I guess Michael Savage needs some attention. As in, “Hey, maybe if I try to start a race war, my radio-show ratings will go up.”

Let’s see how he’s doing…

“The white man is a quiet man and a peaceful man,” Savage said, “and right now the white man is very, very quiet, and very, very peaceful, and like many dictators before him, Barack Obama thinks the white man will remain quiet and subdued forever. Hitler made that mistake; Hitler boasted that his supermen, his Hitler Youth, would easily wipe the floor with the GI Joes that were being sent over…. But it was the white man who defeated Superman in World War II. Let me tell you something else, you push the white man only so far, you’re going to have a reaction like you’ve never seen.”

Savage added that Obama, whom he called a “lunatic” who hates America, is “flooding America with illegal aliens” and pushing for the Iranian nuclear negotiations to irritate and incite white people into a revolution.

What’s cool about the construction here is how the most famous leader of the most famous white supremacist group in world history in put in the place of someone who opposes and oppresses white people. So, like Germans aren’t white. Only GI Joes are white.

So, that’s pretty awesome.

Then it obviously goes without saying that our president is exactly like Hitler, not only in his opposition to white people, but also in being a dictator and a lunatic.

Now, where this gets a little confusing is that it is not clear if President Obama has any Supermen or Obama Youth who are being groomed to be Supermen. But, if I am following along here I think the flood of “illegal aliens” must be the Ubermensch in this construction.

Then there’s this thing about the negotiations with Iran. Apparently, this is being done with the sole purpose of inciting a white race war. This is exactly like when Hitler did…what?

I’m pretty sure that none of this is supposed to make sense beyond the sense that whatever the president is doing is hostile to white people. The details don’t really matter.

After all, if the Iranians are basically Nazis, then this is really Hitler vs. Hitler and white people lose either way.

That can’t be right.

Can it?