Was there a moment in time when they stopped being cheese-eating surrender monkeys and we were supposed to give a crap about them?
I guess I missed that.
Was there a moment in time when they stopped being cheese-eating surrender monkeys and we were supposed to give a crap about them?
I guess I missed that.
Cleek’s Law wins!
Exactly what I was thinking. Although it feels more like a codicil, as they are now imagining that progressives hate France, for reasons that they can’t quite define, so…Viva la France!
My reply to this is, all please read this article. http://crooksandliars.com/2015/01/former-conservatives-liberals-need-learn
I was just making fun of a RW buddy of mine on FB about this.
“You spent the last 8 years saying Obama doesn’t represent ‘real America’ and now you want him to go to Paris. Your side ran a whole presidential attack campaign on Kerry’s ‘French’ looks, called the country ‘old europe’,. ‘surrender monkeys’, and ‘cowards’ and now you wan to run to the front of the parade to declare your support for the French?”
Don’t forget “Freedom Fries”.
Presidenting While Black
“The French are all fags, but at least they’re white.”
GOP code of conduct, Section 2, para 3.
(Regnery, 1984)
I mean…really, Booman!
Hes this site been hacked by so-called “conservative” assholes?
Have you personally been inhabited by some kind of right-wing, hate-spewing demon?
I am no defender of either side in this latest terror dance…France is involved in NATO as are all the other ex-colonial powers of Europe, and the Muslim fundamentalists who want to impose their view of things on the rest of the world are mostly the usual violent thugs that hang behind some kind of “idea,” be it Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, the Holy Church of Whatever Denomination You Might Justly Wish To Accuse or the next outlandish public obsession to be visited on the people of this planet.
But “Cheese-eating surrender monkeys !!!???”
What would Ron Paul say!
He’d say this, of course. (Just substitute the word “nationality” for any of the other collectivist excuses for hatred.)
Nice work, Booman. You’ll fit right in when your own worm turns to some form of conservatism…if of course neoliberalism doesn’t remain conservative enough for you.
Bet on it.
You really don’t know the first thing about satire, do you?
But wait….maybe AG really gets it and he’s just doing the George Constanza “opposite technique”. Maybe he’s figuratively ordering up a chicken salad on rye, untoasted, with a side of potato salad and a cup of tea.
Huh? Huh? How about it?
Jean Paul Satire? The famous French cheese-eating writer?
Sho’ ‘nuf do.
Why do you ask?
You mean that lame attempt at humor that Booman put up?
My answer was satire, numbnuts. Booman’s post was just…stupid.
“Stupid” passes as satire in this culture, I suppose.
Go away, fool.
Y’bother me.
You know, it’s OK to admit that you made a mistake.
Shh, you don’t want to interrupt all that self-back patting AG is indulging in. When you’re doing it that way it’s really easy to get a sprain if you’re distracted at the wrong time.
Executing satire successfully requires both a well-tuned sense of humor and a recognizable amount of humility from the satirist.
Those traits are absent here.
Oh, and Ron Paul is full of shit. You don’t get to be non-racist by redefining the word. Especially when you’re a Confederate apologist at the same time.
Finish this sentence…
Nod on, Booman.
Nod on.
I think its obvious in light of all the other major leaders there someone higher than the ambassador was needed to go. They acknowledged the error.
There. It was a dumb mistake on the administration’s part. I know Holder was there but that wasn’t enough.
… the idea of a security threat didn’t make sense either: After all, the security in the area met the standards of so many other leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, combined.
Far-right politician Marine LePen was urged to stay away from the Paris march, and she did. However, Netanyahu is in an election fight with the extreme [!] right-wing leaders Avigdor Lieberman and Naftali Bennett and had to show up when these two invited themselves at the last moment. Netanyahu was rebuffed by president Hollande as he was about to make his (election) speech in the Grand Synagogue of Paris. A real shame.
Netanyahu wasn’t invited to Paris unity march meant for the French citizens …
Not wanted at march of Parisians, just like Marine LePen.
○ Netanyahu ‘was not wanted’ in Paris march | AFP |
Netanyahu’s conduct was widely criticised by Israeli commentators.
“It was embarrassing, not to say disgraceful, to see Israel’s prime minister yesterday trying to push his way onto a bus that he was not supposed to board, making his way determinedly from the second row (where he was placed) to the row of leaders walking in front (which he took over), behaving in a mourning parade as in an election rally,” Ben Caspit wrote in the rightwing Maariv newspaper.
“The reprisal was not late in coming. President Francois Hollande fell on Abu Mazen’s (Abbas’s) shoulders in a close embrace but greeted Netanyahu with a frozen hand.”
See also:
Netanyahu visits Paris synagogue, crowd breaks into The Marseillaise
Fuck off, Netanyahu! French Jews have a “home”.
My piece on Netanyahu at the Grand Synagogue, pour les copains.
When will you guys learn, it has nothing to do with logic or consistency? It’s not a discussion, it’s a syndrome: Oppositional Defiance Disorder.