I guess Michael Savage needs some attention. As in, “Hey, maybe if I try to start a race war, my radio-show ratings will go up.”
Let’s see how he’s doing…
“The white man is a quiet man and a peaceful man,” Savage said, “and right now the white man is very, very quiet, and very, very peaceful, and like many dictators before him, Barack Obama thinks the white man will remain quiet and subdued forever. Hitler made that mistake; Hitler boasted that his supermen, his Hitler Youth, would easily wipe the floor with the GI Joes that were being sent over…. But it was the white man who defeated Superman in World War II. Let me tell you something else, you push the white man only so far, you’re going to have a reaction like you’ve never seen.”
Savage added that Obama, whom he called a “lunatic” who hates America, is “flooding America with illegal aliens” and pushing for the Iranian nuclear negotiations to irritate and incite white people into a revolution.
What’s cool about the construction here is how the most famous leader of the most famous white supremacist group in world history in put in the place of someone who opposes and oppresses white people. So, like Germans aren’t white. Only GI Joes are white.
So, that’s pretty awesome.
Then it obviously goes without saying that our president is exactly like Hitler, not only in his opposition to white people, but also in being a dictator and a lunatic.
Now, where this gets a little confusing is that it is not clear if President Obama has any Supermen or Obama Youth who are being groomed to be Supermen. But, if I am following along here I think the flood of “illegal aliens” must be the Ubermensch in this construction.
Then there’s this thing about the negotiations with Iran. Apparently, this is being done with the sole purpose of inciting a white race war. This is exactly like when Hitler did…what?
I’m pretty sure that none of this is supposed to make sense beyond the sense that whatever the president is doing is hostile to white people. The details don’t really matter.
After all, if the Iranians are basically Nazis, then this is really Hitler vs. Hitler and white people lose either way.
That can’t be right.
Can it?
Michael Savage’s head: Where every day is April Fools.
When my sons were younger, we had a little box of all these refrigerator magnets, a collection of words to put together in sentences or make a poem, whatever. It was fun and clever, and they enjoyed it. They were really creative and smart.
So here come the Republican pundits, bloggers, whatever. They have a collection of words, their standards, like Hitler, Librul, Israel, bomb, NRA, guns, Obummer, Socialist, Welfare, etc…Every day they toss a handful of random hate words at the fridge to see what sticks. They scoot them around, trying to make complete sentences or even a partial phrase that might make sense.
But they never do. They cannot form logical combinations. They aren’t smart enough to do anything but pile up hate words.
Sadly, their audience is as dumb and hateful as they are.
Meanwhile in Alaska, Savage’s sister is expending maximum effort keeping things safe for Real Americans…
Who advertises on his godforsaken show? Gold grifters?
The only explanation I can think of for such lunacy is that you made it up as parody. Or am I wrong?
Stuff like this is nothing more than the standard chum thrown in the waters of the right wing swamp on a daily basis. And to those who are spending their lives treading in or paddling along those waters, they really don’t care one whit about the fact that it is nothing more than a word salad. As long as the salad is served on the far right buffet and has all the standard ingredients to which they have become accustomed, then it’s an all you can eat buffet, 24 hours a day, every day.
It has all the intellectual nutritional value of iceberg lettuce.
“It has all the intellectual nutritional value of
iceberg lettuceStyrofoam peanuts and ground glass.”FIFY
… Word Salad Bingo.
The words don’t have to make any rational sense, the point is to just get the words out there.
I believe it was Boo who pointed out that waving the red shirt by the GOP post Civil War, eventually lost relevance to voters.
WWII veneration has gone the same way.
Another precious snowflake opinion from Mikie Weenie, the drum major of the pantswetter, chestbeater parade.
The shtick’s past its sell-by date Mikie. But you’re gonna milk it for all its worth because after it’s gone there’s nothing left for you but vaccuum cleaner sales.
“Savage changed his name early in his career from Michael Weiner. He claims that he didn’t want to be known as a typical Bronx Jew – those are his words – and so he came up with a name that he felt sounded a little more masculine.
“Weiner knew that he wasn’t the only one suffering from severe insecurity about his own masculinity, and so he began his talk radio career by exploiting the irrational fears of other right wing crybabies. Weiner drew on his own experiences dealing with insecurities to help manipulate his audience.”
Left unsaid is that President Obama is as much white as he is black. But why mess up a good rant with some attempt at logic.
Savage is barely a pimple on the ass of rightwing radio. Best to ignore him.
Schumer OTOH is major trouble for liberals that don’t want the US to be a pimple on the ass of Israel.
Even Schumer must pay attention to the views of his constituents and New York Jewish Democrats are discovering ever more reasons to not be comfortable with Israeli policies. Netanyahu risks alienating even the carefully cultivated Schumers of the world. That’s why his policies in the last few years are so insane, so short time, so strategically suicidal.
But, but, but — Obama = Hitler!!!
He’s not communicating facts or supporting with logic, he’s communicating feelings. I’ve learned (the hard way) that when dealing with MBTI Feelers if you want to communicate with them truly then you have to communicate on an emotional level. Facts may/will get abused in the process – and to those of us for whom facts and details are sacrosanct that is utter blasphemy – but it is how Feelers communicate. I had to learn this from constantly correcting Feelers factual errors just to be rebuked by them telling me that I didn’t hear them. I was focused on the facts – they were focused on the feelings. So I’ve learned that before I correct their facts I have to acknowledge their feelings. It’s completely weird and illogical to me, but it’s how they communicate soI’ve learned to adjust and to recognize Feeler communication when I see it.
Calls to mind the following, from Infinite Jest.
We aren’t the intended audience. We listen critically, analyze what we’re hearing, and draw conclusions based on logic and experience. The intended audience hears certain words or phrases, and from long conditioning, knows how they are supposed to feel.
Savage’s incoherent word spew isn’t supposed to be comprehensible on a level we’re accustomed to. The medium and the message are supposed to incite certain feelings in the intended recipients. I think it is meet and proper to ridicule Savage and his ilk, but it is a mistake to ignore it entirely. Persons marinated in this message year after year, are like culturing little petri dishes of hatred and rage, and sooner or later pop in our society with deadly consequences.
Again we are reminded that the radical GOP is full of awful people. They are our fellow citizens. Why do we want to help a country where such views are common?
I would never know about this except that Mr. BooMan tells me about it. Does he want me to hate this Savage? Instead, I just figure america is not worth my time… not worth saving.
Is that the goal of this post?
No, we’re pointing and laughing at the clown, Neil.
The views that Savage expresses here are not common at all; certainly not common enough to start the race war he wants so badly. If these views were common, you would experience them each day and wouldn’t have to discover them here at the Frog Pond.
As Boo points out, Savage’s offensiveness is borne from a desperate need for attention in the face of sinking ratings and doomed relevance. Within a few decades, the day will come when trying to harness implicit racist calls for political profit will no longer work. In fact, it’s clear that explicit racist calls like the ones here will not gain political profit today. It’s hard to even get upset with Savage’s call to arms here; people who go out and try to organize political action by using this rhetoric will convince almost no one.
The better future which is coming is worth working and waiting for, and that future exists today in many areas of the country.
Barack Obama is the President, after all.
Ah, remember the Little Green Footballs or Late German Fascists game? Heh.
First, there is no liberal media.
Second, as an American Indian, the undesirable, illegal aliens who arrived on these shores arrived in the 1600s.