After being shamed by CNN and others for not sending anyone in their leadership to Selma to observe the fiftieth anniversary of the civil rights march there, Republican House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will relent and make an appearance.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will now go to Selma Saturday to join in the 50th anniversary events.

McCarthy tells CNN he considers John Lewis a close friend, and wants to be there to commemorate the historic anniversary.

McCarthy has been to Selma in the past, and he and Lewis worked together to show the movie Selma to all lawmakers in a Capitol auditorium.

For those of you who don’t know, John Lewis is a Democratic congressman from Georgia. He had his skull fractured by a racist Apartheid Jim Crow cop during the march in Selma.

I have no idea how close McCarthy is with Lewis, but evidently not close enough to have prearranged this appearance before being harangued into it.