they once existed. Not that they weren’t arrogant, dumb, assholes voting for Wallace, Nixon, and Reagan.
“A high percentage” implies “most”. You can say what you want about me, but you are also accusing my father. yes, my father was a blue collar “animal”, just a worthless dago son of those cowardly stupid dago immigrants. He must have been a brute that assaulted his wife. Would it surprise you if I told you he was well-read and often discussed politics, history and world events with us, his two mongrel children? That he even cared about his enemies and worried that they might be fired for for spreading lies about him? ( A position that I deviated from. I told him flat out, “Dad, enemies exist only to be destroyed. Let Personnel get rid of your enemies for you.”) That he adored his wife and children and worked long hours on the night shift for us? That other kids would tell me, “Gee, your Dad is great! I wish my Dad was like him”?
Where did you get your statistics?
PTSD from what?
Symptoms seem easy enough to read. The trauma? From the only decent and objective report from Reuters: George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting, I’d say that killing Martin was not untraumatic for him. That along with everything that came after would be traumatic for anyone other than a sociopath.
Aw, poor Zimmaeman.
Maybe someone will act on your suggested solution and you’ll be happy. Of course, that act will be conscious and willful as is your suggestion.
The tragic results of the encounter between Martin and GZ can’t be changed. None of us know or can ever know exactly what transpired. The only choice open to us is accepting the decision of the jury and respecting our system of justice or continue to demonize and hound a man found not guilty.
Split second, bad and unalterable decisions and accidents do happen. Life changing occurrences that few of us ever encounter. Ascribing fault and blame is not always possible. In such instances, better to demonstrate a bit of empathy and move on. If I/we can’t do it in this case, then who are we to criticize those that can’t do it in the murky cases of Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu Jamal that may have been successfully railroaded?
There are always multiple options. Always.
not necessarily since his emotional state, from what was written about him, to predate killing
Has anyone proposed a Second Amendment remedy, or is that only OK coming from the right?