Hello again painting fans.
This week I will be continuing with the painting of the Cape May street scene. The photo I am using is seen directly below. I will be using my usual acrylics on an 8 by 8 inch gallery-wrapped canvas.
When last seen, the painting appeared as it does in the photo directly below.
Since that time I have continued to work on the painting.
It’s funny how one can spend considerable time on a painting without making more than moderate visual change. Such is my progress for this week. I have spent considerable time revising the area between and just above the 2 cars. Note the new lit area on the side of the steps. It makes for a cascade of light when seen with the lit porch posts above and to the left. The foliage to the left of the steps has contours and brighter color. Below that, the sidewalk, curb and street have all been revised. Lit and shadowed areas now alternate as in the original photo. The shadow below the far car has been revised a bit as well. Above, the porch roof and extreme left post have been revised and simplified. Finally, to the left side of the painting, the lit side of the house has received both yellow and blue paint.
The current state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.
I’ll have more progress to show you next week. See you then.
Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.
Paint me a picture of your thoughts.