Yemen flight to save your life from bombed airport – Kenya 148 killed at university, 7 hour delay in armed security, terror inside Muslim community – Libya establishing IS inside and struggle of warlords arms trafficking into African states such as Boko Haram – Tunisia and Egypt reasonably stable though far from a democracy, human rights or freedom of speech – Iraq the growth of AQ in new form of IS, the fall of Mosul, the mass graves of Tikrit, Sunni-Shia divide – Lebanon a mess due to refugee problem from Syria – Turkey growing into a new dictatorship of Erdogan, suppression democratic rights, H.R. and freedom of speech – Syria on the edge of becoming a terror state with Al Nusra and IS destroying Free Syrian Army and the Assad forces, Christians awaiting persecution and massacre.
What is the reading from a spokesperson at the US State Department: Syria can be resolved today if Assad steps down. Really? At least our only democratic ally in the region appreciates US policy: Israel.
My recent diary – ISIS to Bush-era Iraq invasion – Unintended Consequences.
The website has its account “suspended.” The neocons have successfully reached out to liberal interventionists based on the R2P doctrine to continue regime change in the Middle East through covert means of the colour revolutions, NGO internal meddling and any other means [economic sanctions] to attain their goal. The Obama administration in its first term was very compliant. The goal to make Russia a pariah state has succeeded quite well and it’s discretionery policy to protect key allies like Israel, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia has, on the surface, succeeded. But for how long?
The New American Century: Rest in peace
The Asia Times | by Jim Lobe |WASHINGTON – Is the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which did so much to promote the invasion of Iraq and an Israel-centered “global war on terror”, closing down?
In the absence of an official announcement and the failure since late last year of a live person to answer its telephone, a Washington Post obituary would seem to be definitive. And, sure enough, the Post quoted one unidentified source presumably linked to PNAC as saying the group was “heading toward closing” with the feeling of “goal accomplished”.
In fact, the nine-year-old group, whose 27 founders included Vice President Dick Cheney and Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, among at least half a dozen of the most powerful hawks in the George W Bush administration’s first term, has been inactive since January 2005, when it issued the last of its “statements”, an appeal to increase significantly the size of the US Army and Marine Corps to cope with the growing demands of the kind of “pax Americana” it had done so much to promote.
As a platform for the three-part coalition that was most enthusiastic about war in Iraq – aggressive nationalists such as Cheney, Christian Zionists of the religious right, and Israel-centered neo-conservatives – PNAC actually began breaking down shortly after the invasion of Iraq.
It was then that the group’s predominantly neo-conservative leadership – Weekly Standard editor William Kristol, PNAC director Gary Schmitt, and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace analyst Robert Kagan – began attacking Rumsfeld, in particular, for failing to deploy enough troops to pacify Iraq and launch a true nation-building exercise, as in post-World War II Germany and Japan.
It was the first of a number of policy splits that, along with the deepening quagmire in Iraq itself, have debilitated the hawks, forcing neo-conservatives in the group to reach out to liberal interventionists with whom they sponsored a series of joint statements extolling the virtues of nation-building and a larger army, or calling for a tougher US stance toward Russia and China.
R2P post-Libya
So, what does this mean for the future of R2P? Only a year after its success in Libya, R2P’s detractors have fresh grounds to attack the doctrine as an unreliable friend of the vulnerable …○ Leading from the front: America, Libya and the localisation of R2P
○ Obama’s Adoption of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) – A Constructivist Analysis
○ The Dangerous Neocon-R2P Alliance
○ Anglo-American Values Don’t Fit Europe, Time to Protest NATO Aggression
○ James Baker III is bad news for Netanyahu and Israel
○ James Baker III banned a deputy FM Netanyahu from the State Department
○ A grand retreat from confronting Iran? | Haaretz Op-ed in 2013 |
From my diary in 2012 – 20 Years of Failed Middle-East Peace Policy.
All bets are off …
President Erdogan is on a 2-day visit to Iran’s president Rouhani with a personal message from Saudi King Salman delivered by deputy crown-prince Muhammad bin Nayef in Ankara. Turkey has been isolated from its neighbours after aligning with Egypt’s Morsi, Qatar, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. The Syria catastrophe as a major result of the conflict between two regional Sunni powers. Turkey has expressed support for the nuclear framework deal between Iran and the US.
At the point when the Bush organization began campaigning for war with Iraq, they utilized as method of reasoning a meaning of acquisition (by and large importance expectant utilization of power notwithstanding a fast approaching assault) that was increased to take into account the pursuing of a preventive war in which constrain may be utilized even without confirmation of an impending assault. They additionally had the capacity persuade a great part of the American open that Saddam Hussein had something to do with the assaults of 9/11, regardless of the way that no proof of a connection has been uncovered. Thusly, numerous individuals upheld the war on the premise of 1) an arrangement that has no legitimate premise in worldwide law and 2) an absolutely unwarranted case of Iraqi blame.
visit our web site :
○ GOP rebrands for 2016: Welcome to the Republikud Party
○ Hurt by the Israel lobby, Obama kisses it goodbye
I don’t know who this political scientist is, I can’t grasp his writings pro- and anti-Obama policy on the nuclear negotiations with Iran – his articles in Frontpage Mag.
Nevertheless, we should not ignore the fact that what made Iran’s operations in Syria smoother was the weak leadership of President Obama. As President Obama is determined to seal a nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic and prove his Middle Eastern accomplishment and legacy, he has decided to overlook the ruling cleric’s infiltration in the Syrian conflict or any other country in the region. With the acquiescence of President Obama, Iran will continue to arm and fund the Syrian regime and other paramilitary groups. Hence, the civil war and death toll will continue to rise for a time to come.
[Source: Iran and the 4th Anniversary of the Syrian Uprising – Majid Rafizadeh]
○ Majid Rafizadeh of International American Council discusses ISIS in Asia
○ International American Council
○ Majid Rafizadeh on twitter
○ CNN Interview: Syria Solutions, Rafizadeh advocating Arab nations sending fighters outside UN – March 2012
It is Immbosible:?
Fortunately for Hillary, presidential elections aren’t won on foreign policy issues. HC has no achievements there as senator voting FOR the Iraq War and as SOS presiding over the Arab uprising, the decider to overthrow Gaddafi and Assad. HC was a major backer of the Muslim Brotherhood through Turkey, Qatar (Al Jazeera TV) and president Morsi of Egypt. We better not mention her views on Israel and the Palestinian right for an independent state. Clinton PAC funding is tied up with New York and Florida for the major haul.
My gut feeling tells me HC will perform as John McCain and Mitt Romney did in 2012, defeated by young people who want change in Washington DC. USAsians love European royalty, but a political dynasty in Washington DC is a mountain too difficult to climb.
HC will get the women vote, but dependent on the Republican candidate, the Latino vote may decide who the next president will be. The religious affiliation of the Latino voters is close to the conservative policies of the Republicans. A Republican candidate may come from Texas or Florida.
○ Hillary Clinton may get the black vote, but black people’s enthusiasm is not guaranteed
○ What Hillary Clinton Needs To Tell the Jews | The Forward |
○ Clinton weighs loyalty to Obama with distinctions on Israel issues | Jewish Ledger |
○ Hillary Clinton’s Visit to Egypt, Highest Ranking U.S. Official to Meet Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi (2013)
○ Samantha Power Won’t Promise To Back Israel at United Nations | The Forward |